Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dan Collins: 'To Serve and Protect ... Ourselves'

A Sunday essay, at Conservative Commune:
Anyone who watched the anti-Walker Madison farce had to have been disturbed by the way the Capitol Police dealt with the protesters, preferring not to stand up against threats and property damage, much less mere violations of ordinances. Because they are unionized, many of the cops assigned to keep matters in check did absolutely nothing to stop protesters from interfering with the duties of government . . . even though police were exempt from the limitations that Governor Walker’s legislation imposed on union negotiation for teachers and others. In effect, the police were making a self-interested determination on the merits of legislation. Whether they believed that that legislation bore on themselves directly or obliquely is not relevant to the performance of their offices. Their behavior was Banana Republic stuff.
Continue reading.

ICYMI, Walter Russell Mead, "Occupy Blue Wall Street?" (cited at Dan's piece).

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