Monday, July 7, 2014

VIDEO: Third Planeload of Diseased Aliens Lands in San Diego: Official Gag Order Clamps Down on #Murrieta Information

Here's the latest from KGTV-ABC News 10 San Diego, "Third immigrant plane lands in San Diego" (VIDEO):
SAN DIEGO - A third plane filled with Central American immigrants landed at Lindbergh Field Monday morning as protests continued at the Border Patrol station in Murrieta.

Three Department of Human Services buses shuttled them from the plane to one of San Diego's Border Patrol stations. The first plane from Texas carrying 140 immigrants arrived July 1.

The immigrants were then transported to the Border Patrol facility in Murrieta. However, the buses were blocked by protesters and forced to head back down to a facility in San Ysidro.

The second plane arrived Friday, the immigrants were bused to a BP facility in San Ysidro.

Ron Zermeno, a Border Patrol union official, told 10News last week that 40 of those immigrants on the first plane were quarantined at the BP Chula Vista Station with active scabies and head lice.

The rest were processed through other BP facilities and released. Zermeno later disclosed that a BP agent who had being processing immigrants had contracted scabies.

On Sunday, Zermeno told 10News that BP had placed him under a gag order.

 “As long as they send the bodies up there (Murrieta) to be processed, there will be no agents patrolling, and that's what the agency doesn't want me to say,” Zermeno said.

"Agents are tired, I know agents are being pulled from different areas to help processing," said Gabe Pacheco Monday, a BP spokesman.
Meanwhile Breitbart updates on the situation in Murrieta, "Murrieta Residents Preparing for Riot Squads, Ready to 'Be Detained'":
HOUSTON, Texas--A busload of illegal immigrants is expected to show up in Murrieta, California in spite of a furious group of residents who claim their town is no place for the migrants.

On Sunday Breitbart Texas broke the news that federal agents accompanying the bus will have riot gear and shields, in order to push back the crowd. Despite this, the protesters have no intentions of backing down--rather, the group is preparing for a showdown that one resident told Breitbart Texas "might get ugly."

Sources on the ground in Murrieta told Breitbart Texas that many protesters have already gathered in the town this morning in anticipation of the busload. Law enforcement is there, too.

"There are at least 60 officers here," John Henry, a Murrieta resident since 1991, told Breitbart Texas. "Most of them are local law enforcement like the Murrieta Police and others from the Riverside Country Sheriff's Office. But I have seen at least 10 or 15 federal agents here as well."

He added, "There was also a fire truck pulling a 20 foot trailer as well. I would assume it is for medical purposes."

Henry said that, according to "rumors," planes carrying illegal immigrants are expected to land at 11 a.m. PST. He mentioned that it takes about an hour to drive from the airport to the protest grounds in Murrieta.
Check the #Murrieta tag on Twitter or more information, and also @AmPowerBlog. I'll be on the ground later and will update with original reporting.

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