Sunday, November 6, 2011

'The Hour is Late, the Time is Now': Mark Levin at Defending the Dream Conference

Everybody's talking about it, so here you go, "Mark Levins Speech at Defending the Dream Conference."

We now have post-constitutional government. A great speech:

1 comment:

  1. DD, I have to say that of all the writers and political talking heads out there, Mark Levin is my absolute favorit. He articulates the conservative spirit and mores to a degree that leaves people that hear or read his words nodding and saying, "yeah! EXACTLY!"

    I really have to say that in this age of waffle house poster children that only pretends to be Conservative, I find his brisk no-nonsense manner and his lack of any tolerance for fools or leftists, though I guess that's redundant, to be refreshing.
