Tuesday, March 8, 2011

National Palestinian Radio

Bare Naked Islam has the perfect headline, "NPR executive caught on tape bashing Christians and Jews, praising Muslims."

I read
Ed Morrissey's account earlier today. He covers most of the bases and suggests that the discussion on public/private funding is the key moment of the tape. The tea party racism stuff is typically boring, although the section on the need for more progressive elites is pretty good. But by far the most damning sections are those in which Ron Schiller is shown nodding approvingly as actors Ibrahim Kasaam and Amir Malik roll off a litany of anti-Semitic statements. And not only does Schiller remain nonplussed, he laughs at NPR's designation as "National Palestinian Radio," and vigorously defends NPR as untainted by "Zionist" influence. Meryl Yourish responds:
So the Jews Zionists control the media, except at NPR, and this guy, who has a Jewish last name, is only too happy to agree with undercover citizen journalists posing as Muslims offering $5 million to NPR. So, Ron Schiller — are you Jewish? Because if you are, that makes your actions even more offensive.
Yeah. It's pretty bad, but typical for the Israel-hating left. The fact that NPR executives are meeting with a (fake) pro-Sharia outreach group claiming ties to the Muslim Brotherhood is mind-boggling, but again, par for the course. See Washington Times, "NPR seeks funding from Sharia backers."

See also The Blaze, "
NPR Issues New Statement: Exec Put on ‘Leave’ & We Need Public Funding." And Memeorandum.

Updates coming ...


  1. Give Schiller a break. He is making his bid to be a George Soros want to be. Just think of the money he can make emulating Soros.

  2. NPR needs to be defunded yesterday.
