Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Media Overkill?

Thomas Ricks complains, "No 9/11 column here, but 2 questions: Where are the memorable 9/11 movies? And did we suffer a national panic?"

And following the links there, at Foreign Policy, "The 9/11 Anniversary Reader: Liberals vs. Neocons Edition."

Perhaps there's some sensationalism, but I learn more about what happened every year. The coverage this year's been especially fascinating precisely because of the ten-year marker.

More on this throughout the day.

RELATED: See Zilla of the Resistance, "I Will ALWAYS Be A New Yorker - My September 11, 2001 Story." And Yid With Lid, "The Horror of 9/11, I Remember... But Too Many Others Forget."

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