Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Backlash! Local Communities Fight Federal Government's Flood of Illegal Aliens — #BorderInvasion

It's not just Murrieta.

At WSJ, "Flood of Child Migrants Spurs Local Backlash" (via Google):

The federal government is scrambling to find temporary housing for thousands of children streaming across the Mexican border, asking states for help as an increasing number of governors and local officials protest efforts to send the migrants to their communities.

While some officials are welcoming the children, concerns voiced in states and communities near the southwest border and beyond demonstrate the depth of the Obama administration's challenge in trying to manage the crisis.

In Escondido, Calif., the planning commission denied a permit to turn a former nursing home into a 96-bed youth shelter after residents protested at a packed public meeting. Federal officials abandoned plans to locate a facility near Richmond, Va., after protests from residents. In Texas, two communities passed resolutions stating they don't want shelters—before anyone suggested opening them there.

At the National Governors Association meeting in Nashville, Tenn., over the weekend, governors expressed concerns over the cost of housing children in their states. And Nebraska's governor complained about 200 children who were sent to his state to live with their families, saying federal officials should have told the state who was being sent there.

"Governors and mayors have the right to know when the federal government is transporting a large group of individuals, in this case illegal immigrants, into your state," Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman, a Republican, said in an interview this weekend. He said he is concerned federal officials won't answer questions about plans to send the children to public schools and the potential costs to taxpayers.

Federal law requires that children from countries other than Mexico or Canada who cross the border unaccompanied by an adult be transferred to the Department of Health and Human Services, which is responsible for housing them on a temporary basis and then finding sponsors, usually families, where they can live while their deportation cases unfold.

HHS says it is working with local officials as it tries to open new shelters. But an agency spokesman said HHS is legally barred from notifying states when it places children with their families, as was the case in Nebraska, due to privacy concerns.

Until recently, HHS had about 100 shelters, capable of housing a total of 6,600 children, a capacity that quickly proved inadequate.

This spring, the agency opened three temporary facilities at military bases in Texas, Oklahoma and California, to house nearly 3,000 more. The agency said it is identifying a "wide range" of potential facilities in hopes of finding a few more.

To expand its options, HHS sent a letter to governors on July 1 seeking assistance identifying additional sites.

The border crisis was a major topic of concern this weekend at the summer meeting of governors, who met privately with HHS Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell about the issue. They expressed concerns about the costs to states that wind up housing children, about their health upon arrival and what the federal government ultimately plans to do with them, said the NGA's chairwoman, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin, a Republican.

More broadly, she said she worried that the U.S. may be signaling to other countries that it has an "open border" policy and that they can send children here in perpetuity, assured that America will "feed, house, shelter and take care of" them.

The White House has said that it is working to stem the flow of unauthorized immigrants, both because the U.S. cannot handle the influx and because it wants to discourage children from making the perilous journey. The president has promised that children who don't qualify for legal status here will be deported home, and to speed deportations, he has proposed changing a 2008 law that mandates a drawn-out court process for Central American children that has made speedy removals difficult.

Gov. John Hickenlooper, a Colorado Democrat, said costs must be a concern. "Our citizens already feel burdened by all kinds of changes. They don't want to see another burden coming into their state. So, however we deal with the humanitarian aspects of this, we have to do it in the most cost-effective way possible," he said Sunday.

But other governors were more open to the idea....

But there has been resistance in many other places—notably in Murrieta, Calif., roughly 65 miles north of San Diego, where protesters blocked buses carrying migrants, mostly women and children from Central America, to a U.S. Border Patrol station.

In Escondido, between Murrieta and San Diego, commissioners worried that the proposed shelter would increase traffic and overburden the neighborhood, said Jay Petrek, the city's assistant planning director. "They felt this was not the right location."

League City, Texas, enacted an ordinance last week that prohibits local officials from cooperating with any federal requests to house undocumented immigrants in the community because of "the potential threat of communicable diseases reported to be prevalent among illegal aliens."

And in the town of Greece, in upstate New York, supervisor William Reilich said constituents raised concerns after learning that the federal government was looking into placing immigrant children in a warehouse in town. The plan was scrapped.

After HHS officials said Thursday that they were considering housing undocumented children at a former Army Reserve facility near Westminster, Md., local officials protested. By Saturday, HHS said it was no longer considering the former Army site, though that may be because it was abandoned years ago and it doesn't have access to drinking water, according to local officials.

Concerns have also been expressed about a federal facility recently repurposed by the Department of Homeland Security in Artesia, N.M., to detain families with children until their cases can be heard. Artesia Mayor Phil Burch said his community of about 11,000 people will have to spend $225,000 to install a new traffic light near the facility due to the increased traffic. Mr. Burch said DHS officials projected the site will be used to house undocumented immigrants for up to a year—a duration he said locals find implausible.
And at the video up top, John Russell, of Agawam, Hampden County, Massachusetts, say illegals should be "deported."


Newport Beach Paddle Out for Hero Lifeguard Who Gave His Life

This was on Sunday.

What a story, at CBS News Los Angeles, "Paddle Out Held to Honor Lifeguard Who Drowned In the Line of Duty."

More, "Large Crowd Gathers to Honor Lifeguard Killed In the Line of Duty."

The lifeguard, Ben Carlson, saved the swimmer before he himself was overcome by the heavy surf.

When the GOP Takes the Senate

From former New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg, at the Hill:
Conventional wisdom is clear that the next Congress has a considerable likelihood of being a Republican Congress.

That same consensus also holds that if the GOP does indeed take control, the next two years will be marked by confrontation with the White House and even less actual legislative action than the present Congress has accomplished.

To be fair, there is some compelling logic behind these conclusions. President Obama has clearly opted out of the role of governing through legislation. He has become the most defensive president since at least World War II, blaming the Congress not just for all the ills of the nation but even for some of his international failures.

The president is pursuing this strategy while his party controls the Senate. This being so, it is difficult to imagine him shifting from that approach in a scenario where his party does not hold either chamber of Congress.

The Republican House appears to be equally averse to working with the administration. It has developed into a controlling party that has no control over itself.

Factions rule, and compromise or governance is simply not where their interests lie. Does adding a Republican Senate to the Republican House change this equation? Or, more likely, does it simply mean more of the same, only at an amplified volume?

The Beltway pundits are betting on the latter.

It seems like a good bet, especially since a Republican Senate will have its own dysfunctional factions in the persons of Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) et al.

But, in fact, this is not the direction in which things would go if Republicans gained the majority in the Senate...

Gregg thinks there might be compromise after November if Republicans take control, sensing that Obama wants to leave a legacy.

I doubt it, and frankly, I don't care how the Republicans look next year as long as they actually win the majority. Obama's not going to sign GOP legislation. He's way too arrogant and partisan. He'll ride things out, more lame than any lame duck in recent history.

Most of all, Republicans will deliver a crushing blow this year that demoralizes the Democrat Party. I expect Hillary Clinton to run, and most likely will capture the 2016 Democrat nomination. Republicans will be better off by taking extreme care in developing a competent and electable pool of likely GOP presidential prospects. 2016 won't be a shoo in. But the last three presidencies, which were all two-term administrations, were followed by a change of party control in the White House, so historical patterns augur well for the GOP. It's gonna be intense whatever happens.

William Hague Resigns as British Foreign Minister

At Telegraph UK, "Reshuffle: William Hague quits as a dozen ministers axed":
William Hague stands down as Foreign Secretary as David Cameron ousts a dozen older male ministers in major reshuffle.
Cameron's obviously under pressure to diversify the cabinet ahead of parliamentary elections.

An interesting piece.


Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Models' Biggest Fears

Lily Aldridge is a sweetie.

Dangerous Journey North for Illegal Aliens

This is an amazing video, for it reveals just how huge an industry is the human smuggling market to the United States.

And note something important: Most of those chronicled are not small children, who the uncaring left has exploited to push their sick open-borders political agenda.

Pamplona Bull Runner Gored Right Through the Leg!

One of the worst scenes out of Pamplona I can remember, and I blog this every year. Man.

Watch at the video below.

London's Daily Mail has the stop action photos, with the man horribly gored: "Gory scenes in Pamplona: The eye-watering moment a runner was gored through the leg during the final running of the bulls at Spain's San Fermin festival."

Monday, July 14, 2014

Wolf Blitzer Again Ducks for Cover

I like Wolf. I don't think he has to prove his mettle at this point.

Stay safe man.

PREVIOUSLY: "Israel Air Raid Sirens Send Wolf Blitzer Running for Cover."

VIDEO: Border Patrol Uncovers Massive MS-13 Gang Recruiting at Alien Detention Center in Nogales, Arizona

Americans are simply not going to take this any longer.

After awhile, the bleating leftist cries of "compassion" ring hollow in the face of the massive criminal onslaught overwhelming our borders. Seriously. This is Mara Salvatrucha, recruiting children as young as 10-years-old.  And this isn't Fox News pumping up the invasion, but local ABC15 KNXV-TV Phoenix.

Just tell the faux-compassion leftists to get bent, freakin' assholes.


'Worst President Ever Elected' — Chicago Blacks Ask 'Where's Our Asylum?'

I've been meaning to get to this outstanding report at Rebel Pundit, "Chicago-Southside Residents Go Off on Obama over Amnesty: “Worst President Ever Elected”."

Watch the video at the link.

And now picked up at IBD, holla!

Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points Memo: Obama Administration 'Encouraging Human Smuggling' Across the Border

An unprecedented catastrophe, on the O'Reilly Factor:

Bret Baier's Special Report: On the Front Lines of the #BorderInvasion

John Roberts has an exclusive report, for Special Report:

Jew-Hatred in Toronto

At the Canadian Jewish News, "Protesters square off in front of Israeli consulate":
TORONTO — As the Gaza conflict continued in the Middle East, more than 1,000 pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel protesters faced off on either side of Bloor Street at Avenue Road early Friday evening, waving placards and flags and hurling insults across a sea of Toronto police officers and crowd-control fencing.

Plus, watch Michael Coren's video from the protests. It's foaming hatred everywhere, and rabid conspiracy theories. One of the protest signs says, "From the river to the sea... Palestinians will be free." Which of course is another way of saying "We'll sweep the dirty Jews into the sea."

So much for peace.

More at BCF, "Michael Coren receives warm welcome from Pallie Protesters..."

Heavenly Surfing Video Will Leave You Speechless

From the comments on Facebook, "It's like touching the face of God."

Mike Trout Won't Participate in All-Star Game's Home Run Derby

At the Los Angeles Times, "Angels' Mike Trout looks forward to future Home Run Derby":

Mike Trout is the consensus best player in baseball.

He would have been a natural for Monday night's Home Run Derby -- he has more home runs than any of the 10 contestants -- but he rejected an invitation.

"A lot of guys were giving me crap about it," Trout said Monday.

His Angels teammates?

"Around the league," Trout said. Trout, 22, left little doubt that his decision reflected the wishes of Angels manager Mike Scioscia. Trout said he would welcome another opportunity to participate.

"If I get another chance, and if I said I wanted to do it," Trout said, "Scioscia would be against it, but he would support it."
More, "Home Run Derby: Some sluggers would just as soon sit than swing."

Watch that video and you'll get a feel for the kind of power Trout's boasting.

What a guy. Glad he's on the Angels, lol.

Why The Ramones Mattered

Jon Gabriel's a very knowledgeable music aficionado, especially on the punk and alternative scenes on which I cut my teeth.

Be sure to click through to read his essay on the Ramones, at Richochet:

I was so moved I tweeted him my 1981 Ramones concert ticket, heh:

U.S. Border Agent Saves Illegal Alien Who Tried to Hang Himself from Border Fence in Calexico

Man, if the Border Patrol isn't challenged enough already.

At the Riverside Press-Enterprise, "CALEXICO: Man tries to hang himself from border fence":

A 27-year-old man tried to hang himself from the border fence in Calexico Sunday night, authorities said.

A U.S. Border Patrol agent near 1st Street saw the man scaling the fence with a rope on the Mexico side about 7 p.m. As the agent approached, the man wrapped the rope around his neck, hanging himself on the U.S. side of the fence, Border Patrol Agent Eduardo Jacobo said.

The agent grabbed the man by his legs, elevating him to release the pressure around his neck, until another agent arrived to help, a Border Patrol news release said. At some point, the rope came loose and the agents lowered the man to the ground.
The man was revived at the scene and taken to a hospital.

Sunday Cartoons (On Monday)

Blogging has been busier than normal this last couple of weeks, and yesterday I forgot to post my Sunday cartoons. (It's not the first time, although I like taking a humor break here and there.)

This cartoon is out today from Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Israeli vs Hamas Defense Shields."

 photo D-Shied-590-LI_zpse4033707.jpg

More at Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies," and Theo Spark, "Cartoon Round Up..."

Emily Ratajkowski Sanity Break

We interrupt our leftist Holocaust blogging to bring you this very important update.

At Egotastic!, "Emily Ratajkowski Brings Her Faptastic Funbags to Italy."

And from the lovely lady on Twitter:

More at Ms. Emily's Instagram page as well.

Leftist Protesters in Seattle Depict Jews as Drinking Blood and Eating Gentile Babies — #AntiSemitism

Look, I was talking about Europe last night when I mentioned this is the worst surge of anti-Jewish hatred since the 1930s, but it's here at home as well.

Just scroll trough this post at the Mike Report, "SHOCKING ANTI-SEMITIC HATEFEST IN DOWNTOWN SEATTLE."

Right out of the Nazi playbook: