Sunday, September 9, 2012

No, the Faux Family-Friendly Speeches at the Convention Didn't Fool Me One Bit — the Democrats Are Socialist Collectivists In All But Name, Bent On Transforming Society Just as Barack Hussein Promised

See Stanley Kurtz, "Are Republicans Fooling Themselves?":

Overall, the Democrats put on an effective show. With the possible exception of the McGovern convention, this was the most left-leaning Democratic gathering in memory. Some of that may have been counterproductive, particularly on social issues. To the extent that Republicans dismiss this convention as either a failure or relatively meaningless, however, I think we’re fooling ourselves.

This election could go either way. If Obama squeaks by, he will have done so with the help of a Democratic party that has taken a large, open, and disturbingly leftist turn. I think we’re missing the significance of that. It is completely accurate to say that the Democrats are pushing a bogus reformulation of the American way of life — slapping a bunch of flags on their Julia ad and turning classic conceptions of civic and religious community into covers for a cradle-to-grave welfare state. Unfortunately, this way of thinking is becoming the new normal in this country, and Obama and his convention have only helped to cement the change.

Conservatives can puncture these arguments all we like, but we can’t cut through the media filter. More than that, the conservative case can’t break through the left-controlled education system that has profoundly shaped the Millennials. True, youth unemployment is giving many second thoughts about Obama, yet it’s been more a matter of sapping Millennial enthusiasm than of changing attitudes and ideas.

Do demographics doom the expansive liberal welfare state, regardless? In some sense, they do. Yet if Obama is in the driver’s seat as our fiscal woes mount, he will use the crisis to further his restructuring. California is our advance guard — our Greece — yet their budget crisis is two months away from prompting one of the boldest redistributionist transformations this country has seen in years (even if barely anyone knows it yet).

Only the Romney campaign can cut through the cultural, educational, and media filters and force a debate over the Obama Democrats’ bogus redefinition of the American dream. The media can ignore what conservatives say, but they still have to cover the candidate. With the exception of his welfare ads, however, the Romney campaign has avoided an assault on Obama’s ideology. Romney’s entirely plausible strategy is to downplay the ideological battle (Ryan nomination notwithstanding).
More at the link.

And see the extremely radical Booman Tribune, which spews the classic progressive cover for the hard-left's transformation agenda, "Mr. Kurtz? He Dumb."

No Kurtz isn't "dumb." He's just willing to get out there and expose things others are afraid of mentioning. That said, recall the Wall Street Journal also argued the same basic point as Kurtz, "Obama Was Honest When He Said He Wanted to Remake America."

And remember, this is the party that voted three times --- three times, without blinking an eye --- to vote God out of the public realm --- voting against public opinion polls that find overwhelming majorities affirming the role of God in their lives and in the life of the nation.

Plus, at the video above, man-and-woman on the street interviews show Democrat after Democrat agreeing that Americans are part of the government, and by implication not of the civil society that is supposed to form an associational bulwark against coercive tyranny. So, yes, the hard-left Democrats are indeed changing --- more rapidly than most have noticed --- the basic notions of civil society and the social contract. Don't miss Linkmaster Smith for more comments on that, at The Other McCain, "Democrat Transition Into Communist Party Continues Apace."

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