Monday, November 16, 2015

Parisians Should Be Revolted by Eiffel Tower Peace Symbol

And they should "revile those who created and promoted it."

Says Mark Steyn, "Cool Civilizational Death Wish Goes Viral!":
Just in case our enemies needed another reason to despise us, today the inactivist group Somnolent Tilty-Headed Wankers for Peace launched an exciting new graphic: the same old clapped-out hippie peace symbol but incorporating the Eiffel Tower (right)! Isn't that a cool, stylish way of showing how saddy-saddy-sadcakes you are about all those corpses in the streets of Paris? It's already gone viral! And that's all that matters, isn't it?

Our enemies use social media to distribute snuff videos as a means of recruitment. We use it to confirm to them how passive and enervated we are: What was it the last time blood ran in the streets of Paris? Oh, yeah, a pencil - for all those dead cartoonists. But, given that blood in the streets of Paris looks like becoming a regular event, it helps to have something of general application. What about, ooh, a tricolor with a blue tear at the end? No, better yet: a peace symbol with a croissant in the middle. No, wait...

What's that? All you are saying is give peace a chance? But what, in fact, are the chances of peace for Paris and France? What are the odds?

Oh, sorry. All they were saying is give peace a chance. And, having said it, they've gone back to sleep until the next atrocity requires another stupid hashtag or useless avatar.

Parisians should be revolted by this third-rate gimmick, and revile those who created and promoted it.
[UPDATE! Saddy-sad pianist plays "Imagine" outside the Bataclan theatre:

Imagine there's no countries...

Keep this up and there won't be.]
It's French artist Jean Jullien who created the idiotic peace symbol. I tweeted a far better version:

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