Friday, July 13, 2012

Romney Surrogate John Sununu: 'Can You Imagine How Dumb This President Is?'

The Hill has the full clip, "Romney surrogate: ‘Can you imagine how dumb this president is?’" (Via Memeorandum.)

“Can you imagine how dumb this president is?,” the former New Hampshire governor asked Sean Hannity on Fox News on Thursday night. “Introducing the concept of felony into the discourse, when this president comes out of Chicago politics, where felony and politics are sometimes a synonym?”

Sununu said that Obama is the one who has ties to felons.

“This is a president whose next-door neighbor was Tony Rezko, and President Obama’s first big revenue were real estate deals that had odd coincidences in time and space with a felon, Tony Rezko,” he continued. “This is a president whose political training was jowl to cheek with politicians like convicted felons like [former Illinois Gov.] Rod Blagojevich, and this president is dumb enough to introduce the concept of felon into the discourse, with a guy as clean as Mitt Romney.”
More at Memeorandum.

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