Sunday, September 9, 2012

Conservative Trolling

Lots of folks are talking about this piece from David Weigel, "The Age of Trolling: How a small band of conservatives generated half of the Democratic Convention’s headlines."

Linkmaster Smith offers an abstract take, "@DaveWeigel Nearly Discovers Capitalism, Shrugs It Off As ‘Trolling’." And at AoSQH, "Slate's 'Conservative' Writer Dave Wiegel: When the Conservative Media Reports Stories the Partisan Liberal Press Embargoes, It's 'Trolling'."

And this is good, from "streiff" at Red State, "Dave Weigel: Conservative Journalism = Trolling":

I usually don’t devote much time to thinking about the third tier Democrat enablers who make up much of the press. This includes anyone at Buzzfeed, anyone at Politico, Ezra Klein, Greg Sargent, and, of course, Dave Weigel.

Today I’m going to make and exception for Weigel because his recent article in Slate is really instructive on how the media operates and how it expects us to operate....

According to Weigel, it is “trolling” to report on the Democrats excising God from their platform and their kowtowing to their radical islamist element by not acknowledging Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is somehow “distracting.” He thinks that the goat rope that followed, the booing of the mention on God and the hapless, befuddled Anthony Villaraigosa’s declaring against all evidence that two-thirds of the body had voted to restore both God and Jerusalem to the platform. It is “trolling” to mention a prominent California delegate compared us to Nazis.

In short, for conservatives to report anything that interferes with the organized fellatio of Obama that passed for mainstream media coverage of the Democrat convention is equivalent to internet trolling.

This is what we are up against this fall. We aren’t fighting bias in the media, we are contending with palpable hostility from a media that is viscerally committed to the re-election of Barack Obama.
Well, it's not just "this fall," but otherwise a very nice summary.

And see American Glob, "In Which Dave Weigel Forgets He Was a Member of JournoList" (via Instapundit here, and more here).

Oh, and by the way, some of the most objectionable "trolling" would be that of Yid With Lid and his reporting on the Dems' God and Jerusalem clusterf-k, which Dunetz broke himself, with a boost from the Weekly Standard. See, "Democrats Strip Pro-Israel Language From Platform." So, CWCID. Kudos to Yid With Lid. That was one of the more important stories coming out of Charlotte. Really. A Blogspot blogger handing the MSM hacks their asses? Definitely doesn't fit the accepted narrative.

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