Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mitt Romney on 'The O'Reilly Factor'

It's a good interview, overall. But Romney won't call Obama a socialist, or even consider that the administration's policies are socialistic. He calls the president a "big government liberal," which means he's willing to let the progressive left set the terms of acceptable debate. If Romney's going to win in the general election, however, he's going to need to be firing with both barrels. He'll be eviscerated by the radical left's institutional character assassination machine. I've said it previously and more and more folks are stressing the point, particularly William Jacobson.

1 comment:

  1. Mitt Romney is the John McCain of 2012.

    The "news" media will love Romney up until he gets the nomination and then gut him like a carp.

    When are we going to learn and stop nominating candidates who fight with one hand tied behind their back?
