Wednesday, February 9, 2011

CPAC 2011

As this post goes live I'm probably on my way to John Wayne Airport. My plane is scheduled for take off at 7:30am.

I haven't missed a day of blogging since John McCain won the GOP nomination in 2008. Readers may remember, but my wife and I took the boys to Las Vegas for a little vacation --- and I did without the blogosphere for a few days. It probably won't happen again this weekend, but if posting is erratic folks will know why. This is my first trip to CPAC. I plan on taking loads of photos. I'll post some updates as soon as I get a bit of extended downtime. At any rate, I have a hunch there might be some controversy over gay rights again this year. Not so much a Ryan Sorba-style showdown, but perhaps something with the GOProud crew. Seriously. Why is GOProud's Chris Barron talking to Lawrence O'Donnell on the eve of the convention? C'mon. MSNBC? It's not like those folks wish conservatives well. Something doesn't add up, to say the least, and perhaps this indeed confirms the warnings of the American Principles Project:

See what I mean?

So, until later, a little reading from the right --- from the really, truly genuine right:

* Douglas Feith, "Dictators and Hedgehogs."

* Douglas Murray, "
Cameron's Multicultural Wake-Up Call."

* Henry Olson, "
After the Republican Wave."

* Kay Hymowitz, "
Sarah Palin and the Battle for Feminism."

* Lila Rose, "Planned Parenthood NY: Giving Pimps Discounts, on the Tax Payers’ Dime."

And until later, see Midnight Blue's CPAC updates.

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