Saturday, July 12, 2014

#Murrieta Disses Patriots, Hires Latino Supremacist Xavier Hermosillo as 'Crisis Management Advisor'

Following-up from Monday, "VIDEO: Craven #Murrieta Officials Throw Patriot Protesters Under the Bus — #BorderInvasion."

Hermosillo, a long-time Hispanic activist in Los Angeles, once crowed about the city's growing Latino presence:
"We are taking (the city) house by house . . . block by block." His advice: "Better wake up and smell the refried beans."
And so now it turns out Murrieta city officials have hired this supremacist hack as a "crisis management advisor."

At the Riverside Press-Enterprise, "MURRIETA: City hires a crisis management adviser":
As Murrieta Mayor Alan Long watched a pro-migrant demonstration outside City Hall on Wednesday night, he had an adviser at his side – a crisis management adviser.

Xavier Hermosillo said he has been assisting Long with a busy schedule of media interviews. It’s no mystery why Hermosillo’s services are needed.

Since angry anti-illegal immigration protesters at the Murrieta U.S. Border Patrol Station turned away a convoy of buses carrying migrants flown in from Texas July 1, the city in general and the mayor, in particular, have been criticized in the national – even international – media. Some have accused Long of encouraging protesters to thwart the buses.

Immigration activists at Wednesday night’s demonstration, too, blamed city officials for failing to make way for the convoy.

Though Border Patrol officials announced this week that they had halted flights of migrants from Texas, on Friday a handful of illegal immigration critics were still camped out in front of the Border Patrol station.

Assistant City Manager Kim Summers said in an email that Hermosillo contacted the city to offer help reaching out to the Spanish-speaking media, offering his services at a “deeply discounted rate.”

“He has much more experience in that arena than we do,” Summers wrote. “It was important that we get the message out to the Spanish-speaking public that our job is to keep the peace and that the vast majority of protesters are not our citizens but activists from all over.”

Long said he has been dismayed by the negative portrayal of Murrieta in the national media.

“The unfortunate part is, the side of the community no one’s seeing is what we’re really known for. We’re a compassionate, giving city,” Long said.
Long's a dolt. The dude should pay less attention to the leftist media and more to American public opinion, "Poll: Three in Five Americans Say Illegal Aliens Should Be Deported — #BorderInvasion."

Hermosillo can be seen at this slideshow, "Photos: Murrieta a flashpoint in immigrant crisis."

Surge From the South: Crime-Ridden Neighborhoods in Central America Send Rising Flow of Illegals to U.S.

Keep in mind, crime, poverty and unrest are not unique to Central America, although it's sad that the Obama open-borders Democrats have validated rumors of easy passage to the United States. It's not easy. It's dangerous, with children risking violent rape and death to make the trek. But Democrats don't care as long as they can ensure a crop of illegal aliens to fill voting rolls in future elections.

At the Wall Street Journal, "Hondurans in Dire Straits Pulled North by Rumors" (at Google):

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SAN PEDRO SULA, Honduras—Busloads of deportees from Mexico roll into this industrial city near Central America's Caribbean coast three afternoons a week, disgorging hundreds of women and children who had striven and failed to leave desolate lives behind.

The poor, violent neighborhoods of San Pedro Sula have led Central America in a surge of unaccompanied minors traveling illegally to the U.S., according to the Department of Homeland Security. U.S. Border Patrol agents have detained more than 52,000 children since October, creating a humanitarian crisis and sparking a bitter debate in Washington about the reasons for the exodus and how to stop it.

President Barack Obama has asked Congress for $3.7 billion in funding to stanch the flow with tougher border enforcement, faster deportations and more effective warnings to would-be migrants that they have little chance of staying in the U.S. Mexico has stepped up enforcement on its own southern border, and Honduras and other Central American governments have begun to actively discourage children from setting out.

The success of those efforts hinges on whether people on the meaner streets of cities such as San Pedro now judge the journey north futile or still worth a chance. Early indications from migrants and community activists in this city—one of the world's most crime-ridden—suggest the efforts will fall short.

"We are going to think about it for two or three months and then probably try again," Edras Pineda, a sparrow-like 17-year-old, said recently to the nods of half a dozen other teen deportees at a government reception center here.

"You study and study and there isn't any work," said Mr. Pineda, who set off for the north with a friend from their farm town as soon as school recessed in June.

Lenient handling of unaccompanied minors dictated by a 2008 U.S. law fed rumors earlier this year—spread by gossiping neighbors and business-seeking smugglers alike—that minors traveling alone, or with an adult, can somehow obtain a permit to stay in the U.S. In fact, such permits don't exist. But because the flood of minors has overwhelmed immigration courts, some minors are being released to relatives already in the U.S. to await hearings months, sometimes years, away.

"I believed it would be easy for my son to obtain papers in the North. It wasn't true," reads a poster being distributed in Central America as part of the new U.S. campaign to dispel that notion. "Our children are our future. Let's protect them."

Past information campaigns—by the U.S. and Mexican governments as well as private and public aid groups—have similarly warned of the danger of illegally migrating. They have had scant impact, said Salvador Gutiérrez, an official with the Central America regional office of the International Organization for Migration in San José, Costa Rica.

"As long as the economic and violence situation doesn't change, it's going to be very difficult," Mr. Gutiérrez said of hopes of immediately stopping the flow of minors.

"The impact on migrants is going to be very limited."

Mr. Gutierrez said his organization believes the rush to the border was sparked by a rumor that began in Guatemala and spread quickly through Central America. Such rumors have arisen in the past and have taken months or even years to debunk, he said.

Crittenton Foster Family Agency Offers $6,000+ Monthly for 'Compassionate' Housing for Alien Minors

I saw this floating around the other day, and according to Breitbart the advertisement checks out.


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The report is confirmed by Ben Swann, "Ad Promises $6,000 a Month Tax Free To House Immigrant Children."

Michelle Fields Slams Leftist Robert Beckel on #BorderInvasion — #CashinIn

A great panel. Frankly, even leftist Beckel knows we have to seal the border.

Michelle slams him, however, and the cause of the crisis, which is the Obama administration's open borders policies.

Kelly Brook Spotted Leaving the Gym in Los Angeles

We interrupt our regularly-scheduled amnesty blogging to bring this very important update.

Via Egotastic!, "Kelly Brook Booty in Tights Leaving the Gym in LA."

VIDEO: Minutemen Founder Jim Gilchrist Issues Call to Remobilize Patriots, Repel Border Invasion!

Gilchrist is interviewed at the clip, and he assures of the Minutemen patriots he's calling to the border, "whatever they do, they stay within the rule of law."

And the open-borders extremists, like open-borders shill Pedro Rios of the radical leftist American Friends Service Committee, denounces the Minutemen patriots as "dangerous" vigilantes.

Right, what's dangerous is the unchecked flood of aliens which shows no sign of abating anytime soon, thanks to the Obama open-borders Democrats.

Here's the latest from KGTV-ABC News 10 San Diego, "Minuteman Group Issues Call to Remobilize Patrols" (VIDEO).

(Also here, "Minuteman project begins recruiting volunteers to patrol San Diego border.")

Scandal-Plagued City of Bell, California, Plans to House Diseased Central American Illegal Aliens

One of the most corrupt cities in America, with a large illegal alien population, the City of Bell plans to provide sanctuary for the teeming masses of illegal aliens flooding into the United States.

And notice the spin on this report at the Los Angeles Times below, positively portraying scandal-plagued Bell, while smearing Murrieta as "uncaring." Just yesterday the jail sentence was announced for former Bell Councilman George Mirabal, who could be out in weeks. Citizens interviewed on the local news last night were livid with this travesty of justice, saying that the Bell convicts should do extended prison terms.

And here comes the Hispanic Mayor of Bell, Nestor Valencia, who himself came here as a scum-sucking illegal immigrant, with plans to provide housing to waves of criminal, diseased illegals shipped to Southern California.

See, "Bell plans to shelter immigration detainees":

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Nestor Valencia was 4 years old when he boarded a white van filled with piñatas and entered the United States illegally from Mexico.

Now the mayor of Bell, he sees a little of himself in the thousands of children arriving at the U.S. border and entering detention facilities.

Valencia and other officials in the largely immigrant city are now working with the Salvation Army to create a temporary shelter for detainees who were part of a huge surge of Central American children crossing the border.

"My senses tell me this is the right thing to do," said Valencia, 49. "We're not a rich community, but we are wealthy in compassion and humanitarian."

The reaction in Bell is a marked contrast to Murrieta, where last week hundreds of protesters blocked buses trying to move detainees into a facility in the Riverside County city.

The protesters said they didn't want the detainees in their city, expressing concerns over security and diseases.

While the standoff generated national headlines, the reaction has been far less hostile in other parts of Southern California. The region has the largest population of Latin American immigrants in the country, and some residents feel a kinship with the plight of children.

The city of Coachella last week began taking in donations of food and supplies to send to children at its City Hall and Fire Department. On Tuesday, the city filled a U-Haul truck with donations for a shelter home in the Imperial County.

Councilman Steven Hernandez said he was heartened by the generosity, noting that neighboring Palm Springs has joined in the donation drive.

"We certainly understand the dynamics when it comes to people wanting to better their lives," Hernandez said. "Our city is 98% Latino. We have a lot of similar stories."
Bell cannot afford the influx. Even the mayor confesses so. But the Obama administration plans to continue the flood of illegals into the country, and pretty soon law-abiding patriot citizen households will be forced to feed, clothe, and housing the illegals from Central America. It's for the Democrat Party fatherland!

Poll: Three in Five Americans Say Illegal Aliens Should Be Deported — #BorderInvasion

Less than one-third said that illegal aliens should be able to "stay and become citizens," obviously the responses of the far-left reconquista hordes of the socialist/Democrat Party base.

At IBD, "Big Majority Favors Sending Alien Minors Home":

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Three in five Americans say the tens of thousands of minors who have crossed the border "should be ordered to leave the U.S." What about that do the Congress and president not understand?

The latest IBD/TIPP Poll, conducted June 24 to 29, asked those Americans who are following the story what to do about the influx of unaccompanied minors. Those saying that the government should order them to leave totaled 60%.

Breaking that sizeable majority down, 64% of independents wanted the minors sent home, as did 40% of Democrats and 80% of Republicans. There were 879 Americans surveyed in all.

Those who think the children "should be allowed to stay in the U.S. and eventually become citizens" totaled just 28%. Forty-six percent of Democrats thought they should stay and move toward citizenship; so did 24% of independents and 14% of Republicans. Ten percent of all people polled weren't sure.

The findings reflect a widespread recognition that the border is undergoing an unprecedented crisis as our immigration system fails to function as intended under the law.

But can we do something about it? Sure, says Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis. Instead of throwing $3.7 billion in emergency funds at the problem, as President Obama wants, the government could "buy a plane ticket, put them up in a hotel room, get them some good meals" and spend only about "$1,000 per child," or roughly $57 million.

Illegal Alien Amnesty Fizzles as Campaign Issue for Open-Borders Democrats — #Secure the Border

It's not looking good for the Democrat La Raza open-borders traitors.

At the Hill, "Immigration reform fizzles as campaign issue for Democrats":

Immigration reform has fizzled as an issue for Democrats, who are barely mentioning it on the campaign trail despite making the issue their top domestic priority in 2013 and 2014.

Latino voters, who are the most energized about overhauling the nation’s immigration laws, will have little impact on the battle for control of the Senate, with the possible exception of Sen. Mark Udall’s (D) race in Colorado.

White working-class voters will play a more important role in the midterm election compared to the 2012 presidential election.

They are not energized by immigration reform. Instead, they are concerned about downward pressure on wages, which the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has linked to higher immigration levels.

Coincidently, President Obama’s support among white voters without college degrees has steadily eroded.

Democratic strategists admit their party’s record on immigration reform will do little to help candidates this year, although they predict it could be a potent weapon in the 2016 presidential election. “In light of turnout models it’s probably not as strong an issue as it would be in presidential years,” said Steve Jarding, a Democratic strategist and former advisor to several senators from conservative leaning states such as former Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.).

 “I still think Democrats have fumbled this issue because they allow the issue to be played on Republican terms,” he said. “Republicans are trying to suggest immigration is the reason wages are suppressed and it’s a racial issue.

I don’t like it. That’s what they’re doing cynically. They’re saying when you get immigration, you suppress the wages of non-immigrants, i.e. white people.”

Crisis on the Border

From Peggy Noonan, at the Wall Street Journal.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Immigration No-Brainer

The most lucid, commonsense discussion of the immigration invasion you'll read, from Charles Krauthammer, "The immigration no-brainer."

U.S. Border Agent Hector Garza: Obama Administration Completing Human 'Smuggling Cycle...'

A devastating interview with Border Patrol Agent Hector Garza, with Sean Hannity last night, "Border patrol agent details immigration crisis."

The full transcript and video is at the link. Garza indicates that criminal migrants are coming from countries such as Afghanistan and Syria (facilitating the growth of home-grow terror cells in the homeland), and that the Obama White House has made it easier for human traffickers to smuggle aliens into the United States.

Just devastating.


And the inevitable leftist pushback, at Twitchy, "Surprise, surprise! TSA trashes Brandon Darby’s Border Patrol sources."

Multiple people on Twitter have responded to my tweets and blogging with utter shock, saying that in any other country events would be considered full-blown invasion, and an act of war by countries on our Southern border.

PREVIOUSLY: "Mexico, Guatemala Announce 'Southern Border Passage Program' to Flood U.S. with More Illegal Aliens."

Mexico, Guatemala Announce 'Southern Border Passage Program' to Flood U.S. with More Illegal Aliens

At Gateway Pundit, "Breaking: Mexico & Guatemala Cut Deal to Allow More Illegal Immigrants to Flood Into US," and Liberty News, "UNREAL: Mexico Announces it Will Now Fully Assist Guatemala in Flooding U.S. With Illegal Immigrants."

The source is Mexico's El Universal, "Guatemala and Mexico to Protect Migrants."

Illegal aliens will get pass cards allowing them 72-hour travel rights through Mexico, plus guarantees for medical care and police protection --- all designed to provide for the more "humane treatment" of illegals and to ensure "orderly migration flows" for diseased migrants, drug cartel flunkies, and future Democrat Party welfare freeloaders.

#Murrieta Mayor Alan Long: Illegal Alien Offloads Cost City $50 Thousand in Police Overtime

At the Los Angeles Times, "Murrieta's budget and image take a hit from immigration protests":

When it all blows over, Murrieta Mayor Alan Long says he might send the White House a bill.

Since July 1, when protesters turned away three buses of immigrant women and children scheduled to be processed in a local Border Patrol facility, Murrieta has become a focus of the debate over what to do with the thousands of detainees who have come across the border illegally since October, mostly from Central America.

City employees have worked long hours keeping residents informed, controlling protesters lined up in front of the station and fielding media inquiries.

That is taking an economic toll, said Long. City officials estimate they’ve doled out $50,000 in overtime pay.

“It’s a concern of ours from the very beginning,” Long said. “All of the resources and costs associated. … I joked about sending a bill [to the White House]. I think I will send it just to send it but I don’t anticipate being paid.”

To deal with crowds protesting at the entrance to the Border Patrol facility last week, the city’s police department increased its active patrol to 25 officers from the usual eight, at a time of the year when many officers typically go on vacation.

Several officers worked 18-hour shifts, six more hours than their usual workdays, police chief Sean Hadden said. And more officers have been assigned to mitigate the tensions at protest sites and city meetings throughout the week, Long said.

The city also has had to call for additional help from neighboring law enforcement agencies and the Border Patrol to quell the protests.

“It’s either going to cost you in money or efficiency of your organization because you’ve got to shift resources to something other than what you’re normally doing,” Long said.

Israel Air Raid Sirens Send Wolf Blitzer Running for Cover

Wolf Blitzer boogies over to a safety bunker amid warning sirens.

L'Oreal Fires 17-Year-Old Axelle Despiegelaere Amid Big-Game Hunting Controversy

The little lady's cute as a button, but once it came out that she's an avid big-game hunter, the L'Oreal contract was finished.

No matter if she joked on Facebook or not, the left's outrage machine would have destroyed her budding modeling career either way.

At London's Daily Mail, "She’s not worth it! L’Oreal cuts ties with Belgian World Cup fan whose good looks swept the Internet after controversy over her hunting trip photographs":

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Cosmetics giant L'Oreal has severed ties with the Belgian World Cup fan who won a modelling contract after being spotted in the crowd after it emerged she is a fan of big game hunting.

Axelle Despiegelaere, 17, caught the world's attention after being photographed cheering on her national team in the Group H match against Russia - with the image widely shared online.

But L'Oreal has confirmed that the modelling contract it awarded her as a result of her new-found fame has already been cancelled after a photo emerged of the teenager posing with a rifle and a dead animal in Africa.
Keep reading.

More at NewsBusters, "ABC Cheers Woman's Modeling Contract, Ignores That It Was Revoked After 'Hunting Americans' Joke."

Left-Wing Tolerance: California Latino (La Raza) Caucus Rejects GOP Assemblyman Rocky Chavez


They're the most hateful, intolerant ghouls.

At LAT, "Investigation urged after Latino caucus rejects Republican lawmaker":

Shortly after he was elected, state Assemblyman Rocky Chavez took what he said was a natural step and asked to join the California Latino Legislative Caucus. The Oceanside Republican said his request last year was at first met with silence.

"When I didn't get a response, I asked what the deal was and they said that I wouldn't be allowed in," Chavez said. "They do not allow Republicans to be part of the group."

That rejection has sparked debate in and out of the Legislature about the diversity of opinion in Latino politics and whether taxpayers should be supporting legislative caucuses that have a partisan agenda.

The discussion comes at a time when the 24-member Latino Legislative Caucus has become a major force in the Capitol, racking up a series of victories, including approval of new laws providing driver's licenses and college scholarships for immigrants who are in the country illegally.

Sen. Joel Anderson (R-Alpine) has asked the state attorney general to investigate the group and its membership policies.

"The name Latino Caucus is intentionally misleading, because it implies equal access for all Latino legislators," Anderson said. "Using taxpayer-sourced, public funds to deny them their voice is wrong."

Chavez said his primary concern involves the restrictions on membership when the group is using taxpayer resources, including an office in the Legislative Office Building, two staff members and a spot on the official state Legislature website.

"I think it should be inclusive in that case," he said. Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens), the caucus chairman, said there is nothing improper about the caucus' membership policies, which have been in place since the caucus was founded 40 years ago by five Democratic lawmakers.

"It's not that there is no precedence for this," Lara said."You have a Republican Caucus and a Democratic Caucus that have staff."

The official state website says the caucus exists "to identify key issues affecting Latinos and develop avenues to empower the Latino community throughout California."

Lara said he designates two members of his personal staff to help coordinate caucus activities. Political work is paid for by the caucus' political action committee, not taxpayer funds, said Roger Salazar, a caucus spokesman. He said the monthly caucus meetings are at a site away from state offices "because in addition to policy discussions, there are also political discussions."

The caucus has been in the news lately not only for its legislative victories but also because of controversy.
You think?

Democrats are racist and discriminatory. No different than the Aztlán open-borders brownshirts. Seriously.

Oh, and did I mention the most hateful and intolerant ghouls.

They make me ashamed to be a California. Disgusting.

Muslim Prayer Rug Found in Arizona as Experts Warn of #ISIS Jihadists Slipping Through Mexican Border

At Blazing Cat Fur, "Muslim Prayer Rug Found on Arizona Border by Independent American Security Contractors."

And CBS News Dallas, "Iraqi Extremists Promising Attack Could Slip Through Mexican Border."

And here's Michael Maloof on the coming terrorist infiltration of the U.S.:

More, from Lt. Col. Alan West, "Congressman says ISIS will use southern border to enter US: Muslim prayer rug found on Arizona border."

Generational Shift as Jewish Youth in Israel Express Distinct Anti-Arab Attitudes

Well, perhaps most of their parents held out some naively optimistic hope for peace. The younger set's clearly lost it.

At the New York Times, "Killing of Palestinian Youth Puts an Israeli Focus on Extremism":
Rabbi Yoel Bin Nun, a resident of the Israeli settlement of Alon Shvut, spoke about the dangers of fear and “existential anxiety,” because “hate comes from fear.” Addressing Jews who call for revenge, he said, “Your hate is fear, it is weakness, it is an achievement for the enemy.”

Tamir Lion, an anthropologist who studies youth, said he was troubled by the changing attitudes among Israel’s young people. For many years, Mr. Lion interviewed soldiers about why they chose to enter combat units. “The answers,” he said on Israel Radio, “were always about the challenge, to show I could make it, the prestige involved.”

That began to change in 2000, he said. “I started to get answers — not a lot, but some — like: ‘To kill Arabs.’ The first time I heard it, it was at the time of the large terror attacks, and since then it has not stopped.”

A generation has grown up in a period of Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with suicide bombs and military incursions, rocket fire and airstrikes. Young people on both sides may think about the other more as an enemy than as a neighbor.
Whatever the cause, the murders have been condemned by Israelis across the board. In contrast, when Israelis are murdered by Palestinians, it's three-fingered salutes and cake-baking celebrations all around.

More at that top link.

Few Central American Illegals Will Ever Be Sent Back Home — #BorderInvasion

Of course not.

Rebecca Martinez can get f-ked sideways by a Brazilian drug gang, the freakin' idiot.

"Oh but it's only true if it's reseeeaaarrrcchh!!!" 

Screw that open-borders skank.

At the Wall Street Journal, "Few Children Are Deported: Clogged Courts Mean Young Migrants Face Low Odds of Being Sent Back Home" (at Google):
Thousands of children from Central America are undertaking a perilous journey to the U.S. border despite warnings from the U.S. that they will be sent back. In fact, many will get to stay.

Data from immigration courts, along with interviews with the children and their advocates, show that few minors are sent home and many are able to stay for years in the U.S., if not permanently. That presents a deep challenge for President Barack Obama and lawmakers as they try to shore up an overburdened deportation system.

In fiscal year 2013, immigration judges ordered 3,525 migrant children to be deported, according to Justice Department figures. Judges allowed an additional 888 to voluntarily return home without a formal removal order.

Those figures pale in comparison with the number of children apprehended by the border patrol. In each of the last five years, at least 23,000 and as many as 47,000 juveniles have been apprehended. Those totals include Mexicans, who often are sent home without formal deportation proceedings and so may not be among those ordered removed last year.

There are many reasons children end up staying. Some see their cases linger in backlogged courts and administrative proceedings. Some win the legal right to remain in the U.S. And some ignore orders to appear in court.

Children who enter the U.S. illegally often are trying to reunite with family members or escaping gang violence and poverty. The U.S. has been overwhelmed finding shelters for them, and Mr. Obama has repeatedly said that they won't be allowed to stay. But the reality on the ground—that so few are returned to their home countries—will continue to encourage more to make the journey north, said Doris Meissner, director of the Immigration Policy Program at the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute.

"They're here, and they're staying, and whatever else might happen to them is at least a year or more away," said Ms. Meissner, a former Immigration and Naturalization Service commissioner. "Until people's experience changes, more are going to continue to come, because they're achieving what they need: safety and reunification with their families."

Last fiscal year, immigration judges reached a decision in 6,437 juvenile cases, according to the court data. About two-thirds of the minors were ordered deported or allowed to leave the country voluntarily, and 361 were given legal status. In most other cases, the judge terminated the case, meaning the child wasn't ordered out of the U.S. but wasn't given explicit permission to stay, either.

Separate data from the Department of Homeland Security show that in fiscal 2013, about 1,600 children were actually returned to their home countries—less than half the number who were ordered removed—suggesting that some are evading deportation orders...
Oh, some are evading deportation orders?

Nah. Impossible!! Where's the reseeeaaarrrcchh?!!!

Yeah, whatever, may the odds be ever in their favor.

More at that top link.