Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Chinese Toddler Dies Brain-Dead After Hit-and-Run Accident

It's hard to even call it a hit-and-run. How about kill-a-kid and who gives a damn?

Background at China Daily, "Hospital offers little hope for girl's survival."

The child was pronounced "brain dead."

And now the hand-wringing.

See USA Today, "Toddler's hit-and-run case prompts Chinese soul-searching," and Washington Post, "An injured toddler is ignored, and Chinese ask why."


  1. No way I'm gonna watch that video. It's depressing enough. Years of "one child policy" and abortion enforcement sure will degrade a culture and devalue their children.

    So sad.

  2. The drivers and passerby have no hearth????? the passerby are also liable for funishment
