Monday, November 16, 2015

François Hollande Proposes New Security Measures to Fight Islamic State (VIDEO)

At the Wall Street Journal, "France’s President Proposes Measures to Fight Islamic State":

PARIS—French President François Hollande on Monday vowed to adopt hard-line security powers in an attempt to reassure a nation traumatized by the Paris attacks that left at least 129 people dead.

The president said he wants Parliament to update and potentially expand his powers under France’s state-of-emergency statute while extending the current state of emergency for three months.

The Socialist leader also signaled a shift in foreign policy by proposing a single alliance with Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Barack Obama to combat Islamic State, the militant group Mr. Hollande says carried out the massacre.

“France is at war with jihadist terrorism that threatens the whole world,” Mr. Hollande said after observing a minute of silence with senators and lawmakers.

The French leader called for a United Nations Security Council meeting and assistance from other European countries provided under European Union treaties, as he seeks to repel further terror attacks.

Mr. Hollande’s first-ever address to both houses of Parliament charted a comprehensive overhaul of the country’s security policies at home and abroad that could require changes to the constitution.

His martial language at the Château de Versailles—once home to the French monarchy—indicated Mr. Hollande is preparing the country for potentially draconian policies, such as expelling foreigners considered a threat and stripping French nationality from dual-nationals involved in terror activities.

The president’s 45-minute speech was received with a standing ovation from all political sides and a rendition of the national anthem, “La Marseillaise.” But civil-liberty advocates quickly raised concern over his intentions.

“If you give the president powers that have been reserved practically for civil war, that is extremely serious,” said Adrienne Charmet, campaign director for French digital-rights group la Quadrature du Net.

Created during the Algerian war in 1955, the state of emergency gives authorities far-reaching powers, including banning travel in certain areas, shutting shops and concert halls.

The interior minister can ban people from leaving their homes, and the state can take “all measures” to control the press and radio. Searches can be undertaken without a judge’s approval, and those who refuse to comply can be fined and held in custody for as long as two months.

To account for technological advances since the 1950s, Mr. Hollande asked lawmakers to update the state-of-emergency law on confining individuals to their homes and search seizure. Faced with a war on terror, constitutional laws relating to wars on foreign soil should be updated so the president can take exceptional measures without resorting to a state of emergency, he said.

Before Mr. Hollande’s address, political rivals slammed the president for failing to prevent Friday’s attack...
Well, at least Holland goes to the parliament to push legislators to pass sweeping reforms. Obama just issues an executive order and to hell with it.

But keep reading.

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