Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Were American Indians the Victims of Genocide?

Native Americans were not victims of genocide. Even to suggest such throws the open-borders collectivists into fits of rage, bordering on heinous violence.

As I was talking to the blond woman yesterday I mentioned that there's at most one example of settlers deliberately trying to infect Indians with smallpox (and the evidence for that alleged single incident is thin). See Guenter Lewy, at Commentary.

You can't use reason with collectivists. They're ruled by emotion, and hatred in particular.

PREVIOUSLY: "#Murrieta Patriots Repulse Aztlán Open-Borders Brownshirts: 3rd Round of Buses Rerouted to San Ysidro," and "Aztlán Open-Borders Brownshirts Threaten Violence at #Murrieta Illegal Alien Protest."

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