Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Alligator Drags 2-Year-Old Boy Into the Water at Disney's Grand Floridian Resort (VIDEO)

It's in Orlando, of course.

What a terrible, terrible story.

At the Orlando Sentinel, "Alligator attacks 2-year-old boy at Disney's Grand Floridian":
[Orange County Sheriff Jerry] Demings said the Nebraska family of five was relaxing on the shoreline when the alligator attacked the boy. The father entered the water and tried to grab the child from the gator, but was not successful. He had scratches on his hands after the ordeal.
Reporter Christal Hayes tweets, "#Orlando has turned into a media circus with all this terrible news lately. This is the scene as we wait for info."

More, at FOX 5 News Atlanta:

Noor Salman, Wife of Orlando Jihadist Omar Mateen, Could Soon Face Federal Charges

Megyn Kelly just announced it on Fox News.

And at the website, "WIFE ACCESSORY TO MURDER? Feds convene grand jury to launch probe into Orlando shooter's spouse."

Dana Loesch Comments on the Orlando Terrorist Attack (VIDEO)

Following-up, "Gun Control Didn't Stop Orlando Terrorist Attack."

Ava Sambora Shows Off Enviable Bikini Body in Malibu

It's Heather Locklear's 18-year-old daughter.

At London's Daily Mail, "Ava Sambora puts on an eye-popping display for sizzling photo shoot as she parades her enviable bikini bod in Malibu."

Poll Shows Boost for Donald Trump Over Hillary Clinton After Orlando Jihad Attack

It's the Reuters/Ipsos poll, conducted from Friday to Tuesday.

Not a huge bounce, but definitely contradicts the NBC News poll out today saying Clinton's "eating away" at Trump's lead among men and white voters. (Via Memeorandum.)

See, "Trump gains slightly on Clinton after Florida attack: Reuters/Ipsos poll" (via Memeorandum):

Hillary Clinton's lead over Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential race has narrowed since late last week, according to the results of the first Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted since the Orlando shooting rampage on Sunday.

Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for the Nov. 8 election, has blamed Democratic policies for the worst mass shooting in U.S. history and doubled-down on his pledge to ban Muslim immigration, while Clinton has warned against demonizing Muslim-Americans.

The poll, conducted from Friday to Tuesday, showed Clinton with an 11.6-point lead - 44.6 percent to 33.0 percent - over Trump, down from the 13-point lead she had in the five days that ended Saturday.

The Florida attack, in which a gunman killed 49 people at a gay nightclub and wounded 53 could have a lingering impact on the presidential race, mixing concerns about immigration, gun violence and religious tolerance into what has already been a volatile and sharply negative campaign.

The shooter, Omar Mateen, 29, the U.S.-born son of Afghan immigrant parents, called authorities during the massacre to pledge allegiance to the Islamic State militant group.

Federal investigators have said Mateen, who was killed by police, was likely self-radicalized and there was no evidence he received any instruction or aid from outside groups such as Islamic State.

Trump seized on the attack to accuse Democratic President Barack Obama of failing to address "radical Islamic terrorism," to warn that Clinton's policies on immigration would allow more potential attackers into the country, and to fine-tune his call for a suspension of Muslim immigration.

In a speech on Monday, Trump said he would suspend immigration from countries with a “proven history of terrorism” against the United States, Europe and allied countries "until we fully understand how to end these threats."

Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, said Trump's response to the attack was disturbing...

Frankly, Trump's numbers have yet to take off, especially now that the Democrats are playing desperate defense on national security. O's terrorism speech today was an absolute disgrace, attempting to justify his administration's refusal to clearly identify our enemies.

The public's not going to be forgiving. We're having regular jihad attacks, inspired by Islamic State. The blood's on the hands of the Democrats in the White House, and Hillary Clinton too.

FLASHBACK: From last December, "Poll: Heightened Fear of Terrorism is Rippling Through the Electorate."

Somali Muslim Mohammad Moghaddam Killed in Hostage Situation at #Amarillo Walmart (VIDEO)

"Workplace violence."

At Creeping Sharia, "Texas: Muslim employee took hostages at Amarillo Walmart, killed by police."

And Ricochet, "Police Kill Suspect in Apparent Hostage Situation at #Amarillo Walmart."

And watch, at ABC News:

Laura Ingraham Responds to Candidates' Reactions to Orlando Jihad Massacre (VIDEO)

Watch, at Fox News, "Laura Ingraham on Candidates' Reactions to Orlando Shooting."

Roundup of the Roundups

I've gotta head out to the office to wrap up a few loose ends.

Plus, I'll be having lunch with my colleague who just retired.

Back this afternoon.

Meanwhile, check out Maggie's Farm, "Tuesday morning links." Also, from Doug Ross, "Larwyn's Linx: ISIS Terror Shooting at Gay Nightclub Dismantles the Liberal Narrative; Trump's Speech a Game-Changer."

More at Blazing Cat Fur, "NBC: Real Problem with These Tragedies Are Trump’s Tweets or Something."

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ICYMI: Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Heretic

From last November, at Amazon, Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now.

And from earlier today, "Islam's Jihad Against Homosexuals."

Ayaan Hirsi Ali photo HERETIC_zpsl7klzosi.jpg

Hannah Ferguson Summer of Swim 2016 (VIDEO)

Talking a break from Orlando blogging.

Via Sports Illustrated:

Nabeel Qureshi, Answering Jihad

Nabeel Qureshi published an outstanding essay -- one of the best on this ever --- following the Belgium jihad attacks in March, at USA Today: "The Quran's deadly role in inspiring Belgian slaughter."

I meant to blog it at the time, but never got the chance.

He's a convert to Christianity, and pulls no punches on Islam. But his family's Muslim, and he worries about them. That's one of the topics in his latest book, Answering Jihad: A Better Way Forward.

I haven't read it yet, but hopefully soon.

Also, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity.

Deal of the Day: Dromida Ominus Drones as Low as $49.99

At Amazon, Dromida Ominus UAV Quadcopter RTF (Various Colors).

Also, Panasonic ES-RT97-S Arc3 Electric Razor, Men's 3-Blade Cordless with Wet/Dry Convenience, Comb Attachment for Trimming, and included Premium Automatic Clean & Charge Station.

And, Last Minute Father's Day Gifts - Wahl Lithium Men's Products.

More, Father's Day - Chef Works Promotion.

Plus, Michael Weiss and Hassan Hassan, ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror.

Joby Warrick, Black Flags: The Rise of ISIS.

Patrick Cockburn, The Rise of Islamic State: ISIS and the New Sunni Revolution.

BONUS: Bruce Bawer, While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within.

In the Mail: Brigitte L. Nacos, Terrorism and Counterterrorism [BUMPED]

A new edition is out, from Routledge, Brigitte L. Nacos, Terrorism and Counterterrorism (5th Edition).

Also, from Joby Warrick, Black Flags: The Rise of ISIS.

Fawaz Gerges, ISIS: A History.

Plus, from Daniel Byman, Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, and the Global Jihadist Movement: What Everyone Needs to Know.

William McCants, The ISIS Apocalypse: The History, Strategy, and Doomsday Vision of the Islamic State.

Erick Stakelbeck, ISIS Exposed: Beheadings, Slavery, and the Hellish Reality of Radical Islam.

Lawrence Wright, The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11.

Islam's Jihad Against Homosexuals

From Ayaan Hirsi Ali, at WSJ, "The rise of modern Islamic extremism has worsened an institutionalized Muslim homophobia":
The Orlando massacre is a hideous reminder to Americans that homophobia is an integral part of Islamic extremism. That isn’t to say that some people of other faiths and ideologies aren’t hostile to members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, or LGBT, community. Nor is to say that Islamic extremists don’t target other minorities, in addition to engaging in wholly indiscriminate violence. But it is important to establish why a man like Omar Mateen could be motivated to murder 49 people in a gay nightclub, interrupting the slaughter, as law-enforcement officials reported, to dial 911, proclaim his support for Islamic State and then pray to Allah.

I offer an explanation in the form of four propositions...
These are: "Muslim homophobia is institutionalized"; many Muslim-majority countries criminalize homosexuality; Muslims in Muslim-majority countries are homophobic; and "modern Islamic extremism has worsened the intolerance toward homosexuality."

More at the click-through.

BONUS: From Milo Yiannopoulos, "The Left Chose Islam Over Gays. Now 100 People Are Dead or Maimed In Orlando."

Orlando Jihad: Amanda Marcotte and the Cult Ideology of Feminism

At the Other McCain, "Shorter @AmandaMarcotte: ‘Masculinity Killed Those Gay People in Orlando’":

This is one of the aspects of contemporary feminism that, I think, gets too little scrutiny. To what extent can the “feminism” of Amanda Marcotte, Jessica Valenti, et al., be distinguished from the general political and policy agenda of the Democrat Party? And with Hillary Clinton running for president, this simple-minded “vote your vagina” message is being echoed and amplified by the media to such a deafening level that we can scarcely hear anything else. Propaganda always requires demonizing scapegoats who, according to the political calculus of the Democrat Party in the 21st-century, are always male, always white, and always Christian. Democrats win elections by maximizing their vote among unmarried women, among black and Hispanic voters, and among atheists. This divide-and-conquer tactic of identity politics appeals to utterly irrational impulses, the tribal tendency of people to thinks of themselves in opposition to a hated Other, so that their emotions — including self-pity and envy — overpower their ability to analyze policy and calculate their own actual best interests. Trust me, I used to be a Democrat.
Still more.

Department of Homeland Security Prohibited from Using Words That 'Disrespect' Muslims

Not shocking at all.

All security training procedures have been purged of politically incorrect language that might actually help police personnel from stopping attacks.

No wonder Donald Trump gets so much flak from the leftist press. He's onto something, big time.

At Blazing Cat Fur, "Homeland Security PROHIBITED From Using ‘JIHAD’, ‘SHARIA’ — Words That “DISRESPECT” Muslims."

PREVIOUSLY: "Orlando Jihad — Donald Trump Fingers 'Muslim' Obama: 'He's got something else in mind...' (VIDEO)," and "Americans Permanently Divided Amid National Crises."

Counter-Jihad Divide: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump Diverge on Security After Orlando (VIDEO)

Watch: Nancy Cordes reports for CBS This Morning, "Trump defends Muslim ban, Clinton focuses on gun laws."

And at the Los Angeles Times, "The Trump and Clinton responses to the Orlando shooting just reset the political norm":
The candidates didn’t take the requisite timeout from the presidential campaign trail. They didn’t announce that this week was for healing only. The body count, in fact, was not even final before the massacre in Orlando, Fla., had become as politically charged as it was horrific.

The deadliest mass shooting in American history became the launching point Monday for what was already expected to be one of the country’s nastier presidential campaigns, coming the week that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were set to turn their attention entirely to attacking each other and building their cases in battleground states. Instead, the attack forced them to rewrite planned speeches and confront the anxieties set off by yet another gruesome mass murder – and another perpetrator of Islamic faith.

Trump focused relentlessly on immigration as the root cause of the massacre, saying that “the only reason the killer was in America in the first place was because we allowed his family to come here.” His unrestrained broadsides on immigrants, Muslim nations, even the motivations of President Obama – at one point Trump seemed to question whether the president had terrorist affiliations – defied, as usual, political convention.

Clinton delivered a nuanced speech with multiple policy proposals, emphasizing the need for the country to unite and avoid scapegoating Muslims. “Our open, diverse society is an asset in the struggle against terrorism, not a liability,” she said, while warning that installing an unsteady hand with xenophobic tendencies in the White House is among the most dangerous things voters could do. She mentioned no names...

That means extreme care not to offend anyone, least of all leftist Islamic jihad-enablers.

Still more.

Ramadan Terror: Paris Knife Jihadist Broadcast Cop-Murder Live on Facebook (VIDEO)


At the Telegraph UK, "Paris attack: Cop-killer broadcast murder live on Facebook, saying he was answering Isil's call for lone wolf attacks during Ramadan":
A suspected Islamist who stabbed to death a police commander and his wife in France claimed he was following Isil’s call for lone wolf attacks during Ramadan, in a video posted online after the killing.

Larossi Abballa, a 25-year-old known to French security services, pledged allegiance to the leader of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) in a 13-minute live broadcast on his Facebook account before warning that Euro 2016 would become a “graveyard”.

Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, an Isil spokesman, last month released an audio recording in which he told followers in Europe and the US to rise up and carry out attacks in its name during the holy month.

The attacker, who went to jail in 2013 for helping Islamist militants go to Pakistan and had been monitored by security services, repeatedly knifed the 42-year-old commander, named locally as Jean-Baptiste Salvaing, in the stomach late on Monday.

He then barricaded himself inside the house in Magnanville, a suburb some 40 miles west of Paris, taking the policeman's partner and three-year-old son hostage. His partner, 36, an administrative police official, was found dead in the house with knife wounds to her neck.

The boy was unharmed but in a state of shock, officials said. He was taken to a children's hospital.

They found three phones and three knives, including one covered in blood on the table.

In his nearby car, they found a Koran, a white djellaba, and two books - one called "genuine belief" and another "explanation of the three foundations".

The video, posted on his Facebook account as police surrounded the couple’s house, reportedly showed the suspect next to his victims, according to French radio station RFI.

The couple’s son can be seen in the background. “I don’t know what to do with it,” the suspect is heard saying of the boy.

Abballa then calls for more attacks in France, particularly against the Euro 2016 stadiums and a list of police officers, prison guards, and journalists he names.

He was shot dead by members of an elite police unit after negotiations failed...
And watch, at France 24, "France : policeman killer was part of Syria jihad investigation, had ties with jihadi networks," and "France police murder claimed by ISIS: 'a direct link with the Orlando mass shooting'."

Gun Control Didn't Stop Orlando Terrorist Attack

Make sure you're following Dana on Twitter.

She's been a one-woman truth tornado following the Orlando jihad massacre.

And at her blog, "Gun Control Didn’t Stop a Terror Attack In Orlando":

Orlando was a terror attack. It was carried out by a radical Islamist from a radical family with hatred in his heart. To reduce this to nothing more than unaffiliated "gun violence" for the sake of a gun control fetish enables the continuance of such attacks. I don't say this lightly, so I'll repeat it: If you're attacking and blaming law-abiding gun owners for the actions of a terrorist you're protecting the terrorist. There isn't one gun law that would have prevented this atrocity. Total prohibition on access to firearms didn't stop the Bataclan terror attack. It's people and motive that are to blame, not guns.

This is indisputable...
Keep reading.

And Dana's book, Hands Off My Gun: Defeating the Plot to Disarm America.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Donald Trump's Rainbow Coalition

Phoenix LGBT tweeted yesterday:

And at Instapundit, "TRUMP BUILDS A RAINBOW COALITION: Gays rally around Trump after Orlando attacks."