Friday, July 20, 2012

Obama Supporters Cheer 'Four More Years' During President's Tribute to Colorado Shooting Victims

CNN reports on what should be a somber moment, "Obama, after shooting, tells supporters 'Such evil is senseless'."

I guess Obama failed at the solemnity part. The crowd is roaring "four more years" as he leaves the stage. Maybe O will schedule a campaign rally at a nearby Colorado university next week, in a much-needed call for civility.

Also, "Remarks by the President on the Shootings in Aurora, Colorado" (via Memeorandum).

Plus, at Weasel Zippers, "Obama Refers to Himself at Least 17 Times During Speech On Colorado Movie Shooting…", and Gateway Pundit, "Obama on Aurora Shooting: It’s All About Me, My Kids and I."

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