Monday, March 17, 2014

Homosexuals Ruin St. Patrick's Day

I had to fix Robert Stacy McCain's headline with my own above.

See, "Gays Ruin St. Patrick’s Day":
Evidently, it is not enough to have a Gay Pride parade every June. Now every parade must be a Gay Pride parade.
"Gay" is a misnomer, as folks well know. They're homosexuals, and they don't like you calling them homosexuals, because it more accurately describes their deviant sexual behavior. That said, they're definitely ruining this day. (Also at TCOTs, "A Special ‘Thank You’ to All the Homosexuals Out There.")

RELATED: From Andrew "RAWMUSCLEGLUTES" Sullivan, "The Hounding of a Young Gay Writer":
Could it be because they ["these harrumphing lefties"] don’t actually want to continue the dialogue with people of faith, but rather seek to leverage the growing majority in favor of gay equality to rhetorically bludgeon the “bigots” into submission, to create a world in which they call the shots the way homophobes used to? Could it be that they enjoy policing the discourse now that they seem in the majority? This latest surge of gay intolerance needs to be beaten back as forcefully as the anti-gay right’s cornered animus. It’s particularly brutal when that intolerance is directed at a young gay writer whose work and life are being trashed as somehow illegitimate. If anything is anti-gay in this kerfuffle, that is.
Hmm, could it be?

Yes, that is the question for the freak leftist thugs. And Democrats. The assholes.

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