Or near-bankruptcy.
See LAT, "Is Borders heading for its final chapter?"
I used to think about how much the big-box bookstores improved my quality of life. When I was in graduate school (UCSB) I used hang out at Borders on State Street all the time. Especially memorable were the times I met Dr. Michael Gordon, my dissertation advisor, for bread and coffee. It was a lot of fun. Of course I should add that I'm not necessarily crying about this. Both Barnes and Noble and Borders savaged local booksellers, so among a lot of Bohemians (including my mom), they won few friends. Still, there's something in the convenience of always being able to find a good quality bookstore at the neighborhood mall. Strange, in any case. Markets working, and all that.
More at Pat Austin's, "The End of Dead Tree Books Is Nigh."
Plus Borders usually has a good coffee shop inside. Staffed by hotties I might add.