Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy Homosexual St. Patrick's Day!


I thought I was posting on this topic, but Ms. EBL linked this hilarious pic at the Other McCain's:

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I have no clue if that's from today or previously, but it certainly captures the left's hijacking of this traditional Irish holiday.

More at WSJ, "Photos: St. Patrick’s Day Marches On in New York City."

And from Judson Phillips, at Communities Digital News, "St. Patrick’s Day: For liberals the ‘parade’ only goes one way":
St. Patrick’s Day is primarily an Irish Catholic holiday. March 17th is the feast day of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. Homosexuality is still a sin according to the Catholic Church.

So why do homosexuals have to demand their own float and their own banner in what is essentially a Catholic celebration?

The answer is simple. It is liberal intolerance and liberal ideology. Liberals will not tolerate competing ideas. Everything must be subjugated to the greater good. In this case, the left’s greater good is the advancement of the homosexual agenda. It does not matter that the parade is put on by Irish Catholics who disagree with homosexuality. It does not matter the floats and banners might or probably would offend many of the participants in the parade.

Every year, New York City, Boston and other cities where this issue is being fought have their homosexual rights parades. Why don’t these groups simply keep their banners and their floats for those parades?

Better yet, when do you think you will see a float in one of those parades from a group promoting traditional sexual behavior? Or the traditional family? Do you think you will ever see a float or a banner in one of those parades for, say parenting by two opposite sex parents?

Do you think their will ever be a float featuring people like Chirlane McCray, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio wife, who was once a lesbian and is now a heterosexual woman?

No, absolutely not. Because for the left, tolerance is always a one-way parade. Everyone else is told that they must tolerate the far left, no matter how crazy or offensive they are. But Saints preserve, don’t be asking them to tolerate a dissenting opinion.
PREVIOUSLY: "Homosexuals Ruin St. Patrick's Day."

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