Tuesday, November 10, 2020

New Playmate Iryna

Thank gawd lol.

Ms. Katie Update

 On Twitter:

And previously: "Wonderful Ms. Katie."

'I don't know why I'm convinced I get Mick Jagger, but this...'

According to Althouse:
This is sarcasm .... I got there via Ed Driscoll at Instapundit who doesn't seem to be reading Mick's tweet as humor, but come on.

'My daughter has already noticed that the folks in her circle who are most into ‘activism’ of various sorts are mostly the ones whose careers and lives seem to be going the worst.” And this is certainly not a coincidence. Political “activism,” as promoted by the Left, is entirely destructive in its goals. An eternal war against an unacceptable status quo appeals to malcontents and misfits...'

That's Glenn Reynolds, quoted at the Other McCain, "The Enemies of Happiness."

Portland's antifa scum as a case in point:

Mitch McConnell Tells Democrats He Doesn't Want Lectures From Them or Their Mobs as He Supports President Trump's Election Challenge (VIDEO)

 Via Red State:

Monday, November 9, 2020

'Today I Woke Up Ready to Fight'

See LoveBreedsAccountability, "FRAUD-20 Superspreader Creates Immediate Need for Ballot Testing, Testing, Testing":

Yesterday I prepared myself for the absolute worst. We are potentially at an end-times level crisis point for our nation and I needed to take a minute to process that and the implications. And, miraculously somehow, I came out the other side of yesterday feeling prepared for whatever happens. And that was important. 
Because today I woke up feeling good. Today I woke up hopeful. Today I woke up unafraid. 
Today I woke up ready to fight...

Keep reading.  

Charles Kupchan, Isolationism

Charles Kupchan, Isolationism: A History of America's Efforts to Shield Itself from the World.

Mark Levin, Unfreedom of the Press

At Amazon, Mark Levin, Unfreedom of the Press.

'Top Republicans in Washington are reluctant to call Joe Biden the president-elect publicly, fearing a rebellion by grassroots conservatives loyal to President Trump that would sink the party's Senate majority...'

From David M. Drucker, at the Washington Examiner, via Memeorandum, "GOP fears conceding Trump loss would spark base revolt and loss of seats."

This Woman Just Invited Me for a Beer

 It's Tania Gail, on Facebook. I have't seen her since CPAC 2011. She moved to Idaho and wants to go out for a beer lol. 

I'll keep you posted, heh. 

Class Conflict Will Cripple the Democrats

It's Steve McCann, at American Thinker:

In the midst of the post-election chaos a long-time acquaintance, who is a robotic Democrat voter, texted me “With Biden the violence and riots in the streets of the big cities will stop. That is why he needs to win.”  

I texted back: “Not so fast my friend.  If Biden wins, within six to twelve months the riots will get worse and more violent.  Which is among the primary reasons why Trump must leave no stone unturned in contesting the election."

Besides if the Biden cabal steals the election, Trump must make certain the American people know the full extent of the fraud.  The Biden presidency must begin with a dark cloud hanging over it after what Trump and his 70+ million supporters have endured for the past four years including the 2020 election.”

If Biden were to prevail and be sworn in as President on January 20, 2021, it will be solely due to his party executing the greatest fraud in American political history, along with considerable help.  The Democrats’ co-conspirators in the Ruling Class provide financial and media collaboration, while the radical American left, with their organizing ability and willingness to unabashedly break election laws to justify the ends, provide the muscle.


Progressives Want Revolution, Not Just Change

It's Philip Giraldi, at the Unz Reader, "The Disappearing America."

Jean-François Revel, How Democracies Perish

At Amazon,Jean-François Revel, How Democracies Perish.

U.K.'s Lord Kilclooney Called Out for Calling Kamala Harris 'the Indian'

He isn't wrong you know, although he's not too smart about our constitutional system. If the "Indian" become president, she'll appoint a new vice president who'll be confirmed by a majority vote in both the House and Senate.

Great story, in any case.

At NYT, "British Peer Criticized for Calling Kamala Harris ‘the Indian’."

Lindsey Pelas Brightening the Day

 Seen on Twitter:

Would the Party of Moral Authoritarianism Cheat on Elections?

Nah. At Issues & Insights, "Of Course the Party of Moral Authoritarianism Would Cheat on Elections":
The moral authoritarians of the left are so hungry to rule over others, so convinced of their own virtue that they will do almost anything to muscle a path to unchallengeable authority. In their minds, stealing an election is a legitimate means to their ends.

Fight them. Defeat them. Never stop. 


What Socialism? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Walks Back Radical Democrat Agenda After Epic Shellacking on November 3rd (VIDEO)

They're liars. They're pathological liars. And they're dangerous. Especially AOC. 

Fight them. Beat them. Destroy them. 

At Free Beacon, "Dems Turn Away From ‘Defund the Police’ and ‘Socialism’." 

Jennifer Delacruz's Monday Forecast

 We ha some winter weather this weekend, and I think it's here to stay for a while.

Let's hear it from the fabulous Ms. Jennifer, for ABC News 10 San Diego:

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Maggie Haberman is Quitting the Trump Beat

Her job is done. 

She, by the tone of the piece, almost single-handedly destroyed the Trump presidency. 

At NYT, "The Trump Presidency Is Ending. So Is Maggie Haberman’s Wild Ride."

I like her, actually, but she's a stone-cold bitch. 

The Election Week Travails of a Die-Hard Massachusetts Trump Supporter

This could be the story of untold millions of Americans. You gotta love it. And especially the elite media-prog condescension. 

See, "For a Trump Fan, a Week When Victory Ebbed Away":

Thursday, Nov. 5

By Thursday morning, the Roccos had given up on Fox. “There’s definitely people at Fox who don’t like Trump,” Mr. Rocco said. “The commentators, they are normally aggressive. I think they got a leash put on them somehow, some way.”

He took the position that the vote count should have ended on Nov. 3. He reassured his wife that the decision would finally lie in the hands of the Supreme Court.

“They’re doing anything they can to stop him from becoming president,” he said. “It’s not over yet. He’s going to win. It’s just a matter of who has the balls to close down first.”

But an alternative path was beginning to take shape in his mind, in case Mr. Biden prevailed.

Maybe the Republicans could impeach Mr. Biden. Maybe a Republican Senate could tie his hands for four years. Maybe, after a long-planned Caribbean vacation, Mr. Rocco would fly out to Arizona and join the protesters. Maybe he would post new yard signs.

“Like I told you, I hate to lose,” he said. “If he loses, I’ll feel like I’ve lost.”

When Mr. Trump delivered remarks at the White House, Mr. Rocco was struck by his appearance. The president looked drained and serious, no longer a happy warrior. The message the president conveyed was grave: that American democracy is a farce.

“He’s been telling us about that for months, and I think it’s actually happening now,” he said. “How are we ever going to be able to vote for a president again, now that we know that fraud has been going on?”

Friday, Nov. 6

The news on Friday morning was no surprise. Officials in states that had not been called had spent much of the night meticulously counting ballots, in the presence of observers from both parties.

Mr. Biden was a hair’s breadth from the presidency, on course to win at least 270 electoral votes.

“Every time I went to bed, it was the same,” Mr. Rocco said. “I go to bed, he was winning, I wake up, he was losing.”

Ms. Rocco sounded resigned. “I think that basically it’s pretty much done,” she said. “But they cheated. But it’s done.”

The people she had spent the summer with, the Trump activists, she could see them packing it in, returning to normal life.

“They’re just going to want to move on,” she said. “My aunt’s already saying, ‘Stop being a crybaby.’”

Mr. Rocco was not ready to give up, though. The president would not concede, he was sure of that. “I’d be pissed at him if he did because I would never do that,” he said. “He’s not that type of person. He doesn’t give up easily. I see a lot of myself in him.”

Casting his mind into the future, past this election, he could imagine any number of outcomes.

He could imagine the United States splitting into two countries, one governed by Mr. Trump and one not. He could imagine suspending elections so Mr. Trump and his family could rule without interruption for 20 years.

“I guarantee you, Trump supporters would not care,” he said. “I guarantee you, if you got 69 million Trump supporters, and you said, ‘Would you be good with Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump as president?’ a lot of people would be 100 percent behind that.”

He was gathering his things — he had a shift at the salon — and his tone was calm. He is only 26. There is plenty of time. He was waiting for cues from his leader.

“In Trump we trust, and as far as everything else, it’s all going to fall into place,” he said. “It’s not happening today, and it’s not happening tomorrow.”