Saturday, December 11, 2010

Kristi Noem Delivers GOP Weekly Address

This is a perfect example of less is more, in her wonderful deliver and in her message of limited government.

Gateway Pundit and Dakota Voice. And at the Daily Republic, "US Rep.-elect Noem delivers Republican address":

U.S. Rep.-elect Kristi Noem delivered the weekly Republican address Saturday, reiterating her calls to cut spending and reduce the size of government.

The South Dakota Republican said in her remarks that she's encouraged by President Obama's proposal to renew the Bush tax cuts set to expire on Jan. 1.

Noem says small businesses need certainty, and renewing the tax cuts alone won't eliminate job uncertainty.

She also called for lawmakers to repeal the health care law passed earlier this year.

Noem says she's part of a new majority committed to being humble, more modest and more focused in addressing the nation's challenges.
RELATED: At Instapundit, "YA THINK? Political class, Middle America headed in opposite directions on economy."

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