Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Stephen Pollard, Jewish Chronicle Editor, on Anti-Semitism Accusations in Britain's Labour Party (VIDEO)

Following-up on Pollard's riventing essay the other day, "The Left's Hatred of Jews Chills Me to the Bone."

At Sky News:

The General Election Starts Now

At great piece, from Amy Walter, at the Cook Political Report:

3. The Northeast Corridor was supposed to be “establishment” country.

It’s one thing for Trump to win his home state of New York by 61 percent. It’s another thing for him to CRUSH his opponents up and down I-95. These are the states where nice, safe, moderate establishment candidates like John McCain and Mitt Romney win. It’s not where a firebrand with unorthodox policy positions and an even more unconventional campaign style should win. Trump’s success in these blue states should also put to rest any idea that Kasich has ANY shot at winning anything in Cleveland. Kasich lost Montgomery Country, Maryland and Greenwich, Connecticut to Trump. If he can’t win in these establishment strongholds, he’s not winning anywhere.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Democrats Plan to Pound Trump Before He’s Nominated

I'm not sure what to think of this.

Donald Trump is not Mitt Romney, and he's not going to take attacks from the despicable Democrats lying down. And as we've seen since Trump entered the race, the more vicious the attacks on him, the more rabid his supporters become. I don't expect that to change once the attacks start coming from Pri­or­it­ies USA Ac­tion, or the DNC for that matter. Will Trump be able to respond in kind before receiving public funding for the general election (assuming he's not "self-funded" after all)? Who knows? Moe Lane seems to expect Trump to get blown out of the water, but he's blogging at Red State, hardly your neutral source for analysis on such issues.

In any case, at National Journal (via Memeorandum):
Super PAC will air $20 million in negative ads before Donald Trump can counter with general-election money, a strategy that defined Mitt Romney in 2012.

Don­ald Trump loves to brag about how he al­ways coun­ter­punches when at­tacked, but he could soon be tak­ing an un­answered, $20 mil­lion pum­mel­ing in those few states that will de­cide the Novem­ber elec­tion.

A series of ads paint­ing him as an un­ser­i­ous, un­ready, and un­scru­pu­lous busi­ness­man who also hap­pens to dis­par­age wo­men and minor­it­ies is to start air­ing June 8, the day after the fi­nal primar­ies in which Trump is likely to clinch the Re­pub­lic­an pres­id­en­tial nom­in­a­tion.

“That’s a good day to start,” said Justin Barasky with Pri­or­it­ies USA Ac­tion, a su­per PAC back­ing Demo­crat Hil­lary Clin­ton. “We’re not go­ing to the make the same mis­take Re­pub­lic­ans did in wait­ing too long [to go on the of­fens­ive].”

For five full weeks, in a lull between the primary sea­son and the GOP con­ven­tion, these mes­sages may have the air­waves to them­selves in sev­en swing states, with the no­tori­ously tight-fis­ted Trump loath to spend tens of mil­lions of his own money to counter the at­tack and the Re­pub­lic­an Party un­able to de­fend him un­til he of­fi­cially be­comes the nom­in­ee.

If Re­pub­lic­ans find this strategy fa­mil­i­ar, they should. It’s ex­actly what Pri­or­it­ies did to 2012 GOP nom­in­ee Mitt Rom­ney in those months after he had se­cured the nom­in­a­tion, fol­low­ing a long and ex­pens­ive primary battle—but be­fore he was of­fi­cially nom­in­ated and al­lowed to use mil­lions in gen­er­al-elec­tion money he had already col­lec­ted.

“Mitt Rom­ney was a fun­da­ment­ally likable guy. Look what they did to Mitt Rom­ney. They turned him in­to his­tory’s greatest mon­ster,” said Rick Wilson, a Re­pub­lic­an strategist and lead­ing “Nev­er Trump” voice who has been warn­ing for months that Demo­crats would start blis­ter­ing Trump the mo­ment he se­cured the nom­in­a­tion.

In 2012, Pri­or­it­ies spent $21.5 mil­lion at­tack­ing Rom­ney between May and the end of Au­gust, when the former Mas­sachu­setts gov­ernor form­ally ac­cep­ted the nom­in­a­tion at the GOP con­ven­tion in Tampa. The ads fo­cused on five swing states, most not­ably Rust Belt Ohio, and por­trayed Rom­ney as a heart­less plu­to­crat who en­riched him­self by shut­ting down factor­ies and ship­ping jobs over­seas. The ads were cred­ited with turn­ing Rom­ney’s busi­ness ex­per­i­ence from an as­set in­to a li­ab­il­ity among many gen­er­al-elec­tion voters. In Ohio, Pres­id­ent Obama re­ceived 2 per­cent more sup­port from white voters and non-col­lege gradu­ates than he did na­tion­ally—a big factor in his 3-point vic­tory there that Novem­ber that sealed his reelec­tion.

Wilson pre­dicted that Pri­or­it­ies would have a much easi­er chal­lenge with Trump than it did with Rom­ney, giv­en Trump’s already high dis­ap­prov­al rat­ings and the host of con­tro­ver­sies in his past, from the de­funct Trump Uni­versity to his mul­tiple bank­ruptcies in At­lantic City.

Pri­or­it­ies will also find its Re­pub­lic­an op­pos­i­tion in a far more pre­cari­ous fin­an­cial con­di­tion. While both Rom­ney’s cam­paign and his su­per PAC were de­pleted by the drawn-out primary, he was non­ethe­less a prodi­gious fun­draiser, ul­ti­mately col­lect­ing $820 mil­lion for him­self and the Re­pub­lic­an Party and an­oth­er $153 mil­lion for his tech­nic­ally in­de­pend­ent su­per PAC.

Trump has no fun­drais­ing op­er­a­tion, has in­sul­ted the tra­di­tion­al GOP donor com­munity, and as of yet has not be­gun rais­ing money for the party. At a re­cent meet­ing, Re­pub­lic­an Na­tion­al Com­mit­tee mem­bers pub­licly ex­pressed con­fid­ence they could raise all the money needed. But privately, some mem­bers wor­ried that Trump as nom­in­ee won’t be able to raise a frac­tion of the $1 bil­lion that Clin­ton and Demo­crats are likely to spend.

Trump has avoided spend­ing money on his cam­paign whenev­er pos­sible, largely re­ly­ing on free cable TV cov­er­age to spread his mes­sage. And it’s un­clear how eas­ily he can write him­self eight-fig­ure checks, even if he wanted to...
Well, that doesn't sound particularly auspicious for the Manhattan mogul, but then, it's been a completely unpredictably election season thus far.

My bet is that Trump will continue to assume the mantle of respectability, and he'll ingratiate himself with the GOP establishment while turning increasingly to a by-the-book mainstream presidential campaign. He's going to have to fork over some of own cash if he's serious about rebutting the left's smears before Cleveland, but we'll see. We're already seeing the Republican establishment warming to a Trump candidacy, and my main hypothesis throughout is the both Republicans and conservatives hate Hillary more than they hate The Donald, so by the time of the general election we should be seeing a full-on battle among the historical constituencies of the two parties.

We're in uncharted territory here, but I'm loving it.

Still more at the link.

Donald Trump Leads Ted Cruz by 34 Points in California

Wow. Talk about a blowout. And the primary's still more than a month away.

From John Sexton, at Hot Air, "Poll: Trump leads Cruz in California by 34 points."

And at ABC 7 News Los Angeles:

Yeah, well, I can understand the voters' resignation, but frankly I'm fired up!

This is going to be such an epic general election matchup. I'm stoked!

Sabine Jemeljanova for Page 3

At the Sun UK, "Such a tease! See Sabine's full gorgeous shoot here."

Olivia Culpo, Vanessa Hudgens, Kate Hudson, and Charlotte McKinney at Opening of Intrigue Nightclub in Las Vegas (PHOTOS)

At Egotastic!, "Kate Hudson and Charlotte McKinney for Opening of Intrigue Nightclub In Las Vegas."

More photos, including shots of Olivia Culpo and Vanessa Hudgens, at the link.

Has the World Learned Anything Since Brussels?

I don't think so.

At Blazing Cat Fur:
It has become alarmingly clear since the Brussels terror attack that the West either doesn’t understand the nature of Islamist terrorism or doesn’t want to. President Obama denies that the Islamic State poses an existential threat, belittles those who disagree, and seems more vested in undermining allies and political opponents than fighting terror. Whether acting out of ideology or naiveté, he refuses to admit the role of religious doctrine and instead blames terrorism on generic criminality, violent extremism, gun violence, or global warming. He fails to address the jihad and genocide being waged against non-Muslims in the Mideast and beyond, does not speak honestly about the Islamist threat, and portrays those who do as hatemongers.

Deal of the Day: Perky-Pet Bird Feeders for Mother's Day

Pretty cool.

At Amazon, Perky Pet 8133-2 Daisy Vase Vintage Glass Hummingbird Feeder.

More, Save on Perky-Pet Bird Feeders.

And here's your Mother's Day Gift Guide.

And thanks to all my readers who've been shopping through my Amazon links. When you do your shopping here, you provide support with no extra cost to yourself. I really appreciate it.

I like posting the book links too!

More, from Katie Pavlich, Assault and Flattery: The Truth About the Left and Their War on Women.

And from Sharyl Attkisson, Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama's Washington.

Marybeth Hicks, Don't Let the Kids Drink the Kool-Aid: Confronting the Assault on Our Families, Faith, and Freedom.

Suzanne Venker and Phyllis Schlafly, The Flipside of Feminism: What Conservative Women Know - and Men Can't Say.

BONUS: Phyllis Schlafly, A Choice Not an Echo: Updated and Expanded 50th Anniversary Edition.

May Day Protesters March for Immigrant Rights in San Deigo (VIDEO)

More illegal aliens and communists, via ABC News 10 San Diego:

Indiana: Last Stand for the 'Never Trump' Movement

At the New York Times, via Memeorandum, "Indiana May Be #NeverTrump's Last Stand."

Everybody's talking about the WSJ poll out yesterday, "Donald Trump Holds 15-Point Lead Ahead of Republican Rivals in Indiana Poll."

And here's the Cruz campaign's last gasp, at LAT, "Ted Cruz barnstorms Indiana as state's primary proves pivotal in GOP race."

VIDEO): Greenpeace Leaks Documents on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

At the Guardian UK, "Leaked TTIP documents cast doubt on EU-US trade deal":

Talks for a free trade deal between Europe and the US face a serious impasse with “irreconcilable” differences in some areas, according to leaked negotiating texts.

The two sides are also at odds over US demands that would require the EU to break promises it has made on environmental protection.

President Obama said last week he was confident a deal could be reached. But the leaked negotiating drafts and internal positions, which were obtained by Greenpeace and seen by the Guardian, paint a very different picture.

“Discussions on cosmetics remain very difficult and the scope of common objectives fairly limited,” says one internal note by EU trade negotiators. Because of a European ban on animal testing, “the EU and US approaches remain irreconcilable and EU market access problems will therefore remain,” the note says.

Talks on engineering were also “characterised by continuous reluctance on the part of the US to engage in this sector,” the confidential briefing says.

These problems are not mentioned in a separate report on the state of the talks, also leaked, which the European commission has prepared for scrutiny by the European parliament.

These outline the positions exchanged between EU and US negotiators between the 12th and the 13th round of TTIP talks, which took place in New York last week.

The public document offers a robust defence of the EU’s right to regulate and create a court-like system for disputes, unlike the internal note, which does not mention them.

Jorgo Riss, the director of Greenpeace EU, said: “These leaked documents give us an unparalleled look at the scope of US demands to lower or circumvent EU protections for environment and public health as part of TTIP. The EU position is very bad, and the US position is terrible. The prospect of a TTIP compromising within that range is an awful one. The way is being cleared for a race to the bottom in environmental, consumer protection and public health standards.”
Keep reading.

Protesters Pour Into Heavily-Fortified Green Zone in Baghdad (VIDEO)

It's out of control over there.

At LAT, "Iraqi protesters pour into Green Zone, storm parliament."

And at CBS News This Morning:

Illegal Aliens and Communists Protest Donald Trump in Los Angeles for May Day

These are exactly the people Trump warned about. Mexico's not sending its best.

Violent May Day Clash in Seattle (VIDEO)

Gotta love the headline here, "anti-capitalists," heh.

At the Seattle PI, "Anti-capitalists clash with Seattle police on May Day."

They're communists. Is that so hard? They're freakin' communists.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Mother's Day Gifts

Check out the Mother's Day Gift Guide at Amazon.

Plus, from Katie Pavlich, Assault and Flattery: The Truth About the Left and Their War on Women.

And from Sharyl Attkisson, Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama's Washington.

Suzanne Venker and Phyllis Schlafly, The Flipside of Feminism: What Conservative Women Know - and Men Can't Say.

BONUS: Marybeth Hicks, Don't Let the Kids Drink the Kool-Aid: Confronting the Assault on Our Families, Faith, and Freedom.

And thanks to all my readers who've been shopping through my Amazon links.

When you do your shopping here, you provide support with no extra cost to yourself. I really appreciate it. Plus, I always enjoy posting all the book links, heh.

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

 photo Cirque-du-Soleil-600-LA-1_zps24biyaef.jpg

And at Theo Spark's, "Cartoon Round Up..."

Cartoon Credit: A.F. Branco, "Cirque du Soleil Hypocrisy."

British Labour Party's Anti-Semitism Row Deepens (VIDEO)

Following-up, "The Left's Hatred of Jews Chills Me to the Bone."

Now Ken Livingstone won't apologize.

Watch, via Euronews:

The Left's Hatred of Jews Chills Me to the Bone

From Stephen Pollard, at the Telegraph UK.

A great piece. Read it all at the link.

Ted Cruz's Delegate Support Weakens (VIDEO)

You're starting to see the stampede toward Donald Trump, and it's going to be an epic crush following Trump's expected win in the Hoosier State on Tuesday.

At the New York Times, "Ted Cruz’s Support Softens Among the Delegates He Courted" (via Memeorandum):

Even as Donald J. Trump trounced him from New Hampshire to Florida to Arizona, Senator Ted Cruz could reassure himself with one crucial advantage: He was beating Mr. Trump in the obscure, internecine delegate fights that could end up deciding the Republican nomination for president.

“This is how elections are won in America,” Mr. Cruz gloated after walking away with the most delegates in Wyoming.

But it turns out that delegates — like ordinary voters — are susceptible to shifts in public opinion. And as the gravitational pull of Mr. Trump’s recent primary landslides draws more Republicans toward him, Mr. Cruz’s support among the party’s 2,472 convention delegates is softening, threatening his hopes of preventing Mr. Trump’s nomination by overtaking him in a floor fight.

With each delegate Mr. Trump claims, he gets closer to the 1,237 he needs to clinch the nomination outright, and Mr. Cruz’s chances of stopping him — even if he pulls out a victory in Tuesday’s Indiana primary — shrink...
Keep reading.

And tellingly, at Politico, "Inside Cruz's camp, confidence crumbles" (via Memeorandum).

Transgender Hoax Crime in Durham, North Carolina (VIDEO)

Well, it's N.C.

Couldn't be a coincidence, or anything, considering the Tar Heel State's in the news all the time.

On Saturday, ABC11 showed [gender dysphoric Alexis] Adams the surveillance video of her walking out of the women's restroom alone and not by security. Adams response was, "They're not in the shot."

ABC11 showed Adams a different camera angle-this time of her walking out of the transit center with a man that does not appear to be a security guard. Adams response was, "I can't. I guess you just had to be there to witness it. The security did escort-ask me to leave the premises. They may not have dragged me out of the bathroom but they were there."

Adams says she is sticking by her story, and that no one has influenced her to come forward.

What's not clear is if the janitor said something to Adams inside the restroom. The video only shows Adams going in the restroom alone and walking out alone.

The city is asking people to call police if they saw something to support Adams' allegation...
There's video at the link.