Monday, November 16, 2015

Terror Suspect Remains at Large as Belgian Police Press Manhunt — #ParisAttacks (VIDEO)

At the Wall Street Journal, "Belgian Police Push Manhunt as French Authorities Crack Down on Extremists":

Belgian police scoured a Brussels neighborhood for a suspect believed to have been critical to the attacks that rocked Paris and said they were holding two people in connection with the planning, as authorities in Paris announced raids of dozens of homes in a new crackdown on radical Islamists.

Authorities in Belgium and France are also investigating whether another man—a Belgian named Abdelhamid Abaaoud, who is suspected of being the mastermind behind a foiled Belgian terrorist plot in January—was involved in Friday’s onslaught, officials familiar with the probe said.

Officials said Mr. Abaaoud, who was raised in Brussels, returned to Europe from Syria to carry out the failed Belgian plot from earlier this year, which had been aimed at killing police officers, officials say. He is then believed to have escaped to Syria after police shot and killed two other men suspected of being involved in the plot in the eastern Belgian town of Verviers.

“It’s one of the things we are examining, but it hasn’t been confirmed,” a Belgian official said of Mr. Abaaoud’s possible involvement in Friday’s attacks in Paris.

Officials are urgently scrambling to tighten the net on extremists, both in Europe and abroad. French jets struck Islamic State positions near the militant group’s stronghold of Raqqa in Syria, and authorities carried out raids in several cities across France amid fears that attackers might strike again in the country or elsewhere on the continent.

French President François Hollande proposed extending France’s state of national emergency for three months and called for international co-operation from Russia and the U.S. as he pledged to step up air strikes against terrorist bastions.

“They fight us because France is a country of freedom,” he said. “Our democracy has beaten far greater adversaries.”

The rapidly moving investigation in both Belgium and France is revealing a picture of a network of terrorists, many of them born in Europe, who were trained in Syria or elsewhere in the Middle East, and who managed to evade authorities even as they crossed borders.

Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attacks, which wreaked havoc at a sports arena, a concert hall and through the streets of Paris, killing at least 129 people, but it hasn’t provided specific information...
Keep reading.

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