Thursday, August 27, 2015

Heather Depriest September 2015 Playboy Cover Model

Watch, "Heather Depriest Graces the Playboy September Cover Issue (VIDEO)."

And at Playboy, "Our Steamy September 2015 Cover With Guess Model Heather Depriest."

#WDBJ Shooter Vester Lee Flanagan Was 'Classic Injustice Collector'

It's New York Deputy Police Commissioner John Miller, at CBS This Morning.

Plus, from Ed Morrissey, at Hot Air, "Video: Gunman was “classic injustice collector”."

Up to 50 Migrants Found Dead in Refrigerator Truck in Austria (VIDEO)


The migrants likely suffocated in the back of the truck, which was probably locked on the outside so the refugees had no way to open to door for air.

At Russia Today, "20 to 50 migrants found dead in truck in Austria, suffocation likely cause."

And at the Wall Street Journal, "Austrian Police Find Up to 50 Migrants Dead in Truck":

Europe’s migrant crisis took a deadly turn far from the continent’s coasts Thursday with the discovery in Austria of a truck containing up to 50 decomposing corpses.

The bodies were found in an abandoned delivery truck parked off a highway outside of Vienna, on one of the main migration routes from eastern to western Europe, Austrian police said Thursday.

While more than 2,300 people died this year trying to reach Europe by crossing the Mediterranean, according to the International Organization for Migration, the gruesome discovery in inland Europe cast a sharp light on the European Union’s struggle to deal with increasing numbers of refugees crossing its borders.

The quickening flow and its consequences have sparked a debate about whether and how the influx of migrants into border states should be shared among all EU countries.

Many migrants are now traveling from Turkey to Greece and then across the Balkans to Hungary, a course considered less risky than the often deadly sea route. Around 3,000 people a day are currently being moved through the Balkans, the United Nations’ refugee agency estimates. The route has been used by roughly 10 times as many migrants so far this year as over the same period last year, according to the EU border agency Frontex.

The truck with Hungarian license plates was found near the Austrian village of Parndorf, the site of a popular outlet shopping mall about 30 kilometers (20 miles) from the Hungarian border. It had been left by the side of the highway for more than 24 hours, Austrian police said. Late Thursday they said they couldn’t yet determine the migrants’ cause of death, adding that preliminary inspection suggested the people suffocated or died of thirst.

Austria’s police said they were in contact with their counterparts in Hungary regarding ownership of the truck, which appeared to be a refrigerator vehicle previously used to transport chickens.

Separately, Janos Lazar, minister in charge of the Hungarian prime minister’s office, said the vehicle had been purchased from a Slovak firm and was registered to a Romanian national in Hungary.

“This shows once again that we need to take responsibility and offer refugees asylum,” Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann said at a conference on the Western Balkans in Vienna on Thursday. Mr. Faymann emphasized the need for European countries to cooperate, secure the union’s borders, and “fairly share” the refugee burden...

Today’s Impenetrable Wall of Social Justice

A lovely turn of phrase, by Ryan Graham, from the letters to the editor, at the Wall Street Journal, "Raising the Underperforming at the Cost of the Talented."

Writers are responding to Chester Finn and Brandon Wright, "The Bright Students Left Behind."

Might as Well Post the Link to Harry Stein's Book, No Matter What...They'll Call This Book Racist...

I'm off to the college for my long Thursday of teaching, but it's no doubt going to be an interesting new day.

Don't be surprised to see leftists martyr the Virginia murderer Vester Lee Flanagan for the cause of gun control. The New York Times is fast out of the gate with this really stupid editorial, which was posted prominently at the main page of the website last night, "Killings of Journalists Bring Gun Violence to Dark New Level."

As always, more commentary and analysis later.

Meanwhile, here's Stein's book, No Matter What...They'll Call This Book Racist: How our Fear of Talking Honestly About Race Hurts Us All.

BONUS: ICYMI, don't forget about Michael Walsh's new book, The Devil's Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West.

Backlash: Black Killer of White Reporters Sent Manifesto Declaring that Murders were a Response to Charleston

At Ace of Spades HQ.

Lake Elsinore Man May Lose Hand After Being Bitten While Trying to Take Selfie with Rattlesnake

Definitely not too smart.

At CBS News 2 Los Angeles, "Lake Elsinore Man May Lose Hand After Attempting To Take Selfie With Rattlesnake."

The Dust Lady Has Died

Her picture remains one of the clearest images I remember from media coverage of the attacks.

At the Washington Post, "9/11 ‘Dust Lady’ Marcy Borders, featured in a haunting photo, has died of cancer." And the New York Times, "Marcy Borders, ‘Dust Lady’ Who Survived 9/11, Dies at 42."

Also, watch at the BBC, "Marcy Borders, the Dust Covered Woman in the Iconic 9 11 Photograph, Has Died of Cancer."

She was still a young woman. Of course she believed 9/11 caused her cancer. It's just too much not to believe.

More at the Guardian UK, "Death of 9/11 'dust lady' Marcy Borders renews worry over related cancers."

New York Daily News Puts 'Snuff' Photos of Murdered #WDBJ Reporter Alison Parker on Front Page

Truthfully, I'm not against full and honest reporting on all aspects of these murders, although folks on social media think today's NYDN cover is out of line.

Here, at NYDN on Facebook, "EXECUTED ON LIVE TV."

Actually, she wasn't "executed." She was murdered. There's a difference.

I'll have more tonight.

What Watching the #WDBJ Shooting Says — and Does Not Say — About You

From Mary McNamara, at the Los Angeles Times, "Critic's Notebook If we watch the Virginia TV shooting is the suspected shooter 'winning'?":

Alison Parker and Adam Ward photo journalists-killed_zpspjdruc9r.jpg
To watch or not to watch.

Early Wednesday morning, reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward were shot to death during a live interview for WDBJ-TV, a CBS affiliate based in Roanoke, Va. In less than an hour, clips of the event were on YouTube.

It soon developed that the suspected shooter, Vester Flanagan, a former reporter for WDBJ, appeared to have recorded the shooting himself, posted it on Facebook and then tweeted about it using his on-air name, Bryce Williams. Flanagan shot himself while being chased by police and later died.

The Twitter and Facebook accounts were quickly suspended, and YouTube took down the videos, but the disturbing images continued to circulate, prompting an equally widespread "Don't Watch" campaign.

At best, some said, watching or sharing the footage was an endorsement of a media culture run amok, proof that the medium has indeed become the message — people will now literally do anything to be on television.

At worst, it made us complicit in the killings themselves.

Either way, if we watched the brief tragic clips of the attack on Parker and Ward, or the chilling footage taken by Flanagan just before he began shooting, somehow Flanagan would "win."

As if Flanagan were powerful enough to define our reactions to his crime or if any of those reactions were more important than the fact and nature of murder. As if news were suddenly beholden to feelings of gentility and any medium should be blamed for insane people attempting to leverage it for their own dissociated ends...

Actually, leftist "don't watch" social media campaigns are always designed to help Democrats. Ignore them. If you want to watch the video, watch it. Flanagan's dead. He has no power over anything. Frankly, watching allows people to bear witness to the enormity of this assault on decency. And of course the enormity of Democrat Party evil.

FLASHBACK: See Jeff Jacoby, "James Foley video is grim, but we owe it to him to bear witness."

Venezuela's Food Shortages Trigger Looting

Venezuela's a freakin' joke.

At WSJ, "Venezuela’s Food Shortages Trigger Long Lines, Hunger and Looting":
LA SIBUCARA, Venezuela—Hours after they looted and set fire to a National Guard command post in this sun-baked corner of Venezuela earlier this month, a mob infuriated by worsening food shortages rammed trucks into the smoldering edifice, reducing it mostly to rubble.

The incident was just one of numerous violent clashes that have flared in pockets around the country in recent weeks as Venezuelans wait for hours in long supermarket lines for basics like milk and rice. Shortages have made hunger a palpable concern for many Wayuu Indians who live here at the northern tip of Venezuela’s 1,300-mile border with Colombia.

The soldiers had been deployed to stem rampant food smuggling and price speculation, which President Nicolás Maduro blames for triple-digit inflation and scarcity. But after they seize contraband goods, the troops themselves often become targets of increasingly desperate people.

“What’s certain is that we are going very hungry here and the children are suffering a lot,” said María Palma, a 55-year-old grandmother who on a recent blistering hot day had been standing in line at the grocery store since 3 a.m. before walking away empty-handed at midday.

In a national survey, the pollster Consultores 21 found 30% of Venezuelans eating two or fewer meals a day during the second quarter of this year, up from 20% in the first quarter. Around 70% of people in the study also said they had stopped buying some basic food item because it had become unavailable or too expensive.

Food-supply problems in Venezuela underscore the increasingly precarious situation for Mr. Maduro’s socialist government, which according to the latest poll by Datanálisis is preferred by less than 20% of voters ahead of Dec. 6 parliamentary elections. The critical situation threatens to plunge South America’s largest oil exporter into a wave of civil unrest reminiscent of last year’s nationwide demonstrations seeking Mr. Maduro’s ouster.

“It’s a national crisis,” said Marco Ponce, head of the Venezuela Observatory of Social Conflict, noting that unlike the political protests of last year, residents are now taking to the streets demanding social rights.

The nonprofit group recorded 500 protests over food shortages during the first half of 2015, 56 looting incidents and dozens of attempted lootings at grocery stores, pharmacies and warehouses. Even delivery trucks are frequently targeted. “If people aren’t outside protesting, they’re outside standing in line for goods,” Mr. Ponce said.

The unrest is a response to dramatically worsening living conditions for Venezuelans as the economy reels from oil’s slump following more than a decade of populist spending that left the government broke...
Still more.

#WDBJ Shooter Vester Lee Flanagan Was 'Just Waiting to Go BOOM'

He really was.

The entire social justice warrior radical left is just waiting to go BOOM!

More people are going to get killed, especially white people.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Suspect in killing of Virginia TV crew said he was 'just waiting to go BOOM'."

PREVIOUSLY: "Police: Vester Lee Flanagan Dead, Shot Himself After Killing Journalists During Live Broadcast," and "Vester Lee Flanagan, #WDBJ Shooting Suspect, Angry Black Democrat, Disciplined for Wearing 'Barack Obama Sticker' at Work."

Plus, "Vester Lee Flanagan Said God Told Him to Kill Alison Parker and Adam Ward as Payback for Charleston (VIDEO)."

Democrat Governor Terry McAuliffe Called for More Gun Control Even Before Virginia #WDBJ Suspect Apprehended

More despicable leftist politicization.

At the Right Scoop, "UGH: Democrat Virginia Gov. EXPLOITS shooting, calls for more GUN CONTROL before suspect in custody."

#BlackLivesMatter Activist Deray McKesson Deletes Tweet Alleging White 'Terrorism' in Virginia #WDBJ Shooting

Truly despicable.

At Twitchy, "‘Mega-FAIL’: DeRay McKesson deletes tweet, backpedals after realizing #WDBJ shooter not white."

PREVIOUSLY: "Police: Vester Lee Flanagan Dead, Shot Himself After Killing Journalists During Live Broadcast," and "Vester Lee Flanagan, #WDBJ Shooting Suspect, Angry Black Democrat, Disciplined for Wearing 'Barack Obama Sticker' at Work."

Also, "Vester Lee Flanagan Said God Told Him to Kill Alison Parker and Adam Ward as Payback for Charleston (VIDEO)."

Jackie Johnson's Got Your Weekend Forecast

It's supposed warm up a bit, and it's not like it was chilly yesterday, or anything.

At CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Vester Lee Flanagan Said God Told Him to Kill Alison Parker and Adam Ward as Payback for Charleston (VIDEO)

From Jessica Chasmar, on Twitter, "Flanagan says God told him to kill Parker and Ward as Charleston payback."

The suspect apparently wrote that he "put down a deposit for a gun on 6/19/15. The Church shooting in Charleston happened on 6/17/15."

See also, ABC News, "After Shooting, Alleged Gunman Details Grievances in ‘Suicide Notes’."

Police: Vester Lee Flanagan Dead, Shot Himself After Killing Journalists During Live Broadcast

Initial reports said that the suspect attempted suicide, but was taken to a hospital. But CNN reports that he died after shooting himself as he was being apprehended by law enforcement.

See, "Police: Bryce Williams fatally shoots self after killing journalists on air."

And WDBJ General Manager Jeff Marks says Alison Parker and Adam Ward were "exuberant and energetic" people. "They were pros." Watch:

PREVIOUSLY: "Vester Lee Flanagan, #WDBJ Shooting Suspect, Angry Black Democrat, Disciplined for Wearing 'Barack Obama Sticker' at Work."

Vester Lee Flanagan, #WDBJ Shooting Suspect, Angry Black Democrat, Disciplined for Wearing 'Barack Obama Sticker' at Work

They said we'd have crazed gunman shooting up innocent media reporters if I voted for Mitt Romney and they were right!

At the Huffington Post (via Dana Loesch), "Alleged Virginia Shooter Requested Personnel Records on Victims":

According to an internal memo included in the court documents, after Flanagan was presented with a severance letter in February 2013, he said, "You better call police because I'm going to make a big stink." A newsroom employee called 911, and police officers arrived to physically escort Flanagan from the building.

Memos indicate that Ward videotaped Flanagan as he was escorted out. Flanagan told Ward to “lose your big gut,” and flipped off the camera.

WDBJ objected to Flanagan’s request for employee documents, claiming the personnel records were proprietary information and irrelevant to his claims.

The court filings also include Flanagan’s application for employment at WDBJ and his resume, in which he reported graduating from San Francisco State University with a 3.7 grade point average and his affiliation with the National Association of Black Journalists.

Flanagan was offered a position with WDBJ on March 6, 2012, as a multimedia journalist/general assignment reporter with an annual salary of $36,000. However, he quickly racked up a misconduct record during his year of employment.

In a performance review in August 2012, Flanagan was given a “1,” the lowest rating, for being “respectful to coworkers at all times,” but a “4” for work diligence and attendance. He was written up in November 2012 for wearing a Barack Obama sticker...


BONUS: At CNN, "#WDBJ TV officials called 911 & some employees hid behind locked door when shooter was fired." Well, yeah, those Obama-Democrat activists are pretty dangerous. Don't forget the guy from Staten Island, "Garland Tyree, Shooter in Staten Island Standoff, Was Democrat Party Activist and Community Organizer (PHOTOS)."