Monday, July 7, 2014

#Murrieta Patriots Repulse Aztlán Open-Borders Brownshirts: 3rd Round of Buses Rerouted to San Ysidro

Although no Border Patrol buses rolled into the Murrieta station today, heated protests broke out at the front entrance to the processing center, and various reports indicate that federal officials are looking to outlast the patriots and resume shipments of diseased aliens to the town.


MURRIETA, Calif. (KABC) -- Protesters on both sides of the immigration debate gathered again in Murrieta on Monday over the anticipated arrival of more buses carrying undocumented immigrants.

The buses departed Lindbergh Field in San Diego County at about 11 a.m. and headed southbound on the 5 Freeway. When news came that the buses went to Chula Vista, many protesters viewed it as yet another victory.

"I think they're not bringing them here because we're taking a stand," said Vicki Doran of Murrieta. "They saw this stand that we were taking. I think they knew that it could turn ugly. We hope not, because we don't want that."

The issue has been ongoing since July 1, when crowds forced buses full of families and children to be diverted to another location.

Buses were expected again on Fourth of July, but they never arrived. Monday was the third day that buses were expected. Authorities are trying to deal with tens of thousands of immigrants who have flooded across the U.S. border through the Rio Grande Valley.

Many of the immigrants are children. In all, there were close to 200 protesters outside the Border Patrol facility in Murrieta, most of them opposed to processing the undocumented immigrants there.

"The American people have a right to be angry because they see all of this that's taking place," said James Bacas of Redlands. "This is an expression of anger."
I arrived on the scene sometime around 3:00pm. The two protest groups were not separated. Indeed, as I spoke to a young pro-amnesty supporter and indicated that the land wasn't "stolen" from the indigenous peoples, a swarm of open-border thugs got up in my face, spewing hatred, dropping f-bombs, physically threatening me. I stepped back to tweet some photos and Vine clips, and things escalated from there. Police soon cordoned off the protesters with yellow tape. It was a very big show of force, including heavily armed Border Patrol agents working to keep a riot from breaking out. I had lots of news cameras in my face throughout the afternoon, especially after protest groups squared off from behind the barriers. I denounced the Aztlán hordes as un-American, as well as their treasonous dual loyalty to Mexico. Their group was spewing epithets at the patriots gathered opposite them, including numerous allegations of racism.

It was pretty heated out there.

There's more reporting at Liberty News, "BREAKING – DAY 7: Murrieta – 3, Obama’s Foreign Invasion of the U.S. – 0… Feds Forced to Abandon Murrieta Facility for Third Time!", and "LIBERTY NEWS EXCLUSIVE: Murrieta Mayor Alan Long Discusses Diseases and Other Problems Brought By Obama’s Invasion Of Illegal Immigrants (VIDEO)."

And from my good friend Douglas Gibbs, at Canada Free Press, "The Real Illegal Immigration Agenda in Murrieta."

Check back for all the latest on Obama's Alinskyite manufactured immigration crisis.

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