Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Obama Youth Alienation Forces MTV to Drop 'Choose or Lose' Campaign Slogan

At New York Times, "For Election Year, MTV Drops ‘Choose or Lose’ Slogan":

After nearly 20 years of “Choose or Lose,” MTV is changing the name of its election season campaign.
The youth cable channel’s coverage will be labeled “Power of 12,” a nod to both the election year and the notion that 18- to 29-year-olds have a lot of political power if they choose to wield it.
The name change is, in part, a statement about the cynical mood of the youth voting bloc. While young people turned out in unusually high numbers to support Barack Obama in 2008, MTV’s research into “Choose or Lose” found that many felt they had lost anyway.
“They were so passionate,” said Stephen K. Friedman, the president of MTV. “And then they hit this wall of the economy.”

No doubt NYT's spinning this administration's historic collapse as delicately as possible.

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