Sunday, September 11, 2011

George W. Bush, National Geographic Interview: Remembering 9/11

I've been thinking about President Bush. I love him. Not a perfect president, especially on limiting the size of government, but he was the right president to lead the country in the war on terror. And for that he has my enduring gratitude.

This is a surprisingly comprehensive and fascinating interview. Watching the footage and photos from that day, I am reminded just how blessed our country was to have him during this time of tragedy and grief. It's difficult for some to admit, but his leadership and calm helped move us through one of the most difficult times in our country's history.


  1. There art NO perfect Presidents. Only those who meet the challenges of their time like George Bush or those who don't like Obama. Obama cannot even show enough respect for our fallen heros by wearing a tie at Arlington. Even when he is trying to be he just cannot show respect by doing what is respectful for the small time it takes.
    Dress defines what people think of themselves and others! It is like one's signature as opposed to one's writing. One's signature say who you think you are and one's writing shows who you are as a person.
    By any measure Obama does not show respect for America or its people.

  2. It was a great interview, I'll not have the TV on for days, but I didn't want to miss it. His emotion was evident.
    He speaks of it in Decision Points, and Laura's memories in her auto are full of the emotion, the confusion and the horror of that day.
