Friday, July 11, 2014

Bernadette Lancelin 'Right On the Money...'

From Rush Limbaugh's show.

Full transcript and video of Ms. Lancelin at the link, "Houston Citizen Bernadette Lancelin Rants Against Obama Border Policy."

The Coming Tuberculosis Epidemic

A fascinating, if not apocalyptic, essay, at the Chicago Boyz, "America’s Impending Tuberculosis Epidemic."

PREVIOUSLY: "#Alien Invasion! Cases of Scabies, Tuberculosis, Swine Flu All Reported at Southern Border."

VIDEO: #Fontana Catholic Church Takes 46 Illegal Aliens from Obama's Border Crisis

Following-up from earlier, "Obama Goes Around #Murrieta! Ships Diseased Illegals to St. Joseph's Church in Fontana, California!", and "The Catholic Church in Obama's AmeriKKKa: Co-Opted by Führer's Regime to Bypass Law, House Criminal Aliens in California."

And now at CBS News Los Angeles:

Basically, all it takes is to make it over the border, claim hardship, and then qualify for legal status and citizenship. That's really not how the U.S. immigration system, by law, is designed to work. But Obama -- and his diseased Democrat Party enablers --- don't give a f-k about the law. They just want to build a future La Raza racist coalition from the ashes of this once sovereign nation.

More at the Los Angeles Times and the Riverside Press-Enterprise:

Senate #Dems Balk at Faster Deportations — #BorderInvasion

Of course they're balking. Democrats never wanted border enforcement in the first place.

At the Wall Street Journal, "Some Senate Democrats Balk at Faster Deportations: Securing Funding to Tackle Immigration Surge Remains Top Priority" (via Google):
WASHINGTON—Senior Senate Democrats are expressing concern that President Barack Obama's plans to speed up deportation of thousands of children crossing the southern border could hamper a careful review of the migrants' cases and potentially return them to danger back home.

Mr. Obama has asked Congress to direct $3.7 billion to deal with the surge of migrants, many of whom are Central American children and families fleeing gang violence. He has also asked for more flexibility in dealing with a 2008 trafficking law seen as slowing down the administration's response, but Mr. Obama didn't directly tie altering the law to his funding request.

While Democrats are broadly supportive of the funding request, some of them worried Thursday that changes in the law to expedite deportation of children could prevent them from getting the appropriate legal protections.

The top Democratic leaders in the House and Senate, however, didn't take a hard line on altering the law, saying their top priority is getting the funding request passed. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) said that while she would prefer not to see the law altered, "it's not a deal breaker."

Republicans including House Speaker John Boehner have said they want to change the 2008 law to expedite the process used to return many of the children to their home countries. The 2008 law, signed by President George W. Bush, aimed to protect children from human trafficking.

It requires that migrant children other than those from Mexico and Canada be placed with sponsors in the U.S. during potentially lengthy waits until the backlogged court system can hear their deportation cases.

"We're required to hold those people," said Mr. Boehner, who said Republicans "would probably want language similar to what we have with Mexico" to speed up the process.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy (D., Vt.) said he would "fight tooth and nail" changes to the 2008 law. "When you have an 8- or 9-year-old girl who's being raped by gangs, that are being sent by their parents to escape that kind of violence, I'm not sure Americans really feel we should immediately send them back," he said at a Senate appropriations hearing on the president's request.

Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois, the second-ranking Democrat in the Senate, also told reporters Thursday that he couldn't support changing the 2008 law unless he had more confidence that the children were receiving adequate legal representation and wouldn't be returned to dangerous situations.

"There's terrible poverty and violence going on and I need some assurance that there's some basic social service infrastructure there to protect them," said Mr. Durbin, who noted that he had discussed his concerns with Mr. Obama in a phone call last week.

In the Senate, a bill introduced by eight Republicans including Arizona Sens. Jeff Flake and John McCain, would enable officials to treat unaccompanied children entering from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador—where most of the children are coming from—comparably to how they treat children from Mexico and Canada...
Treat them just like children from Mexico and Canada?

Dems don't want that --- they're loving this manufactured crisis.

MS-13 Actively Recruiting Obama's Flood of Illegal Aliens at U.S. Shelters — #BorderInvasion

The nation’s most violent street gangs—including Mara Salvatrucha—are actively recruiting new members at U.S. shelters housing illegal immigrant minors and they’re using Red Cross phones to communicate, a Homeland Security source tells Judicial Watch...
Keep reading.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Says No More Alien Buses in SoCal — For Now...

From Tatiana Sanchez, at the San Bernardino Desert Sun, "Border officials: No more immigrant buses through Southern California":
Following a string of contentious protests and escalating tensions in Southern California, U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced Thursday it will no longer send busloads of undocumented immigrants to San Diego or El Centro.

The immigrants — mainly families and unaccompanied children from Central America — were being bused to facilities in San Diego and El Centro every three days to alleviate overwhelmed detention facilities in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas.

"It looks like with the almost 1,000 (undocumented immigrants) processed between El Centro and San Diego, for now (it) helps," said Lombardo Amaya, union president of the El Centro chapter of the National Border Patrol Council in a message to The Desert Sun. "This does not mean that we will not continue to receive more loads in the future."
They'll send more, and don't believe authorities when they claim the Murrieta protests had nothing to do with this decision.

Obama's Disgraceful Border Dodge

From Jonathan Tobin, at Commentary:
Given the opportunity to demonstrate his concern and willingness to take charge of the ongoing fiasco that has overwhelmed U.S. border resources, President Obama chose instead to resort to his favorite pastime: bashing his political opponents.

To say that the president’s decision to schedule partisan fundraising events at the same time that the Rio Grande was being stormed by thousands of illegal aliens made for bad optics is an understatement. Even Democrats have compared his decision to avoid the border like the plague to President Bush’s flyby over a Hurricane Katrina-devastated New Orleans. As I wrote yesterday, that’s a bit unfair but the injured party is Bush, not Obama.

But even if we leave aside the sterile debate about whether Obama should have gone to the border, the problem now is how the president has exacerbated an already terrible situation. His defense of his choice to stay away from the problem was worse than the decision. Saying that he wasn’t interested in “photo-ops” or “theater” rang false even to liberals who know very well that a day rarely passes when the White House isn’t staging some dog-and-pony show where he is framed by the adoring faces of supporters standing by him. Moreover, it came just after time spent in Colorado where Obama pretended to hang out with ordinary people in front of cameras and then drank beer and played pool with the governor. And when he did speak, at least tangentially about the crisis today, the event was held … wait for it … in a theater where as usual, his advance team had assembled a chorus of fans to nod, laugh, and clap in all the right places.

But what was even more outrageous was the content of his speech. Instead of a sober, presidential assessment of a genuine crisis, he gave the country partisan rhetoric. Instead of a little much-needed introspection about how his statements and policies had, albeit unintentionally, set off a human wave of illegals seeking to get into the country where they expected to be allowed to stay, he gave us more jokes about the do-nothing Republicans in Congress...

The president's an asshole who cares not one whit about the illegals aliens streaming over the border. Even Democrats are calling him out, like Rep. Henry Cuellar, who felt the wrath of the White House for not toeing the collectivist, open-borders line:

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Obama Feels Border Heat in Texas

At the Los Angeles Times, "Obama defends immigration policy, meets with Texas governor":

President Obama faced sharp criticism for his immigration policies here Wednesday even as the White House stepped up efforts to cope with the tens of thousands of children and teens from Central America who have poured into Texas’ Rio Grande Valley.

Obama said he was “intimately aware" of the problems on the Southwest border, telling a news conference that his administration had assigned more Border Patrol agents and deployed more surveillance than ever before to stop illegal immigration, and that it deports almost 400,000 people each year.

Pressed to explain why he isn’t visiting Border Patrol stations or detention facilities during his two-day visit to Texas, he said that Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson had visited the border five times recently “at my direction” and “then comes back to me and reports extensively everything that is taking place.”

“So there’s nothing that is taking place down there that I am not intimately aware of and briefed on,” Obama said. “This isn’t theater,” he added.

“This is a problem. I’m not interested in photo ops. I’m interested in solving the problem.”

The Catholic Church in Obama's AmeriKKKa: Co-Opted by Führer's Regime to Bypass Law, House Criminal Aliens in California

The Church also caved to totalitarianism in the 1930s, and the outcome wasn't good.

From Ryan Lovelace, at National Review, "The Obama Administration’s Border-Crisis Plan B: Use the Catholic Church":

In order to avoid future clashes with the citizens of Murrieta, Calif., over attempts to transfer illegal immigrants there, the Obama administration has turned to an unusual bedfellow: the Catholic Church. Deacon Luis Sanchez of the Diocese of San Bernardino tells National Review Online that an Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent approached the diocese on July 2, 2014, and “expressed his desire for the Church to help in helping these families reach their destination.” Since that time, he says, diocesan officials have spoken on the phone with ICE, and they held a planning meeting on Monday.

John Andrews, the diocese’s director of communications who attended the planning meeting, tells NRO that the idea is to set up “transitional centers” where volunteers and representatives from Catholic Charities would provide food, medical, and spiritual care for families who have been processed at a Border Patrol station. He says he hopes to help the people pushed out of Murrieta, and would need to accommodate 140 people arriving every three days. Andrews says he expects the centers will house mostly mothers and their children for one or two days. But if there’s a situation where a family needs to stay longer than a day or two, he says that placing illegal immigrants with a local family would represent a “very viable option.”

PREVIOUSLY: "Obama Goes Around #Murrieta! Ships Diseased Illegals to St. Joseph's Church in Fontana, California!"

Obama Goes Around #Murrieta! Ships Diseased Illegals to St. Joseph's Church in Fontana, California!

Well, the Murrieta patriots are having a huge impact repelling the border invasion. Official claims of no further alien shipments proved to be bald-faced Obama lies, as reports on the ground in the Inland Empire indicate that Obama's DHS is recruiting private amnesty organizations to offload diseased alien migrants.

At NBC News Los Angeles, "SoCal Churches Provide Temporary Shelter, "Spiritual Food" for Immigrants":
An estimated 50 immigrants carrying temporary visas arrived Thursday aboard Homeland Security buses at two churches in San Bernardino County that are working with federal agencies to help the families through the immigration process.

Officials with the Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino told NBC4 Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials reached out to them in an effort to address the border crisis stemming from a wave of undocumented immigrants from Central America who have recently crossed into the United States at the Texas-Mexico border. President Barack Obama has described the situation as a "humanitarian crisis."

"As a church, we want to let them know that there are people here in the United States who love and support them, they're praying with them and for them," said John Andrews, of the Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino County. "Maybe that can give them some of that spiritual food for the next leg of their journey."
And the city issued a statement, distancing itself from the secret alien shipments:
Fontana police issued a statement on behalf of the city.

"The temporary placement of Central American Immigrants at the St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church in Fontana is a humanitarian effort on the part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino in cooperation with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)," the statement read.

"While the City of Fontana is understanding of the issues and concerns of residents on both sides of this issue, the City has no direct control over the policies of ICE or the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino.

The City of Fontana will continue to monitor the situation for Code and Public Safety issues that may arise."
Eric Odom has on-the-ground coverage, at Liberty News, "BREAKING – CALIFORNIA SHOCK: DHS Blitzes CA With Buses Full of Illegal Immigrants, Busloads Being Dropped Off at Churches! (CONFIRMED)":

#Alien Invasion! Cases of Scabies, Tuberculosis, Swine Flu All Reported at Southern Border

Obama wants this. He's manufacturing a domestic crisis, the sick bastard.

At Town Hall, "Illness on the Rise: Cases of Scabies, Tuberculosis and Swine Flu All Reported at US Southern Border."

Obama Welcomes 'Border Kids' Julio and Juanita to the United States


Jake Tapper Demolishes Lying PLO Propagandist Diana Buttu

I saw this tool earlier. "Collective punishment" blah blah.

At Free Beacon, "CNN’s Jake Tapper Demolishes PLO Spokeswoman: Lying PLO Mouthpiece Has No Grasp of Facts."

Texas Governor Rick Perry Patrols the Border while Obama Tucks Tail for the High Grass!

No photo ops for Obama, 'cuz the f-ker can't touch this!

Governor Perry is da man!

At Twitchy, "‘THIS is the guy doing his job’: Texas Gov. Rick Perry rides with border patrol [pic]."

Obama's Incompetence or Intention Explains Illegal Alien Invasion


Michael Maloof: Islamic State Could Build Dirty Bombs with Siezed Iraqi Uranium

Well, ISIS threatened to "nuke" Israel earlier, so now they're procuring the materials to do it.

Thanks Obama!

Also from Noah Rothman, at Hot Air, "Report: ISIS just seized a bunch of uranium in Iraq."

A Perfect Storm of Special Interests Have Hijacked U.S. Immigration Law

The latest from VDH.

Plus, don't miss Michelle Malkin, "Obama’s Immigration Lawyers’ Enrichment Act."

Kate Bolduan Confronts Rick Perry on Obama Conspiracy Theory

Well, Bolduan's not as bad as Ashleigh Banfield, but she's still pretty bad.

Report: Sheriff's Department to Arrest #Murrieta Patriots Blocking Diseased Illegal Alien Buses

It's Joe Biggs reporting for InforWars. These guys were out there on Monday as well. Alex Jones makes "blockbuster" references at the news, but Biggs doesn't cite sources, saying only that he'd read about it "last night."

So, this is unsourced information. I don't see any corroborating information after a quick Google search, but knowing that Murrieta Mayor Alan Long threw peaceful patriots under the bus previously, blaming the louder voices on out-of-town elements, I won't surprised by a police crack down. The on-the-ground police presence was massive on Monday. The latest news is that Murrieta won't be getting additional busloads of diseased migrants for the remainder of the week, but protesters are said to be planning a large turnout again today. I'll have more, including original reporting, throughout the day.

Obama Challenges Rick Perry to Rally Republicans for $3.7 Illegal Alien Slush Fund

It's all amnesty slush, not border control.

At the New York Times, "Obama Presses Perry to Rally Support for Border Funds":

DALLAS — President Obama on Wednesday directly challenged Gov. Rick Perry of Texas to rally Republicans in support of a $3.7 billion emergency measure aimed at solving the humanitarian crisis caused as thousands of Central American children have crossed the Mexican border.

The president described a frank exchange with Mr. Perry, who has been one of his most vocal critics, after their private meeting aboard the presidential helicopter and then at Dallas Love Field.

The meeting was hastily negotiated as the border crisis came to shadow Mr. Obama’s previously planned trip to Texas and Colorado to raise campaign money and talk about an improving economy.

The president said the emergency aid would address Republicans’ calls for increased border security while also providing care for the thousands of unaccompanied children who have been detained in the Rio Grande Valley. Mr. Obama suggested that election-year political maneuvering was blocking the package because Republicans see the crisis as a way to damage him and his party.