Friday, July 13, 2012

Mitt Romney Had 'Absolutley No Involvement' in Bain Management After Departure in 1999

This whole Bain blow-up is looking pretty ridiculous for the despicable smear merchants of the radical left. See Big Journalism, "Two Obama Supporters Verify Romney Left Bain in 1999, Why Won't Politico's Dylan Byers?"

And CNN's John King spoke with Bain Managing Director Steve Pagliuca, who said that Mitt Romney "had absolutely no involvement with the management or investment activities of the firm or with any of its portfolio companies since the day of his departure."

See also Weasel Zippers, "WaPo Fact Checker Gives “Three Pinocchios” To Obama’s Claim Romney A Possible Felon, Says They Are “Blowing Smoke Here”…"

It's not a hard issue: "Mitt Romney Left Bain Capital in February 1999." But progressives have nothing else, so they smear and lie and call people libelous names. Those Obama apologies are in order.

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