Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Perry, Romney Spar in CNN Debate

Ed Morrissey has a great report, "Who won the Vegas fight?", and also at Michelle's, "Fight Club: GOP candidates brawl on CNN":
Romney and Perry — both flip-flopping squishes on immigration enforcement — tried to out-tough each other on the issue.

Perry resurrected Romney’s illegal alien problem from 2007. (See here for background.) Romney counter-attacked by calling out Perry’s opposition to E-verify.

Bottom line. They are both, in Perry’s words, “conservatives of convenience” on the issue. What is it with the GOP andimmigration cross-dressers? Ugh.

RELATED: At LAT, "Perry accuses Romney of 'shape-shifting,' promises 'unbridled truth'."

VIDEO HAT TIP: Althouse.

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