Friday, August 10, 2012

Charles Krauthammer: Obama's 'Scurrilous' Attacks Just Might Be Working

I don't believe the polls. Most of those putting Obama ahead of Romney nationally have oversampled Democrats, and they've ignored crashing voter enthusiasm on the left. If the election were today it'd be a squeaker either way, so we'll see on that count.

What does worry me is Romney's campaign. While I was encouraged a couple of months ago when Hillary Rosen attacked Ann Romney as having "never worked a day in her life," now it's like Groundhog's Day with the refusal of Team Romney to exploit the political gifts they've been handed. And while I'm not down totally with Krauthammer that the public's sucking up to the "cancer" attacks, he's right to note how these dirtbag allegations are sucking the oxygen out of Romney's campaign. Allahpundit offer some Eeyorism on this, "Krauthammer: Let’s face it, the Obama Super PAC’s steelworker smear ad is working."

Via Greg Hengler, let’s wind down the week on the most depressing, eeyorish note possible. (You’re welcome.) Quoth the WSJ, “The entire theory of the Obama campaign seems to be that the more outrageous the claim the better, because the more you repeat it the more the media will talk about it, and the lie will achieve a kind legendary truth.” Yup. That’s Krauthammer’s point exactly, and that’s why, per Major Garrett, Obama’s Super PAC apparently has all sorts of nasty, emotionally charged ads already in the can and ready to roll. If you start from the premise that huge swaths of undecided voters are only half-paying attention even at the best of times, then you can do a lot of damage with an emotional ad that omits key facts...
Continue reading.

And see Michelle Malkin's interview yesterday on Fox & Friends. One can only hope that references to RomneyCare won't be Team Romney's first response to the smears going forward. Sure, there's still about 11 weeks left of the campaign, but time's a-wastin'. Romney needs to hit back twice as hard or these scurrilous attacks will be his doom. More are on the way. They need a battle plan.

More later...

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