Saturday, July 20, 2019
House Democrats Prepare for Civil War
At Instapundit, "BLUE ON BLUE: House Democrats Prepare for Civil War as Challengers Plot Primary Battles: Several entrenched New York representatives will face progressive hopefuls seeking to replicate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s success."
Also linked, "Gramscian Damage."
PC is like Jonestown on a civilizational scale. There's enormous social pressure to drink tne Kool Aid. Future archaeologists will be unable to explain what they find.— wretchardthecat (@wretchardthecat) July 20, 2019
Associated Press Smears Michelle Malkin
On Twitter:
You did not contact me before printing defamatory statements about my work. I have filed a formal request with the @AP for an immediate correction of your harmful, malicious characterizations.
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) July 20, 2019
From the @ap rule guide - YOUR rules: "Whenever we portray someone in a negative light, we must make a real effort to obtain a response from that person. When mistakes are made, they must be corrected – fully, quickly and ungrudgingly."
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) July 20, 2019
cc @jpaceDC
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) July 20, 2019
Friday, July 19, 2019
Lindsey Shepherd Permanently Banned from Twitter (VIDEO)
Remember Meghan Murphy? Well, it's Lindsey Shephard's turn.
At AoSHQ, "Lindsey Shepherd Permanently Banned From Twitter For Daring to Respond to a Nasty Transsexual's Extremely Nasty and Personal Insult."
Ilhan Omar: 'I'm Certainly Not Anti-Semitic' (CARTOON)
.@IlhanOmar claims she isn't #antisemitic but her statements and actions speak louder. In her short tenure as Congresswoman, she's alienated many of her Somali voters, her Democratic colleagues, and introduced a pro-BDS bill - a movement established and infiltrated by terrorists
— Adam Milstein (@AdamMilstein) July 19, 2019
The Dems' 'Ultimate Nightmare Scenario'
Click through to read the whole thing.
Trump Supporters Must Be 'Confronted and Destroyed'
Nada. Nothing. It's like it never happened.
See, "MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: Trump Supporters Must Be ‘Confronted and Destroyed’."
Myla Dalbesio Curacao
At Sports Illustrated Swimsuit:
— Sports Illustrated Swimsuit (@SI_Swimsuit) July 19, 2019
The Revolution Transforming Our Society's Cultural Foundations
A good piece, whatever the case.
At the Epoch Times:
The likes of Fredrick Nietzsche, Karl Marx, Fredrick Engels, Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, and Michael Foucault began a #Socialist revolution that is transforming out society’s cultural foundations. #Socialism— The Epoch Times (@EpochTimes) July 19, 2019
Commentary by Dr. Charles McVety
Megan Parry's Weekend Forecast
Happy Devin Brugman
💚 happiest I’ve ever been 💚
— Devin Brugman (@devinbrugman) July 16, 2019
Laetitia Casta for Elle France
La renversante Laetitia Casta fait la couverture de notre magazine cette semaine : A l’état pur, l’actrice se dévoile comme jamais ✨#mode - Les bons looks farniente ☀️#societe - Arrêtons de survaloriser la maternité#elleenkiosque #ellemagazine #ellefrance #LaetitiaCasta
— ELLE (@ELLEfrance) July 18, 2019
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Gayle King Interviews 'The Squad' (VIDEO)
These four on their own will get Trump reelected in 2020.
Grab the popcorn.
At CBS This Morning:
Trump Has the Moral High Ground
ABSOLUTE MUST READ> President Trump Has the Moral High Ground Against the Democrats #Spengler via @pjmedia_com— Roger Simon (@rogerlsimon) July 17, 2019
I'm tired of hearing conservative friends apologize for President Trump's "go back to where you came from" tweets about the likes of Ilhan Omar. The president has the moral high ground, and the weasel war dance of the mainstream media shouldn't distract us from this fact.Keep reading.
Even his worst enemies (e.g. ex-conservative David Frum) concede that Trump's attacks on the anti-American extremists in the Democratic Party are smart politics. As Tucker Carlson observed in his June 16 keynote at the National Conservatism conference in Washington, a new Axios poll gives the Jew-baiting Somali an approval rating of 9%: "Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota — another member of The Squad — was recognized by 53% of the voters; 9% (not a typo) had a favorable view." Not a typo, indeed. When is the last time any American politican had a 9% approval rating? Americans really detest this wretched character, and with good reason. It has nothing to do with race, but with rhetoric that breaks the boundaries of acceptable political discourse, America-hating and Jew-baiting.
But this isn't about trolling the Democrats. It's about principle. President Trump has a gift for asking the obvious questions that the elites avoid, for example: What idiot let Omar into the United States in the first place? Come to think of it, why should we admit immigrants who hate us and hate everything we stand for? I believe that new Americans are as good as old Americans, and sometimes better, if they become Americans with a passion for our principles and love for what we represent. But we are under no obligation to open our national home to our enemies. The liberal globalist idea that we need to bow, scrape and apologize to every foreigner with a grudge against us rankles the American people. That inanity appeals to a few Americans--maybe about 9%, judging from the Axios poll. The rest of us have had it up to here.
Where were our holier-than-thou Democrats when the detestable Ilhan Omar dismissed the murder of thousands of Americans on 9/11 with a wink and a nod and the words, "Some people did something"? We know where they were then Omar claimed that Jews buy the votes of congressmen with cash ("It's the Benjamins, baby"). The Democratic-controlled House passed a limp-noodle resolution deploring anti-Semitism along with hostility to Muslims after 9-11 -- in response to overtly racist statements by Omar. That's right -- racist. Mind if I say it again? Rep. Ilhan Omar is a racist, because anti-Semitism is a species of racism. The false allegation that Jews buy pro-Israel votes with money is an old racist caricature. No-one in the Democratic leadership has the honesty to denounce Omar as a racist.
President Trump's remarks had NOTHING whatever to do about race. He attacked America haters. The color of their skin is irrelevant. By attacking him as a racist, the Democratic leadership has debased the concept of racism. Racism is a wicked and terrible thing. People should be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. Race hatred and race prejudice are detestable. But the racist here is NOT the president of the United States, but rather Rep. Ilhan Omar.
Omar's racism has consequences. Synagogues in Pittsburgh and San Diego were the victims of recent mass shootings. Physical assaults against Jews are routine in parts of New York City. Omar's racist rabble-rousing puts lives in danger. According to the FBI, hate crimes against Jews comprised 58% of all hate crimes in the United States during 2018, although Jews are about 1% of the U.S. population. Anti-Semitic lies of the sort that Omar propounds are an incitement to murder and mayhem. The Democrats refuse to discipline their own rogue elements. Someone had to call them out, and President Trump did...
The Nightmare of an America Ruled by #AOC
The future, if you let it be the future ...— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) July 18, 2019
You don’t have to surrender like some 🛳🛳🛳sissy...
My new @Townhallcom column is a warning, though a hilarious one...🤷🏼♂️🔥🇺🇸
It’s hard to take braying morons like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Terrorist Cheerleader Twins seriously, but maybe we should. After all, these aspiring dictatorettes are the heart, soul, and perpetually open mouth of today’s Democrat Party. We kind of assume they are jokes because, well, they are jokes, but history teaches that the socialist future they advocate is no laughing matter. They are now setting the agenda for one of America’s two great political parties. What would happen if they somehow took power?Keep reading.
Not so funny anymore, huh?
Rebecca Bagnol