Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Vivian Schiller Shocked — Shocked! — at NPR Exec's Bigoted Attack on Racists Conservatives and Zionists Jews

The clip below's from Big Journalism, "NPR Chief: Point to Specific Stories Where We’re Biased":

But see Kerry Picket, at Washington Times, "NPR CEO dodges questions on NPR willingness to accept donations from supporters of Muslim Brotherhood" (audio):
Following remarks to the National Press Club on Monday, NPR President Vivian Schiller refused to answer my questions about whether or not NPR would be willing to accept donations from any group that backed Sharia law or supported the Muslim Brotherhood ...

And Roger Simon nails it, "The Protocols of the Elders of NPR."

Also, some lamestream media attention at NYT, "
Lawmakers’ Fire, NPR Sees New Setback":
The chief executive of NPR, Vivian Schiller, who is unrelated to Mr. Schiller, said in an interview that she was shocked by the comments.

“I consider them an affront to NPR as a news organization; those comments were really contrary to what we stand for, everything we do,” she said, declining to single out specific comments because she did not want to repeat them.

Mr. Schiller and another NPR executive who attended the lunch, Betsy Liley, were put on administrative leave, Ms. Schiller said, “while we review the situation.” Mr. [Ron] Schiller had been scheduled to leave NPR in the next several weeks for a job at the Aspen Institute, a move that officials said was unrelated to the video.

In a statement issued later Tuesday, Mr. Schiller said: “While the meeting I participated in turned out to be a ruse, I made statements during the course of the meeting that are counter to NPR’s values and also not reflective of my own beliefs. I offer my sincere apology to those I offended.”

Referring to his scheduled departure, he added, “In an effort to put this unfortunate matter behind us, NPR and I have agreed that my resignation is effective today.”
Not reflective. Right.

More at CNN, "
Activist says he targeted NPR because of Juan Williams firing" (via Memeorandum).


  1. How can Schiller state that it was not a reflection of his values when he was in a situation where he had no expectation of privacy so........ what he said had to have substance and value to be stated that openly?
    It stretches credulity to believe as the female Schiller is attempting to deny that which appears to keep "oozing out of NPR. I stopped giving money to NPR, as well as most of the environmental groups I belonged , years ago and for the same reasons.
    Only a very, very, very extreme Leftist or someone who works there could believe NPR is too conservative.
    How many times can NPR keep making the same similar mistakes before one senses an underlying disease emanating from it?

  2. Not reflective of his own beliefs?...wtf. Then why say them. The guy is an idiot and the new firm he's being employed by are idiots for considering him for future employment.
