Friday, August 10, 2012

Priorities USA Hasn't Even Come Close to Hitting Bottom Yet

Picking up on my previous post, Allahpundit linked to this Major Garrett interview from late May, at Weekly Standard, "Cancer Ad Just the Beginning: Obama Super PAC Ready to Launch More 'Incendiary' Ads."

It's clear that Obama's prepared to run the nastiest, sleaziest campaign ever. In other words, he'll do anything to win reelection. On the plus side is that conservatives have exposed the lies, and with skill and pluck, Team Romney will pick up the ball and run with it --- hard.

And there's no better time to refocus than this weekend. Romney's apparently ready to announce his VP selection, as Doug Powers reports at Michelle's, "Romney to announce running mate Saturday morning" (via Memeorandum). Who's it going to be? Robert Costa speculates, at National Review, "From Boston to Janesville" (via Memeorandum):
Take note, veep watchers: Earlier today, a charter plane took off in Boston, stopped in Chicago, then flew to the tiny airport in Janesville, Wis. Janesville, of course, is the hometown of Representative Paul Ryan, a top vice-presidential contender. According to a source on the ground, the plane is still in Wisconsin.

Tomorrow morning, Mitt Romney will visit the USS Wisconsin in Norfolk, Va. For what it’s worth, Ryan is scheduled to be on vacation in Colorado.
Costa notes that Mitt's son Tagg Romney was in Wisconsin today for a Sikh ceremony for the families. But Tagg also met with Tim Pawlenty today as well, in New Hampshire, along with John Sununu. I have no clue who it's going to be, but by gosh I hope Mitt's not too cautious. And I especially hope this is wrong: "Romney's potential running mate: Rob Portman."

Check back. I'll be blogging this story like crazy.

ADDED: Before I hit the post button, NBC's Chuck Todd just announced that Romney will pick Paul Ryan.

9:31pm Pacific: Here's this, from The Quinton Report, "UPDATED: Bob McDonnell (or is it Paul Ryan) to be announced as Mitt Romney’s running mate?"

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