Saturday, December 11, 2010

Creepy Stalker Shows Up at Christianity Today

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, I first learned the truth about a sleazy leftwing scumbag with a creepy crush on me who felt left out when I ignored him:
Geez, professor... I'm feeling left out, here... No replies for me?
That's Racist Repsac3, and ever since it's been one long sickening bid for attention, to the point now where I have a dangerously deranged stalker obsessed with my every word. RacistReppy is a lot like this guy: "Creepy Facebook Stalker Exposed On Twitter." And of course, as I made news with my commentary on Elizabeth Edwards, this dangerous stalker has been following me everywhere. Last week was unreal in a lot of respects --- and extremely enlightening. The left's response revealed the true face of progressive nihilism, and RepRacist3's been leading the pack. It's chilling. Repsac3 is the Mark David Chapman of the blogosphere. Feigning decency, underneath a killer. Some of my readers have warned me, and with good reason. This demon has been hunting me down all week, finding my comments or links to my blog at LGM, Right Wing News, and elsewhere. He can even be found attacking me in the comments at Commonweal! No corner of the web is safe, but the best discussion is at Christianity Today, where RepRacist3 gets called out by reader Dan:
@repsasc3 at December 8, 2010

"I have, I think, somewhat of an odd version of God. I do not have an intervening God. I don't think I can pray to him -- or her -- to cure me of cancer."

"Elizabeth Edwards gave an extraordinarily radical answer: She doesn't believe in salvation, at least not in the standard Christian understanding of it, and she said as much..."

From this article it is not at all clear what Ms. Edwards believed theologically. We do know a few things she doesn't believe, tho. Historic Christian belief for one. How about you just let God sort it all out instead of judging others here or trying to pick a theological fight - which you would lose.
RepRacist3 shows up further down the comments and gets beautifully pummeled again. Folks should read the whole post, but the final comment really sums things up, from Barbara:
Are you yourself not judging this article's author very harshly? And many of us, who consider ourselves Christians, consider this article fair and well-written. The Bible does NOT say to never judge. In 1Cor chapter 5, Paul scolds the church for NOT judging a man for immorality. John 7:24 - "Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."

"Judge not, for we are not God" is not a Bible verse, and is not implied anywhere.
And note something about Christianity Today: They picked up my post because the author, Sarah Pulliam Bailey, thought It raised important issues. And considering the response up and down and all around, that fact speaks for itself. But unfortunately the debate saw more emotional heat than reason, which is why these couple of comments from Christianity Today are important. And to be clear: At this point my concerns have little to do with Elizabeth Edwards' crisis. Indeed, most of my commentary has focused on the larger question of the anti-religiosity of the collectivist left. And that is why the response has been so incredibly visceral. It's exactly as Murgatroyd indicated, "Anyone who disagrees with a left-winger and demonstrates that the left-winger is wrong is beyond all possible redemption, and must be hated with the white-hot intensity of the heart of the sun." But as noted, I relish the challenge. It strengthens me and clarifies my thinking, for now more than ever the nation is challenged. As Douglas Johnson remarked at Wall Street Journal, "it is conservatism which has slipped way past rigor mortis and has started to rot." And conservatism rots when it joins hands with the collectivist left. It winds up on the wrong side of goodness. And thus it's imperative for folks of genuine good will to stay strong. And that is a difficult thing, but my sense is that those who are strongest in faith do not recoil from the challenge. They stand strong and they affirm in prayer that we do right by Him. My friend ZTW spoke out forcefully on this:
I am saddened by the death of Mrs. Edwards, a woman who I probably could not disagree more with on her politics, but as a human being was faced with the same challenges we all are and, according to what she said, had removed God out of her life as a positive factor. There is never a more important time in our life that we need a God to turn to than when facing the end of life. I hope before her life ended that she realized she needed the love, forgiveness, and peace that only God can bring. The words written below have a lot of truth contained within them. Thanks Donald for speaking the truth.
As this essay goes live, RacistRepsac3 has yet another entry posted to the appropriately-named American Nihilist Blog: "Donald Douglas' New Low in Guilt by Association: You Resemble a Known Bad Man, Therefore, You're Bad." And with the picture of John Lennon there, I must say that's giving me the goosebumps of foreboding. I'm going to need a bodyguard.

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