Showing posts with label London. Show all posts
Showing posts with label London. Show all posts

Sunday, June 4, 2017

London Bridge Jihad: 'Gunshots Heard' as Fresh Raids Carried Out in East London

At the Telegraph U.K., "Live - London Bridge attack latest: 'Gunshots heard' as police launch fresh raids in east London after Islamic State claim responsibility."

'Instructing Londoners to run, hide, and tell is a dramatic departure from the can-do, stiff-upper-lip, globe-striding empire of a century ago...'

Following-up from yesterday, "Run. Hide. Tell."

From Jon Gabriel, at Ricochet, "In the Face of Terror, Londoners Told to 'Run, Hide, Tell'."

The People of London Fought Back


Reza Aslan Apologizes

Actually, if the guy wants to call President Trump a POS he should be able to. Me? I just won't (and don't) watch his show. I wouldn't try to get him fired.

But I guess folks have turned up the heat, according to Heat Street, "Reza Aslan’s CNN Show Could Be in Jeopardy After Trump ‘Piece of Sh*t’ Tweet."

I saw some of the outrage on Twitter. And now the idiot's just posted this:

It's Time to Change Our Response to Islamic Extremism

Like I said at my earlier entry, nothing's gonna change.

If jihadists nuked London maybe?

Until then, it'll be more of the same. Political correctness drives policy, and leftists control the establishment, even with Theresa May in power.

In any case, here's the redoubtable Douglas Murray, at the Spectator U.K., "Blind, bovine hope will get us nowhere – it’s time to change our response to Islamic extremism":

Last Sunday, I appeared on the BBC’s Sunday Politics to discuss the aftermath of the Manchester attack. I said what I thought, and various Muslim groups promptly went bananas.

This was not caused by my suggestion that this country should finally crack-down on British officials who spend their retirements working as shills for the House of Saud. Nor by my ridiculing of that modern European tradition whereby someone blows us up and we respond by singing John Lennon songs (and now Oasis too). Rather they objected to my simple two-word suggestion that we could all do with ‘less Islam’.

In a short film preceding the studio discussion, I mentioned that countries like Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic have very little Islam and very little Islamic terror. By contrast, France has a great amount of Islam and a great amount of Islamic terror. To most people it would seem obvious – to co-opt the immortal words of Donatella Versace – that ‘more means more’. Because although many communities are capable of producing extremists, only Islamic communities produce Islamic extremists. Of course some people don’t want to accept this fact. Not least because informed choices might result. For instance, it might help us weigh up the ongoing cultural benefits of large-scale Islamic immigration versus the down-side of dozens of obliterated lives every now and then...
Keep reading.

Note: Murray's whole debate here is post-Manchester. Now we've had the London Bridge jihad, which goes only to prove his point. (And leftists will hate him all the more.)

Tommy Robinson on #LondonBridge Jihad (VIDEO)

At the Rebel:

Theresa May Won't Crack Down on Jihad (VIDEO)

We'll see speeches like this again and again, every time the jihadists attack. Nothing will change.

Melanie Phillips, Londonistan


Given today's events, it's a good time to re-post her book.

At Amazon, Londonistan.

Melanie Phillips photo 12193312_10208280582995225_5825211176443137157_n_zpss7csw80v.jpg

Andrew C. McCarthy, The Grand Jihad

At Amazon, Andrew C. McCarthy, The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Run. Hide. Tell.

London's Metropolitan Police tweeted recommendations for besieged Londoners: "Run. Hide. Tell."

Well, video shows people running alright. The whole country's running. Britain's running away from reality, and it's killing them.

Claire Berlinski, Menace in Europe

Suspects in London are still on the loose, according to the Daily Mail a little while ago.

I'll have more on the attack later, of course.

Meanwhile, at Amazon, Claire Berlinski, Menace in Europe: Why the Continent's Crisis Is America's, Too.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Sunday, March 26, 2017

London, Wounded Metropolis

At Der Spiegel, "A Wounded Metropolis: London in the Age of Terror and Brexit":

London is the epicenter of globalization, a glut of money and creativity -- and the antithesis of Brexit parochialism. It is also the best city in the world.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

'What losing a war looks like...'

Here's Mike, at Cold Fury, commenting on the Westminster jihad attack, "London calling":
And so I raise the question again: how much blood must be spilled before the Left is willing to confront its failure, its ignorance, its muttonheaded, moist-eyed belief in a total equality among men that in no way represents our harsher reality? How many more of us must die before they admit that their adolescent fantasy is nothing more than just that? How much wanton mass murder must we tolerate before they are willing to let go of their puerile daydreams and acknowledge the world as it exists, rather than clinging so desperately to an ideology that fundamentally misapprehends—brushes off, dismisses, actually—the darker aspect of human nature right out of the gate?

And the answer keeps coming back: MORE. More yet, more still. Not enough, not quite yet.

Which presents another, perhaps more vital and relevant question: how much Progressivist foolishness, their cowardice and juvenile self-indulgence, will WE tolerate before we take effective steps to end this patent madness? When will the sane majority finally decide that enough is truly enough and refuse to grant them and their inane, PC psychobabble serious consideration? When will we shove them aside and deal with a barbaric enemy in the rough and ruthless fashion that is our only hope of ever harnessing the primordial, atavistic belief system that is Islam?

When we will decide to defend our culture, our way of life—our actual, physical LIVES, ferchrissakes, individually and collectively—in the way merited? To stop being ashamed of our flaws, mourning our failures, apologizing for our missteps, and start protecting our precious civilization against a savage enemy who will neither cease nor rest at any point short of our complete annihilation?

I beg your indulgence here, folks, for I am about to say it yet again: In order to defeat our Muslim antagonists, we must first defeat the Left. There is no hope of achieving the one without first achieving the other; as long as Tranzi, multiculti, PC Leftism is still taken even remotely seriously by anything more than a handful of shunned loons skulking quietly about in a few urban enclaves, we will continue to endure the occasional appalling slaughter in our very heartland. We’re still a long, long way from it. In the end, we’re going to have to recognize that, no matter how many of them are massacred, there will always be a certain number who would rather die than fight back; who would rather embrace a failed pipe-dream of an ideology than ever admit error, even in the face of the most direct and dire evidence of said failure imaginable...
Still more.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

London Under Attack — And Leftists Laughing at Tommy Robinson (VIDEO)

Via the Rebel:

British Prime Minister Theresa May Condemns Westminster Jihad Terrorist Attack (VIDEO)

I do like Theresa May, but at times like this I can only reflect on how she's brought on the terror herself. She's not all to blame. The entire radical left collectivist culture has infected everything, to the point where even so-called conservatives have sold out the old-line Brits who should be the country's salt-of-the-earth (the folks who voted for Brexit, in particular). But the Tories' sick pandering to Islam is a big part of the problem, and it won't be getting better anytime soon.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

After Westminster Jihad Attack, Britain Vows to Defend 'Tolerance'


There's going to be nothing to defend too much longer.

See Robert Spencer, at FrontPage Magazine, "Jihadi Attack in London, U.K. Vows to Defend 'Tolerance'."

Melanie Phillips, Londonistan

At Amazon, Melanie Phillips, Londonistan.
The suicide bombings carried out in London in 2005 by British Muslims revealed an enormous fifth column of Islamist terrorists and their sympathizers. Under the noses of British intelligence, London has become the European hub for the promotion, recruitment and financing of Islamic terror and extremism - so much so that it has been mockingly dubbed Londonistan. In this ground-breaking book Melanie Phillips pieces together the story of how Londonistan developed as a result of the collapse of traditional English identity and accommodation of a particularly virulent form of multiculturalism. Londonistan has become a country within the country and not only threatens Britain but its special relationship with the U.S. as well.

NBC's Matt Bradley Worried Westminster Jihad Attack Will 'Put Wind in the Sails' of 'Right-Wing Movement'

Hey, brother, the sails have been billowing for years now. Frankly, the chickens of political correctness came home to roots in Westminster today.

But see NewsBusters, via Ed Driscoll at Instapundit, "RIGHT ON CUE: NBC Reporter Fears London Terror Will ‘Put Wind in the Sails’ of ‘Right-Wing Movement’."