Friday, January 8, 2016

Starvation Grips Syrian Town of Madaya, Under Siege by Bashar Assad's Regime (VIDEO)

This is getting to be like Bosnia in the 1990s. Bosnians were rounded up into camps wearing Holocaust-style striped prisoner's fatigues.

At the Washington Post, "23 starve to death in besieged Syrian town, medical charity says":

BEIRUT — Aid agencies expressed alarm Thursday about dire conditions in a besieged town west of Damascus where people have been eating cats and grass to stay alive and as many as 23 people are reported to have died of hunger.

No food has arrived in the rural town of Madaya since October, and desperate residents have posted photographs on the Internet showing frail, skeletal corpses and emaciated people, including children.

The medical charity Doctors Without Borders said 23 people have died of starvation since Dec. 1 at a clinic the group supports in Madaya, six of them infants less than 1 year old.

The town has become “an open-air prison,” Brice de le Vingne, director of operations for Doctors Without Borders, said in a statement. Desperate people who try to flee have been injured or killed by bullets or by land mines planted around the town, he added...
Keep reading.

Kimberly Corban, Rape Survivor Who Asked Obama Question at 'Guns in America' Town Hall, Gets Death Threats

Obama's America.

UPDATE: I changed her last name to "Corban" at the headline. She was "Kimberly Weeks" last night on Twitter when I posted.

Can Donald Trump Win the Republican Nomination? (VIDEO)

From Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points Memo, via Fox News, "Can Trump Win?"

And the full interview with Trump is here, "Can Donald Trump Win? - O'Reilly's Talking Points."

El NiƱo Hits Santa Barbara (VIDEO)

More weather blogging out of Santa Barbara.

Recall I lived there in the 1990s, when we had record rain and flooding, especially due south, at La Conchita.

CBS News 4 Miami Interview with Marco Rubio in New Hampshire (VIDEO)

The network's Jim DeFede is camping out in New Hampshire, and he's quite the character.

Watch, "Exclusive: One-On-One With Marco Rubio In New Hampshire."

Iraqi-Born Palestinian Refugee Arrested in Sacramento, Charged with Lying About Ties to Terrorism (VIDEO)

California's definitely getting to be a jihad hot spot.

And this guy Al-Jayab's freakin' hardcore.

The f-ker originally came to the U.S. as an Iraqi-born Palestinian refugee. A model for Obama's Syrian refugee program.

At the Sacramento Bee, "Iraqi immigrant arrested in Sacramento, suspected of lying about ties to terror groups":

Federal agents have arrested an Iraqi refugee in Sacramento on a charge that he lied to immigration authorities over his ties to terror groups and travel to Syria, where he allegedly fought before returning to the United States in 2014.

Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab, 23, an Iraqi-born Palestinian, is named in a criminal complaint filed Wednesday in federal court in Sacramento and unsealed late Thursday as word of his arrest began to spread.

He is to appear in federal court on Friday at 2 p.m.

“Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab allegedly traveled overseas to fight alongside terrorist organizations and lied to U.S. authorities about his activities,” U.S. Assistant Attorney General John Carlin said in a statement. “The National Security Division’s highest priority is protecting the nation from terrorism, and we will continue to hold accountable those who seek to join or aid the cause of terrorism, whether at home or abroad.”

Word of the complaint came amid reports of terror-related investigations in Milwaukee and Houston and the announcement of another Iraqi refugee being arrested in the Texas city.

The arrest of Al-Jayab, who is being held in the Sacramento County jail without bail, was confirmed by U.S. Attorney Ben Wagner’s office in Sacramento.

“According to the allegations in the complaint, the defendant traveled to Syria to take up arms with terrorist organizations and concealed that conduct from immigration authorities,” Wagner said. “While he represented a potential safety threat, there is no indication that he planned any acts of terrorism in this country.”

The criminal complaint and 18-page supporting FBI affidavit say Al-Jayab emigrated from Syria to the United States in October 2012, where he initially lived in Tucson, Ariz., and then moved to Milwaukee before traveling overseas.

While he was living in Milwaukee, Al-Jayab allegedly began communicating with individuals in Syria about traveling there and about his past experience fighting overseas, the complaint says.

“America will not isolate me from my Islamic duty,” Al-Jayab allegedly wrote on April 8, 2013, to one acquaintance. “Only death will do us part. My only wish is to see you and start the action.”

At one point, Al-Jayab wrote to another person that “I am at the shooting club. I want to learn long-range shooting,” and sent photos from a gun range in Wisconsin as well as photos of himself with various weapons, the complaint states.

Investigators say Al-Jayab received about $4,500 from an auto insurance claim in November 2013 and bought an airline ticket from Chicago to Istanbul, Turkey, from which he crossed the border into Syria. While he was overseas, he allegedly communicated with associates and relatives about traveling to Syria to join up with terror groups to fight with them...

Also at the Dallas Morning News, "2 Iraqi refugees arrested in Houston, California on terrorism-related charges."

Grief, Tears, and Ideology

From Peter Wehner, at Commentary:
In our more honest moment[s], we will admit to ourselves, if not to others, that from time to time – perhaps unwittingly, perhaps unconsciously – we use human tragedies to advance our own political agendas. That doesn’t mean the sympathy we feel is false; it only means that our feelings are driven by multiple and often unstated factors...
He's awfully generous toward the Tear-Jerker-in-Chief.

But keep reading, FWIW.

The GOP Establishment's Civil War

From Peggy Noonan, at the Wall Street Journal:
A new playbook is emerging while some contenders seem to be reading from the old playbook and wondering why the plays they’re calling aren’t working.

And the GOP is struggling. In Virginia the state Republican Party wants a so-called loyalty oath in the March 1 presidential primary. Virginia is an open-primary state—any registered voter can vote in either primary—but the GOP apparently wants to discourage independents and Democrats from voting for Mr. Trump. So they’ve decided voters should sign a statement of affiliation with the GOP before they get to cast a ballot. This is so idiotic it’s almost unbelievable. When Democrats and independents want to vote in your primary you should be happy. Politics is a game of addition! You want headlines that say “Massive GOP Turnout.” You don’t greet first-time voters with an oath but with cookies, ginger ale and balloons. Ronald Reagan reached out to Democrats in 1984: “Come too, come walk with me.” We still speak of Reagan Democrats.

I do not understand the inability or refusal of Republican leaders to take Mr. Trump seriously. They take his numbers seriously—they can read a poll—but they think, as Mr. Bush said, that his support is all about anger, angst and theatrics. That’s part of the story, but the other, more consequential part has to do with real policy issues. The establishment refuses to see that, because to admit it is to implicate themselves and their leadership. Political consultants can’t see it because they don’t think issues matter—not to them and certainly not to the dumb voters.

But issues do matter, and Mr. Trump has functioned this year not as a great communicator or great compromiser but as the great disruptor. He brags that he has brought up great questions and forced other candidates to face them and sometimes change their stands—and he has. He changed the debate on illegal immigration. He said he’d build a wall and close the border and as the months passed and his competitors saw his surge, they too were suddenly, clearly, aggressively for ending illegal immigration.

Mr. Trump touched an important nerve in opposing the political correctness that has angered the American people for a quarter century. He changed the debate when he asked for a pause in Muslim immigration until America “can figure out what’s going on.” In the age of terror, that looked suspiciously like common sense. Americans do not want America to become what Europe is becoming.

You only have to look at what is reported to have happened in Cologne, Germany, on New Years Eve to get a sense that Europe’s establishment, with its politically correct thinking, is losing control. Angela Merkel is a great lady and most of her leadership has been sound as a drum, but she will probably lose her job eventually because of her epic miscalculation in accepting more than a million Mideastern refugees....
Keep reading.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Jackie Johnson's Friday Forecast

What a week!

Donald Trump Tells Security to Take Vermont Protesters' Coats: 'Throw them out into the cold' (VIDEO)

Actually, the big story is the long lines of people looking to get into the event, and the heartbreaking disappointment of those who were left out in the cold.

Jess Bidgood of the New York Times tweeted:

And here's the video of the classic Trump line, "Throw them out in the cold":

'Affluenza' Teen's Mom Arrives in Texas (VIDEO)

At the Dallas Morning News, "'Affluenza' teen's mother held in Tarrant County, seeks bail reduction to $15,000."

PREVIOUSLY: "Prison: A Sure Cure for 'Affluenza' (VIDEO)."

Oregon Governor Kate Brown Orders #Malheur Occupiers to 'Decamp Immediately'

At the Portland Oregonian, "'Decamp immediately': Kate Brown steps up rhetoric on Oregon militants":
Gov. Kate Brown on Thursday offered her strongest remarks yet on armed militants' six-day occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, calling the action "unlawful" and demanding the group "decamp immediately."

Brown's poke at "outsiders," in a statement issued by her office, came about the same time as Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward parleyed with protest leader Ammon Bundy about how to end the occupation without bloodshed.

But Brown's office said the governor's stance was moved by two events Wednesday.

Early in the day, members of the Burns Paiute Tribe held a news conference asking the militants "to get the hell" off refuge land the tribe has traditionally seen as its own.

Then, Wednesday night, hundreds of Oregonians who live near the refuge gathered for a community meeting where they expressed sympathy for the militants' message criticizing federal land management but nonetheless said the group had worn out its welcome in Harney County...
And watch, via CNN:

Malheur's Historical Myths

A great commentary piece, from Professor Nancy Langston, at the New York Times, "In Oregon, Myth Mixes With Anger":
To outsiders, one of the puzzling aspects of the anti-government militia’s takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is its location. Twenty-five million birds a year visit the refuge in the high desert of southeastern Oregon, but few people have heard of it. Yet Malheur is a place of bitterly contested human histories that remain potent today.

Years ago, when I first visited the refuge, I stumbled upon five dead coyotes tossed across a trail, their necks sliced open, blood clotted on their fur, paws hacked off, entrails draining into the river. Ranchers on the edge of failure feel threatened by predators snatching away their calves, and some lash out against that threat. But these five dead coyotes signaled more than just economic anxiety — they were emblematic of past hatreds that are still a powerful force in the Malheur basin. Anger at predators, environmentalists and federal managers who threaten the mythic past of cowboys on the range is as strong there as anywhere in the West.

In the late 1970s and the 1980s, many Western ranchers, miners and loggers felt increasingly threatened, partly by globalization, which created new competition, and partly by federal regulations that seemed to value wildlife more than people. What became known as the Sagebrush Rebellion gave locals a focus for their concern.

Environmentalists, they argued, were conspiring to destroy America, starting with rural communities. Many ranchers bitterly complained about the federal land management agencies. They felt powerless, hemmed in by policies they had little hand in shaping. They feared that economic gains were passing them by.

These complaints contain elements of truth: Rural communities in the West are poorer than urban communities, and environmental protections enacted since the 1980s have reduced grazing on federal lands. But locals told an interesting version of this history. Before the federal agencies came, they said, we lived in paradise. The grass was thick, the water was abundant and the towns were thriving. We were independent, working out our problems. When the feds came, they stole our resources, and our economies collapsed.

The implication was clear: If they got rid of the federal government, they’d have control over their land and lives again.

This version of history bears little resemblance to the actual past...
Keep reading.

Vicious Black Male Suspect in New York Chelsea Slashing Attack Had 32 Prior Arrests (VIDEO)

This is all too common.

Obama's America, and de Blasio's New York.

Following-up from yesterday, "Slashing in Chelsea: Woman Attacked While on Way to Work (VIDEO)."

And at CBS News 2 New York, "Victim of Chelsea Slashing Speaks Out as Suspect Awaits Court Hearing":

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — A man suspected of slashing a woman in a an apparently random attack in Chelsea was awaiting a court appearance late Thursday, while the victim of the attack spoke out.

As CBS2’s Dave Carlin reported, police said suspect Kari Bazemore, 41, of the Bronx has 32 prior arrests for a variety of crimes, according to police.

Bazemore did not speak as he was hauled from the 13th Precinct in Gramercy Park in handcuffs Thursday evening, CBS2’s Tracee Carrasco reported. He was to appear in Manhattan Criminal Court on the charges, but late Thursday, he was taken to Bellevue Hospital Center and his court appearance was not expected to take place before the end of the night...
Keep reading.

Paris Jihadist Screaming 'Allahu Akbar' Killed by Police; Carried Islamic State Flag (VIDEO)

I'm seeing conflicting reports on this.

Here's Pamela Geller, "On Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher Jihad Massacre Anniversary, Muslim Screaming 'Allahu Akbar' with Knife and Fake Explosives Shot Dead Outside Paris Police Station."

And at the Telegraph UK, "Paris shooting: terrorist wearing fake suicide belt shot dead outside police station on Charlie Hebdo anniversary."

But Glenn Reynolds notes that the explosive vest wasn't fake. See, "ACTUALLY, IT TURNED OUT TO BE A GENUINE SUICIDE VEST: Paris Cops Kill Man in Fake Suicide Vest: He had a knife, shouted ‘Allahu akbar’ at police station."

More at USA Today, "Attacker killed by Paris police carried Islamic State flag."

And watch, at CBS Evening News:

Taya Kyle Asks Obama Why We Don't Celebrate Lowest Crime Rates in Decades (VIDEO)

I didn't watch the town hall, for aforementioned reasons.

But I'm glad it wasn't all plants in attendance. Taya Kyle is an awesome American!


Shop: Amazon's 7-inch Fire Tablet

Here, Fire, 7" Display, Wi-Fi, 8 GB - Includes Special Offers, Black.

Also, Shop - New Year New You.

And, for aspiring leftists, Leszek Kolakowski, Main Currents of Marxism: The Founders - The Golden Age - The Breakdown.

Victoria's Secret Sport Video

At London's Daily Mail, "Top of the crops! Elsa Hosk and Martha Hunt strip down for Victoria's Secret sportswear line in two sultry teaser videos."

Here's No. 1 below.

I'll save the second one for later, lol.

Jeb Bush Attacks Donald Trump as 'Unhinged'

Jeb's delusional if he thinks this will have any effect.

Frankly, as the epitome of the establishment, his desperate attacks will only help Donald Trump.

At Hot Air, "The saddest political ad ever."

'This has never happened before' — Powerball Jackpot Swells to $700 Million (VIDEO)

My wife bought tickets, heh.

Watch, at AP, "Powerball Jackpot Climbs to Estimated $700M."

And at the Los Angeles Times:
Describing the odds of winning Saturday's Powerball drawing as "slim" would be an understatement — but it would also be an understatement to call the jackpot "big."

For the 18th consecutive time, no one matched all six numbers to the Powerball lottery jackpot Wednesday night. As a result, the estimated prize for Saturday’s drawing has ballooned to an unprecedented $700 million.

Just to put that jackpot in global perspective, it’s larger than the gross domestic product for nine of the world’s island nations, according to the World Bank: Comoros, Dominica, Tonga, SĆ£o TomĆ© and PrĆ­ncipe, Micronesia, Palau, Marshall Islands, Kiribati and Tuvalu.

Wednesday’s jackpot was already more than a half-billion dollars. With the prize climbing to a level never reached, lottery officials expect the public’s excitement to reach a fever pitch by Saturday.

“I don’t even know how to describe it. This has never happened before,” said California State Lottery spokesman Alex Traverso. “All I can imagine now is seeing how the next three days unfold. Our sales just started today.

Powerball is played in 44 states and three U.S. territories. The jackpot minimum is $40 million because there are so many participants. On an average week in California, there’s maybe $6 million in sales divided between the Wednesday and Saturday drawings, Traverso said...

Latest El NiƱo Storms Not Over Yet (VIDEO)

Via CBS News 13 Sacramento:

Miss August 2015 Dominique Jane Reminds Us of the Classic Beauties of the '60s and '70s (VIDEO)

Via Playboy, "Watch Miss August 2015 Dominique Jane Work Her Playmate Pictorial."

Amazing Charlotte McKinney Draws Attention at Opening of Grand Encore Players Club in Las Vegas (PHOTOS)

She looks great.

At London's Daily Mail, "Busty Charlotte McKinney draws attention to her ample assets in bold cut-out gown with thigh-high split as she attends star-studded event in Las Vegas."

And at the New York Post:

Homeless Couple Wayne Bearden and Laura Marin Live Near San Gabriel River During El NiƱo (VIDEO)

Remember from earlier, "El NiƱo prompts an outreach effort to get L.A.'s homeless into shelters."

Some folks just don't want to leave their things unattended, and thus would rather ride out the storm.

Here's Wayne Bearden and Laura Marin, c/o the Los Angeles Times:

Sheriff Dave Ward and Ammon Bundy Meet on 'Neutral Ground' to Discuss End to #Malheur Occupation (VIDEO)

At the Portland Oregonian, "Sheriff, Bundy meet on neutral ground to discuss ending refuge occupation":

CRANE -- Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward, backed up by two other sheriffs, met face-to-face Thursday with protest leader Ammon Bundy to bring a peaceful end to a weeklong occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

"I'm here to offer safe escort out," the sheriff told Bundy. "Go back and kick it around with your folks."

The sheriff plans to call Bundy on Friday to see what he and his group have decided.

Ward was accompanied by three rigs carrying heavily armed law enforcement officers.

The parley took place in the open, standing at the intersection of a state highway and the back route to the refuge. It was another in a series of twists and turns the past week that have drawn national and international attention to this sparsely populated high desert country.

Ward was encouraged to reach out directly to the militants at a town hall meeting Wednesday night in Burns that drew an estimated 400 people. Several speakers urged the sheriff to do just what he is doing Thursday, and several ranchers had volunteered to join him if needed to end the occupation.

Bundy and about 20 other militants took over the headquarters compound of the refuge on Saturday and additional protesters have been arriving in the past day. Bundy, a member of an Arizona ranching family, has said repeatedly that the occupation was to protest the imprisonment of two Harney County ranchers and to demand that the federal government turn over ownership of federal land to local control.

The meeting happened in one of the most remote spots in Oregon, near where Highway 78 intersects with Lava Bed Road. This is largely flat terrain – sage country that hosts few people and sustains thousands of cattle. There has probably been no more unlikely place for the work of ending a confrontation that has turned life upside down in Harney County.

The protesters have been left alone at the refuge. They have been free to come and go at will and have dispatched supporters 30 miles to Burns for supplies. They have held daily news conferences, allowed reporters to explore outside the buildings and have hosted dozens of local residents who have come to talk.

Several protesters attended the town hall meeting but didn't speak – Ward said only local residents could have the mic...
Still more.

8-to-10 Foot Waves Pound SoCal Beaches as Latest El NiƱo Storm Arrives (VIDEO)

I'm doing daddy daycare chauffeur duties today, but I'd love to be down at the beach checking out the high surf.

At the Los Angeles Times, "Monster waves batter California coast as latest El NiƱo storm passes through":

Southern California was soaked on Thursday with another storm driven by El NiƱo, sending powerful waves crashing against oceanfront Malibu homes and delaying power restoration for thousands of mountain dwellers in the Big Bear area.

The storm prompted the National Weather Service to issue a strong surf warning for beaches across the California coast as waves rose above 15 feet in many areas — and as much as 35 feet at Maverick's Beach in Northern California.

The final scattered rains came a day after the week's strongest storm washed away hillsides, flooded freeways and dumped heavy snow in the mountains.

In Malibu, the storm passed in the early-morning hours, clocking winds at 35 mph and covering homes with pea-sized hail. Sporadic lightning strikes and minor street flooding also were reported.

Surfers complained that many of the swells were too chaotic to ride, and Los Angeles County health officials advised against ocean-water contact for up to 72 hours because of elevated bacteria levels — especially near drainpipes, harbors and the mouths of rivers...

Germany Launches Deal with Facebook, Google, and Twitter to Crack Down on 'Hate Speech' Against Muslims

Well, good luck with that.

And sheesh, at this point Mark Steyn's looking like a prophet, "One-Year Anniversary of Charlie Hebdo Attacks."

At the Washington Post, "Germany springs to action over hate speech against migrants":
BERLIN — Donald Trump may be testing the boundaries of tolerance on the U.S. campaign trail. But here in Germany, the government is effectively enforcing civility, taking aim at a surge of hate speech against refugees and Muslims.

As Western Europe’s most populous nation grapples with a historic wave of mostly-Muslim migrants, politicians and activists are decrying a rash of incendiary speech bubbling to the surface of German society. In a country whose Nazi past led to some of the strictest laws in the West protecting minorities from people inciting hatred, prosecutors are launching investigations into inflammatory comments as judges dole out fines, even probation time, to the worst offenders.

German authorities, meanwhile, have reached a deal with Facebook, Google and Twitter to get tougher on offensive content, with the outlets agreeing to apply domestic laws, rather than their own corporate policies, to reviews of posts.

Critics call it the enforcement of political correctness, raising the question of what constitutes hate speech and sparking a national debate over free expression. Germans have been outraged, for instance, by reports of more than 100 sexual assaults and robberies in the city of Cologne allegedly committed by gangs of young Arab and North African men on New Year’s Eve. Some Germans are questioning whether their online comments could be taken down, or whether they could be charged with incitement, for publicly pondering whether refugees could have been among the assailants.

The Syrian conflict has created the largest wave of refugees to hit Europe since World War II.
Two of the suspects have been identified as Moroccan citizens. But Cologne police say they have not yet determined whether any of the assailants were recently arrived asylum seekers. Nevertheless, the incidents have fed a strain of anger and suspicion here beyond the traditional migrant critics in the right wing.

“It’s not politically correct to say anything against migrants. We don’t have freedom of opinion anymore. #Cologne,” Tweeted a German user from Hanover going by the handle Pulvermann.

Proponents are hailing the government effort as a way to foment respect while also controlling the most savage voices in society...
Yes, because it's horribly "savage" to express your concerns about Islamic gang rape on social media.

Keep reading.

Germany's Gender Quotas for Corporate Boardrooms Get Collective Yawn

They're so progressive over there (*cough, cough*).

At Der Spiegel, "Boardroom Quotas: The Slow Pace of Gender Equality in Corporate Germany":
Germany's statutory gender quota for supervisory boards took effect at the beginning of the year, yet the ratio of women to men is still alarmingly low. Many companies don't even seem to realize that the new law applies to them.

Sometimes, in cases when the present seems less than appealing, remembering the past can be helpful. Take the year 2001, for instance. Deutsche Bank's then-CFO and eventual supervisory board chairman Clemens Bƶrsig was appearing before a congress of European businesswomen when he took the liberty of advising the approximately 1,000 participants to orient their career ambitions not only vertically, but "horizontally" as well. There are plenty of positions to be had in middle management, he said, women don't always have to set their sights on the highest positions.

When the women in the audience started laughing, Bƶrsig apparently didn't even understand why.

It's comforting to think that no board member at Deutsche Bank -- or any other major industry player for that matter -- would dare suggest such a thing today. It goes without saying that women are as deserving of a place in the upper echelons of Europe's largest economy -- and that they are as qualified academically and as esteemed -- as their male counterparts. Political and societal pressure is just too great to deny women's access to leadership positions, top jobs and, consequently, power.

Oh, really?

In May last year, the so-called "Law on Equal Participation of Women and Men in Leadership Positions in the Private and Public Sector" came into effect. It was meant to ensure that at least 30 percent of all supervisory board positions in Germany's largest companies are held by women. Since Jan. 1 of this year, these firms must fill vacant board positions with women until that 30 percent threshold is reached. Furthermore, around 3,500 other public companies are also required to present a strategy for getting more women into top jobs.

It's a law that above all shows one thing: Not a whole lot has changed since Bƶrsig's revealing remarks about the advancement of women. It has been known for two years that a binding quota was imminent, yet the ratio of female to male board members at the 102 companies that are either listed on the Frankfurt stock exchange or that have employee participation in decision-making still stands at 23.1 percent. For all the talk of inclusion in the last year, that number has risen by only 1.8 percent...
Well, I'm sure they'll have plenty of Muslima refugees flooding into the workplace pipeline in no time. I mean, isn't that the intent of the whole "welcoming" thing, to relieve the stress on the German economy from declining population ratios?

Actually, who knows? Everything's all pretty much fucked up nowadays, thanks to radical leftist ideology and craven political correctness.

But keep reading, FWIW.

Handgun Sales Surge as Women Step-Up Purchases (VIDEO)

At Fox Business, "Handgun sales surging thanks to women."

And once again, here's Dana Loesch's book, Hands Off My Gun: Defeating the Plot to Disarm America.

Twitter to Transition to 10,000 Character Limit

Here's Michelle Malkin on the proposed change, "140 characters = a tweet. 10,000 characters = Digital diarrhea. No, @Twitter, no!"

And at WSJ, "What Twitter Gains by Expanding the 140-Character Tweet."

Texas Senator Ted Cruz on Faith, Family, and Donald Trump (VIDEO)

Following-up from earlier, "Donald Trumps Says Ted Cruz's Citizenship Could 'Be a Big Problem' (VIDEO)."

This is a great interview. You'll fall in love with his family.

Via ABC News Nightline:

17 Workers Trapped at Cargill Salt Mine as Elevator Malfunctions 75 Stories Deep

At AP, via Memeorandum, "17 mine employees trapped in salt mine near Ithaca."

USA Today:

Rhian Sugden for Page 3

Well, thank goodness.

Global Stocks Pummeled on China Volatility

Following-up from earlier, "China Halts Trading After Stocks Drop 7 Percent in 29 Minutes."

Now, at the Wall Street Journal, "Global Stocks Tumble on China Volatility":
Steep falls in Chinese equities pummeled global markets on Thursday, as widening concerns over the world’s No. 2 economy pushed investors out of shares, oil and metals.

The selloff came after the People’s Bank of China made its largest downward adjustment to the yuan since August, a move that sent the country’s stock market down over 7% amid concerns about capital flight from the Asian giant.

“A very large connected economy is a hard bullet to dodge for all equity markets,” said Nicholas Melhuish, head of global equities at Amundi Asset Management.

China’s stock markets stopped trading after only 30 minutes, ending the shortest trading day in their history after a newly installed mechanism to limit volatility was triggered for the second time this week.

Pessimism spread quickly, with Japan’s Nikkei Stock Average, Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 and Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index each losing over 2%.

European stocks opened to steep losses. The Stoxx Europe 600 was down 3.4% in midmorning as energy and basic resources shares tumbled.

Futures pointed to a 2.5% loss for the S&P 500. Changes in futures markets don’t necessarily reflect moves after the opening bell.

Fears about China spread to commodity markets, sending Brent crude oil down 2.3% to $33.42 a barrel, nudging higher after sharper earlier falls amid concerns about future demand from the world’s second-largest consumer of crude. Metals were also down, with copper falling 2.5%.

As the price of resources tumbled, commodity-linked emerging markets all took a hit. South Africa’s rand currency fell to an all-time low against the dollar, falling to 16.22 to the dollar.

In Europe, China-exposed mining and energy sectors were leading the losses, with the sectors down 5.2% and 4.2% on the day respectively as oil prices lingered near multiyear lows.

Shares in Anglo American PLC were down 9.3%, Tullow Oil PLC was down 5.6% and Glencore PLC was down 4.3%.

The first week of trading of the year has been dominated by China, after markets opened on Monday to a weaker yuan and lackluster Chinese data manufacturing data.

As investors flee more risky assets, so-called safe-haven investments have gained...
Keep reading.

Cars Stuck in Flood Waters at Tuxford Street and San Fernando Road in Sun Valley (VIDEO)

More from this week's storms.

Amber Lee reports for CBS News 2 Los Angeles:

And ICYMI, "Los Angeles River Roars Back to Life During Recent El NiƱo-Fueled Storms (VIDEO)."

Behind the Scenes with Miss August 2014 Maggie May (VIDEO)

Watch, via Playboy, "Go Back to the Hazy Summer Days with Maggie May."

BONUS: "Maggie May Playmate Miss August 2014 (PHOTOS)," and "34 Photos You Didn't Get to See In Maggie May's Playboy Pictorial."

Donald Trumps Says Ted Cruz's Citizenship Could 'Be a Big Problem' (VIDEO)

At USA Today, "Donald Trump: Ted Cruz's citizenship could 'be a big problem'."

Nancy Cordes reports, for CBS Evening News:

Florida Atlantic University Fires James F. Tracy, Professor Who Pushed Conspiracy Theories About Mass Shootings

Kind of fascinating that I've never heard of this guy. Of course, I don't traffic in conspiracy theories.

This guy is literally insane and needs help, bad.

At the New York Times, "Florida Professor Who Cast Doubt On Mass Shootings Is Fired":
MIAMI — A Florida Atlantic University professor who suggested in blog postings and radio interviews that the 2012 massacre of children at Sandy Hook Elementary and other mass shootings were a hoax designed by the Obama administration to boost support for gun control was fired Tuesday.

James F. Tracy, 50, a tenured associate professor of communications at the Boca Raton university, has repeatedly called into question the authenticity of recent mass shootings, including the slaying of churchgoers in Charleston, S.C., and office workers in San Bernardino, Calif. In his blog postings and radio interviews, Mr. Tracy has said the Newtown massacre may have been carried out by “crisis actors” employed by the Obama administration.

Mr. Tracy’s ideas fall into part of a larger movement of Internet conspiracy theorists who believe the spate of mass murders have simply been staged by the government. A few of the theorists do not think the shootings took place at all.

Florida Atlantic University, which first reprimanded Mr. Tracy in 2013, dismissed him less than a month after the parents of 6-year-old Noah Pozner, the youngest victim of the shooting at Sandy Hook in Newtown, Conn., publicly accused the professor of harassment in a Sun Sentinel opinion piece. Lenny and Veronique Pozner, angered by Mr. Tracy’s conspiracy theories, had asked Mr. Tracy to remove a photograph of Noah from his blog, Memory Hole. In return, Mr. Tracy sent them a certified letter demanding proof that Noah ever lived and that the Pozners were his parents.

Mr. Tracy continued his clash with the Pozners on Facebook, where he called the Newtown shootings a “drill,” a reference to a theory that the massacre was an exercise in which no one died staged by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

“The Pozners, alas, are as phony as the drill itself, and profiting handsomely from the fake death of their son,” Mr. Tracy wrote in a letter that is attributed to him on the Sandy Hook Hoax Facebook page. Mr. Tracy declined to comment on his termination. His lawyer, Thomas Johnson, also declined to comment on whether Mr. Tracy would seek legal action or file a grievance against the university over his dismissal.

In a column published in December in the Sun Sentinel, Mr. Tracy said the Pozners had mounted a “vicious attack” on him meant to intimidate his employer into firing him. The attacks, he said, stem from his efforts to question “the state-sanctioned Sandy Hook narrative.”

On Wednesday, the Pozners put out a statement to the newspaper, saying that they hoped that Mr. Pozner’s firing “sends a strong message to conspiracy theorists that Sandy Hook and other mass shootings actually happened and that many people, including our little boy, Noah, lost their lives in those shootings.”

Mr. Tracy, who has taught at the university since 2002, has also spread his views in the classroom, saying in interviews that it is his job as an academic to spark debate among students.

Florida Atlantic University ultimately dismissed him on grounds that have nothing to do with his theories or his feud with the Pozners...

And truly bizarre. Makes me feel bad for the families, but then, only a little. The whole gun control agenda has become a cult movement. Better to stay away from all of this sometimes.

China Halts Trading After Stocks Drop 7 Percent in 29 Minutes


China was supposed to be overtaking the U.S. economy about this time, or so went the conventional wisdom some time ago.

Looks like once the Chinese state loosens controls on yuan, the economy's not such a tight ship after all.

At NYT, "China Halts Trading After Market Tumbles More Than 7 Percent":
HONG KONG — Trading on China’s stock market was halted on Thursday for the second time this week, as stocks plummeted in Asia, and later in Europe, over concerns about the country’s currency and the health of the economy.

The markets in China closed after only 29 minutes and did not reopen, with the main index in Shanghai down 7.3 percent. Other Asian markets slumped as well.

“Obviously it doesn’t look good, it doesn’t look good at all,” said Hao Hong, the chief market strategist at Bank of Communications International, the overseas arm of a big Chinese bank.

It has been a rocky start to the new year in global markets, with worries over China shaking the confidence of investors around the world and creating volatility in the markets. The big fear is that China’s economy is slowing down, crimping global growth.

A downbeat Chinese manufacturing report first sent stocks spiraling on Monday, prompting the country’s market to close early. It also set off a global rout, with stocks in Europe and the United States getting hit.

Since then, investors have been unnerved...

You think?

Still more.

Bentley's New Bentayga SUV Set to Debut at $229,000.00


It does 0-60 in four seconds.

Watch, at WSJ, "New Bentley SUV Attracts One Percenters."

The website's here.

And at the Bentley YouTube page, "Bentley Bentayga Launch Film - The Landing."

Pennsylvania High School Coach on Leave After Head-Butting Basketball Referee (VIDEO)

Jeez, he leveled that ref, lol.

At the Philadelphia Enquirer, "Bucks coach head butts ref, finds job on the line."

One-Year Anniversary of Charlie Hebdo Attacks

Well, it's been year since Charlie Hebdo, but just over two months since the Paris attacks. One would think France is a changed country at this point, but you can bet deadly political correctness is already creeping back in. More people will die in the Islamic jihad. It's only a matter of time.

Mark Steyn has more, "The Ghosts of Charlie Hebdo."

No pullout quote will do justice. Read it all at the link.

And buy Steyn's book, "Lights Out: Islam, Free Speech and the Twilight of the West."

The Transgender Battle Line: Childhood

From Debra Soh, at the Wall Street Journal:
What should parents do if their little boy professes an intense desire to be a girl? Or if their daughter comes home from kindergarten and says she wants to be a boy? In recent years the dominant thinking has changed dramatically regarding children’s gender dysphoria. Previously, parents might hope that it would be a passing phase, as it usually is. But now they are under pressure from gender-identity politics, which asserts that children as young as 5 should be supported in wanting to live as the opposite sex. Any attempts to challenge this approach are deemed intolerant and oppressive.

I myself was a gender-dysphoric child who preferred trucks and Meccano sets to Easy-Bake Ovens. I detested being female and all of its trappings. Yet when I was growing up in the 1980s, the concept of helping children transition to another sex was completely unheard of. My parents allowed me to wear boys’ clothing and shave my head, to live as a girl who otherwise looked and behaved like a boy. I outgrew my dysphoria by my late teens. Looking back, I am grateful for my parents’ support, which helped me work things out.

Since then, research has established best-treatment practices for adolescents and adults with gender dysphoria: full transitioning, which includes treatment with hormones to suppress puberty and help the individual develop breasts or facial hair, as well as gender-reassignment surgery.

But prepubescent children who identify with the opposite sex are another matter entirely. How best to deal with them has become so politicized that sexologists, who presumably would be able to determine the healthiest approach, are extremely reluctant to get involved. They have seen what happens when they deviate from orthodoxy...
Keep reading.

Cologne Mayor's Advice on Mass Assault Stirs Outcry (VIDEO)

Following-up from Tuesday, "Cologne, Germany, Shocked — Shocked! — by Dozens of Sexual Assaults on New Year's Eve (VIDEO)."

At NYT, "Cologne Mayor’s ‘Arm’s Length’ Sex Assault Advice Stirs Outcry."

Not so thrilled about all those "vulnerable" refugees now.

More at RT, "'At arm's length' Cologne mayor proposes code of conduct for women after NY attacks."

At Community Meeting, Overflow Crowd of Local Residents Wants Militia to End #Malheur Occupation (VIDEO)

At the Portland Oregonian, "Residents near Oregon standoff like militants' message, but still want them to leave":

BURNS – Cowboys, mothers, retirees and dozens more from Harney County offered support Wednesday for the anti-government message offered by militants occupying a federal compound outside of town.

But they still asked the group of protesters to leave.

One speaker after another among the hundreds gathered for a community meeting said it was time to talk the way to a solution. When a rancher volunteered to accompany the sheriff to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, others shouted out their willingness to go as well.

About 20 protesters took control of the wildlife refuge headquarters on Saturday. The group is led by Ammon Bundy of the activist Nevada ranching family who came to Oregon to spare two local ranchers from prison.

Many local residents at the gathering said they supported the point the protesters are trying to make with their occupation – that the federal government is overreaching -- and they praised the militants for bringing national attention to federal land management issues that residents have faced for years.

Bundy "has given Harney County our biggest and best platform ever to get our message out," said rancher Mitch Singer. He went to the refuge to meet with the protesters and urged locals to pick up on the political battle.

Merlin Rupp, who has lived in the county 70 years, said he also went to the refuge to see what was happening. "They ain't hurtin' a damn thing down there," he said, though he added it was time for militants to go home.

Vanessa Leathers-King said she was in a group of 30 to 40 locals who headed to the wildlife reserve for the same reason. "That's the cleanest I've ever seen the refuge," she said.

Area businessman Tim Smith said the new Harney County Committee of Safety met with the militants as well. The committee formed last week at a community meeting organized by the protesters.

Six local residents agreed to serve on the committee to press grievances against the government, but the community has viewed it with suspicion because of its origins. Besides Smith, the committee includes a retired fire chief and two ranchers.

Smith said the safety committee reflects the divide in the community over the standoff – three committee members signed a letter demanding the militants leave but three others wouldn't.

As for the occupiers, Smith said, "We do not believe there is any threat to this community from this group."
Keep reading.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Los Angeles River Roars Back to Life During Recent El NiƱo-Fueled Storms (VIDEO)

This CBS Evening News clip below gives you a glimpse of how powerful the L.A. River's been during the storm surges this week.

But click through at this Los Angeles Times report, endure the brief advertisement at the video, and behold how amazing this waterway is when Los Angeles gets some rain. Literally billions of gallons have poured through the normally-dry wash downtown, and local reservoirs have been able to redirect some of the storm runoff to replenish their capacities.

At LAT, "El NiƱo rains get L.A. River roaring to life."

Inside the Garden of Political Town Hall Plants

From Michelle Malkin:
On Thursday, CNN will host a town hall with President Obama as part of his “final-year push to make gun control part of his legacy.” In addition to sitting down with liberal anchor Anderson Cooper, the network says Obama will “take questions from the audience.”

Uh-oh. Get out your best pruning shears and trowels. In an age of micromanaged partisan stagecraft and left-wing media enablers, there is no such thing as a spontaneous question.

CNN has a long history of allowing political plants to flourish in its public forums.

At the cable station’s Democratic debate in Las Vegas in 2007, moderator Wolf Blitzer introduced several citizen questioners as “ordinary people, undecided voters.” But they later turned out to include a former Arkansas Democratic director of political affairs, the president of the Islamic Society of Nevada, and a far left anti-war activist who’d been quoted in newspapers lambasting Harry Reid for his failure to pull out of Iraq.

At a CNN/YouTube GOP debate two weeks later, the everyday, “undecided voters” whose questions were chosen included:

–A member of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transexual Americans For Hillary Clinton Steering Committee.

–A young woman named “Journey” who questioned the candidates on abortion and whom CNN failed to properly identify as an outspoken John Edwards supporter.

–A supposed “Log Cabin Republican” who had declared his support for Obama on an Obama ’08 campaign blog.

–A supposedly unaffiliated “concerned mother” who was actually a staffer and prominent Pittsburgh union activist for the United Steelworkers — which had endorsed Edwards for president.

–A supposed “undecided” voter who urged Ron Paul to run as an independent, but who had already publicly declared his support for former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson’s Democratic presidential bid.

–A staffer for Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill.; a former intern for Rep. Jane Harman, D-Calif., and a former intern for the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Once a manipulative gardener, always a manipulative gardener. During the push for Obamacare, Democrat plants spread like kudzu across town hall propaganda events. At White House “citizen town halls” in 2009, Team Obama hand-picked not-so-random “random” questioners who included:

–An operative for the Washington, D.C.-based Health Care for America Now, the K Street Astroturf outfit with a $40 million budget to lobby for government-run health care that directed its activists to “drown out” opponents at town hall meetings.

–An “unemployed” cancer patient who was actually working for the DNC’s Organizing for America and the Virginia Organizing Project, which coordinated lobbying trips and health care forums with HCAN.

–A Democrat National Committee member and community blogger at Organizing for America.

–The 11-year-old daughter of a coordinator of Massachusetts Women for Obama who had donated thousands of dollars to the campaign, as had her law firm employer.

Using young people as horticultural conduits to shape narratives wasn’t an Obama invention, of course. Last week, Hillary Clinton’s town hall events featured two children reading scripted questions on gender pay equity and guns. The campaign balked at accusations that they would exploit kids and manufacture questions...
I have no plans to watch tomorrow's stupid "town hall" on gun control, although perhaps I'll tune in for a couple of minutes to check out the plants, heh.

Still more.

Slashing in Chelsea: Woman Attacked While on Way to Work (VIDEO)

At CBS News 2 New York, via Memeorandum, "Woman Speaks Out on Facebook After Being Slashed by Stranger in Chelsea."

The woman, Amanda Morris, needed seven stitches, and she took to Facebook to write about the horror.

Watch, although caution for the graphic images, "Woman Slashed in NYC."

Also at NYDN, "VIDEO: Woman gets slashed in the face in a terrifying random attack on her way to work."

Fallout from Pyongyang Hydrogen-Bomb: Beijing's Nightmare Is the Collapse of Its North Korean Ally

I never gave any of these h-bomb reports any credibility, although the major newspapers dutifully gave the story front-page coverage, to say nothing of CNN's breaking bombshell news coverage.

In any case, see Andrew Browne, at the Wall Street Journal, "North Korea’s Strategy Puts Beijing in a Bind":
SHANGHAI—The Korean Peninsula stands as a gateway to China. It kept the old emperors constantly on guard—and their successors today are no less vigilant.

Beijing’s nightmare is the collapse of its North Korean ally that might well bring U.S. military forces rushing all the way to the border, controlling routes that lead through China’s northeastern industrial heartland to the doors of the capital.

That strategic reality emboldens the family dynasty that runs North Korea. Wednesday’s detonation is the latest example—and the most outrageous one, if Pyongyang’s claims to have set off a hydrogen bomb are true—of how North Korea works on Beijing’s deepest anxieties. The “Young General” Kim Jong Un knows that his country is an indispensable buffer for China—“lips to teeth,” as the Chinese say. He can do virtually anything, and get away with it.

The dictator has cast what Pyongyang claims is its fourth nuclear test as a challenge to America; it fits into a long-established pattern of reckless antics designed to grab attention in Washington, force a crisis and extract diplomatic concessions.

But he is also playing a familiar psychological game with a neighbor that supplies his impoverished country’s food and energy and keeps his despotic regime alive.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, a stern authoritarian, is hardly a leader with whom to be toyed. And he has gone further than his predecessors in showing his exasperation with behavior that threatens not only peace in the neighborhood but also China’s own economic security. If Mr. Kim is persona non grata in Beijing—and the fact that China has yet to invite him leads to that conclusion—the South Korean leader, Park Geun-hye, has become a favorite houseguest. She is a regular visitor, showing up most recently last year in a front-row seat at a massive military parade to mark Japan’s defeat in World War II.

In a part of the world where politics often plays out in symbols, diplomatic invitations given or withheld have exaggerated significance...
Keep reading.

BONUS: At the New York Times, via Memeorandum, "White House Disputes North Korea's Claim of Hydrogen Bomb Test."

Donald Trump Will Win Republican Nomination, Claims Former Ben Carson Campaign Manager (VIDEO)

This interview was getting some airtime even on Fox News.

At CNN, "Carson's ex-campaign manager: Trump will be GOP nominee."