Friday, July 22, 2016


Well, that's one way to characterize it, but leftists are pretty much unified that Trump gave a fearsome speech. And some, for example, Van Jones and Sally Kohn, were terrified because it was so good.

In any case, here's Kash Hill, "Holy crap, Donald Trump’s RNC acceptance speech was TERRIFYING."

Milo Yiannopoulos Responds to Orwellian Twitter Ban (VIDEO)

At InfoWars, "Milo Responds to Orwellian Twitter Ban."

Short excerpt here:

The Amount of Immigration Patriotism in Donald Trump's Speech is Amazing!

An interesting post, at V-Dare.

The #NeverTrump Crowd Must Bear Responsibility for a Hillary Clinton Presidency

At AoSHQ, "Yes, #NeverTrumpers, You Are In Fact Morally Responsible for the Hillary Clinton Presidency You're Agitating For."

RTWT at the link.

It's good.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Donald Trump's Speech to the Republican National Convention: #ImWithYou (VIDEO)

The full video is here, "Watch Presidential Candidate Donald Trump's Full Speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention."

And at the Wall Street Journal, "Donald Trump Accepts GOP Nomination, Promises to Fix America":

Donald Trump ended his party’s convention Thursday the way he began his history-making campaign: attacking the political establishment, playing to voters’ fears of foreigners and crime, and making bold promises to fix America’s ills.

“I have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people who cannot defend themselves,” said the first-time politician whose populist message helped him capture the Republican presidential nomination.

The speech, which ran more than an hour, painted a grim view of the U.S. economy and world affairs under President Barack Obama, and intensified the attack on the record of his rival Hillary Clinton.

“This is the legacy of Hillary Clinton: death, destruction, terrorism and weakness,” he said.

He returned to familiar campaign themes of opposing international trade deals and cracking down on illegal immigration. He drew strong applause when he reiterated his desire to ban immigrants from nations “compromised by terrorism,” and departed from his prepared text to say, “We don’t want them in our country.”

He homed in on Mrs. Clinton, the one issue sure to galvanize Republicans in November. Arguing that her tenure as secretary of state under Mr. Obama fomented instability abroad, he said, “America is far less safe—and the world is far less stable—than when Obama made the decision to put Hillary Clinton in charge of America’s foreign policy,” he said. “I am certain it is a decision President Barack Obama truly regrets.”

Mr. Trump’s speech was the capstone of a tumultuous convention that exposed some of the risks he faces as he takes his unorthodox campaign into a general election campaign against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton’s well-funded and well-oiled machine.

Mr. Trump presented himself as uniquely equipped to lead the nation.

“Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it,” he said.

Citing recent episodes of gun violence and attacks on police officers, he put fresh emphasis on law and order.

“Beginning on January 20th of 2017, safety will be restored,” he said. “The first task for our new administration will be to liberate our citizens from the crime and terrorism and lawlessness that threaten our communities.”

Mr. Trump’s message has been honed before oversize crowds on the primary campaign trail. It is less clear how it will play in a tough general election ahead with a broader audience of swing voters. Testing that was one of the chief convention goals, along with trying to unite the party and broaden Mr. Trump’s personal profile...
Actually, it might go over pretty well. A CNN snap poll of those who viewed the speech showed 57 percent had a "very positive" reaction, and another 18 percent were "somewhat positive." Sure, some of that will face, but when Trump's on point, avoids side-harangues, and talks policy, he connects with voters.

But keep reading.

Pam Bondi Speech to the Republican National Convention #RNCinCLE (VIDEO)

I love her accent, and always have.

And she gives a fairly policy-oriented speech:

Republican National Committee Won't Post Ted Cruz's Full Speech to RNC’s YouTube Page

They've posted a snippet here, "We The People Constrain Government" - Sen Ted Cruz 2016 Republican National Convention."

But they're not posting the entire speech.

At Politico, "Cruz's full speech missing from RNC YouTube channel."

It was posted, however, at ABC News 15 Phoenix, "FULL SPEECH: Senator Ted Cruz BOOs & Cheers at the Republican National Convention."

Texas Delegates 'Disappointed' in Ted Cruz Snub of Donald Trump at #RNCinCLE (VIDEO)

Some Texas delegates stressed their disappointment to CBS News, which I posted earlier, "Ted Cruz Unleashes Fury with Donald Trump Snub at #RNCinCLE (VIDEO)."

But here's an even more detailed account, at Fox News, with Martha MacCallum, "Texas delegates 'disappointed' in Ted Cruz."

'Real Housewives' Star Joanna Krupa for Treats Magazine

At London's Daily Mail, "'It's pure art': Real Housewives of Miami vet Joanna Krupa stuns in nude photo shoot for treats! magazine as she weighs in on 'supermodel' debate."

More, "Joanna Krupa by Steve Shaw in Treats! Magazine Issue #11 Preview (2016)."

Margot Robbie Swimsuit Surfing Photos in Hawaii

I'm supposed to be taking my young son to see "Suicide Squad," heh.

Maybe this weekend.

Meanwhile, Ms. Margot is lovely:

Samantha Hoopes on How to steal Third Base (VIDEO)

She's so sweet.

BONUS: "Samantha Hoopes topless see through Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2016."

Charles Krauthammer: Ted Cruz Has 'Destroyed His Political Career...' (VIDEO)

I think so.

Watch, at Fox News, "Krauthammer: Cruz blew it by making non-endorsement personal."

The Question of GOP 'Party Unity' as Donald Trump Readies Acceptance Speech


Who cares about "party unity" anyway. Isn't Trump all about blowing up the party?

At WaPo:

Laura Ingraham Brings Down the House at #RNCinCLE (VIDEO)

She was pretty awesome.

A freakin' rock star.

Watch the whole thing, "FULL SPEECH: WOW! Laura Ingraham brings down the house at Republican National Convention."

And for the related Twitter meme, picked up by plenty of MSM hacks, see Heat Street, "No, Laura Ingraham Didn’t Make a Nazi Salute With the Wrong Hand at the Republican Convention."

Jackie Johnson's Sunny and Hot Forecast

I'm about to turn on the air conditioning here.

It's going to be a scorcher today.

From the lovely Ms. Jackie, at CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

Bwahaha! Juice Box Ezra Klein's Afraid for the First Time in His Life!

Because Donald Trump!

Look, we've been living a nightmare for nearly eight years under the Hussein administration. A Trump presidency's going to be like walking out of prison into the cool, cool breeze of freedom and prosperity.

But don't miss Ezra "juice box" Klein, at Vox:

Tonight, Donald J. Trump will accept the Republican Party’s nomination for president of the United States. And I am, for the first time since I began covering American politics, genuinely afraid.

Donald Trump is not a man who should be president. This is not an ideological judgment. This is not something I would say about Mitt Romney or Marco Rubio. This is not a disagreement over Donald Trump’s tax plan or his climate policies. This is about Trump’s character, his temperament, his impulsiveness, his basic decency.

So, I Guess Jim Hoft is Now Dead to Dana Loesch

Actually, I thought things were getting more or less back to normal on the right side of the polit-o-sphere, but I guess not. Ted Cruz really upended things last night:

'If you were new to the scene, you could be forgiven for thinking that National Review is some sort of leftist site that was created for the sole purpose of howling about Trump...'

I just don't read National Review. It's never been one of my favorites, but it's been forever dead to me since that anti-Trump special edition last years.

But see Bill Quick, "NRO: “Some Sort of Leftist Site…Created For the Sole Purpose of Howling About Trump”."

And I guess Jonah Golberg and his minions have launched some "I Choose Ted" hashtag.

Bleedin' idiots, the lot of them:

Ted Cruz Unleashes Fury with Donald Trump Snub at #RNCinCLE (VIDEO)

Following-up from last night, "Ted Cruz Booed, Shouted Down After Refusing to Endorse Donald Trump at #RNCinCLE (VIDEO)."

At the New York Times, "Ted Cruz Is Heckled Again the Morning After His Non-Endorsement."

And at Breitbart, "Exclusive - Sarah Palin to Ted Cruz: Delete Your Career - Breitbart."

Also, at the New York Times, via Memeorandum, "Ted Cruz Stirs Convention Fury in Pointed Snub of Donald Trump."

And here's Major Garrett, for CBS This Morning:

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Ted Cruz is Dead to Me

Well, if you've been watching the Republican convention, you know what's up.

If not, this LAT headline pretty much nails it, "Republican convention dissolves into boos as Ted Cruz withholds endorsement of bitter rival Donald Trump."

There's video here, via AP, "Boos Fill Hall as Cruz Ends Convention Speech."

And on Twitter: