Monday, July 7, 2014

Aztlán Open-Borders Brownshirts Threaten Violence at #Murrieta Illegal Alien Protest

These people are seriously vicious thugs. Go back to my last post, "#Murrieta Patriots Repulse Aztlán Open-Borders Brownshirts: 3rd Round of Buses Rerouted to San Ysidro."

As I was talking to the young blond woman in this Vine, a couple of the hardcore Aztlán thugs came over and got in my face. My friend Victoria Taft was on the ground and got this photo, just seconds before the chunky bitch with the buttons started going ballistic. The blond woman had started cussing, saying "No way, I don't believe this," and rolling her head back in rage as I debunked the left's lies about "stolen land." The chunky bitch gets up in my face, screaming "She's my best friend, f-k you!!" Another woman came over wearing some kind of "fight cancer" shirt, and she had a hospital mask over her face. She started yelling at me too, but I told her I couldn't understand her with the mask on (because I read lips). And I said "get your diseases out of my face!" Oh boy, that really sent these goons off. I put my hands behind my back at that point, hoping the bitch would strike me. She would have been arrested for assault on the spot.

Leftists are the worst people. Their anti-American hatred and violence sets back their cause, as if it wasn't bad enough already, the dirtbags:

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