Saturday, September 7, 2019

Friday, September 6, 2019

Maria Ryabushkina

At Egotastic!, "Maria Ryabushkina is Addicted to Sex, And Showing Her Nice Beav."

Chiara Ferragni

She's a "fashion influencer."

See Hollywood Reporter, "Documentary Charting the Rise of Instagram Star Chiara Ferragni Debuts in Venice."

And at Drunken Stepfather, "CHIARA FERRAGNI NIP SLIP OF THE DAY."

Megan Parry's Friday Forecast

It's been hot, boy!

Here's the hot Ms. Megan, at ABC 10 News San Diego:

Democrats Go Off the Rails

On so-called climate change. I watched some of Wednesday's "Climate Town Hall" on CNN. Kamala Harris is just one mean, nasty bitch and I can't understand why anyone votes for her. Elizabeth Warren just looks like she'll pander to any wacky idea the radical progressive left puts out there. "Insane" is the word that comes to mind. I had to turn it off by the time Joe Biden came on. I switched over to watch "World War II in Color" on Netflix, which is the best documentary on the war I've ever watched.

In any case, at Legal Insurrection, "CNN’s 7-Hour ‘Climate Change’ Town Hall was a man-made disaster for Democrat presidential candidates."

Front Row Joes

Some Trump supporters have attended dozens of MAGA campaign rallies, and have waited days camping out for a front-row seat at the event.

It's a life-blood thing, and it's amazing.


Thursday, September 5, 2019

Joe Biden's Eye Fills With Blood (VIDEO)

Truly bizarre.

This man's got major health problems, dang!

At the Other McCain, "Joe Biden’s Slow-Motion Implosion."

Anne Hathaway



From yesterday's drive-time, at 93.1 Jack F.M. Los Angeles.

Third Eye Blind.

Pretty Woman
Van Halen

Don't You Want Me
Human League


Life In The Fast Lane

The Go-Gos

In Bloom

Just Like Heaven

Paradise City
Guns N Roses


Third Eye Blind

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Chaos Excitement

Well, this is interesting.

From Thomas Edsall, at NYT, "The Trump Voters Whose ‘Need for Chaos’ Obliterates Everything Else":

Over the four years during which he has dominated American political life, nearly three of them as president, Donald Trump has set a match again and again to chaos-inducing issues like racial hostility, authoritarianism and white identity politics.

Last week, at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, the winner of the best paper award in the Political Psychology division was “A ‘Need for Chaos’ and the Sharing of Hostile Political Rumors in Advanced Democracies.”

The paper, which the award panel commended for its “ambitious scope, rigor, and creativity,” is the work of Michael Bang Petersen and Mathias Osmundsen, both political scientists at Aarhus University in Denmark, and Kevin Arceneaux, a political scientist at Temple.

It argues that a segment of the American electorate that was once peripheral is drawn to “chaos incitement” and that this segment has gained decisive influence through the rise of social media.

“The rise of social media provides the public with unprecedented power to craft and share new information with each other,” they write. In the political arena, this technological transformation allows the transmission of a type of information that portrays “political candidates or groups negatively” and has “a low evidential basis.” The “new information” transmitted on social media includes “conspiracy theories, fake news, discussions of political scandals and negative campaigns.”

The circulation of this type of information (which the authors label “hostile political rumors”) has been “linked to large-scale political outcomes within recent years such as the 2016 U.S. presidential election.”

On a less cataclysmic level, the authors’ analysis helps explain the intensity of anti-establishment voting that drove Trump’s successful takeover of the Republican Party in the 2016 primaries.

The authors describe “chaos incitement” as a “strategy of last resort by marginalized status-seekers,” willing to adopt disruptive tactics. Trump, in turn, has consistently sought to strengthen the perception that America is in chaos, a perception that has enhanced his support while seeming to reinforce his claim that his predecessors, especially President Barack Obama, were failures.

Petersen, Osmundsen and Arceneaux find that those who meet their definition of having a “need for chaos” express that need by willingly spreading disinformation. Their goal is not to advance their own ideology but to undermine political elites, left and right, and to “mobilize others against politicians in general.” These disrupters do not “share rumors because they believe them to be true. For the core group, hostile political rumors are simply a tool to create havoc.”

And the abstract from the research paper:
The circulation of hostile political rumors (including but not limited to false news and conspiracy theories) has gained prominencein public debates across advanced democracies. Here, we provide the first comprehensive assessment of the psychological syndrome that elicits motivations to share hostile political rumors among citizens of democratic societies. Against the notion that sharing occurs to help one mainstream political actor in the increasingly polarized electoral competition against other mainstream actors, we demonstrate that sharing motivations are associated with ‘chaotic’ motivations to “burn down” the entire established democratic ‘cosmos’. We show that this extreme discontent is associated with motivations to share hostile political rumors, not because such rumors are viewed to be true but because they are believedto mobilize the audience against disliked elites. We introduce an individual difference measure, the “Need for Chaos”, to measure these motivations and illuminate their social causes, linked to frustrated status-seeking. Finally, we show that chaotic motivations are surprisingly widespread withinadvanced democracies, having some hold inup to 40 percent of the American national population.

Kirsten Dunst is Killing It!


KIRSTEN DUNST is killing it on her new show, and not because she’s a 40 year old mom, with a mom body and a set of mom tits, but because she’s actually fucking good. It’s nice to see some of the “OLD GUARD” come back into the mix and have their breakout, or comeback performance that they will either be remembered by, or reminded of….

She is pretty much the last generation of talent that had to break through on an industry level...

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Monday, September 2, 2019

Lia Marie Johnson

She's actually 23 but doesn't look a day over 17. (*Shrugs.*)


Billie Eilish Erupts at Nylon Germany

First World problems. (*Eye-roll.*)

My oldest son loves her, of course.

Here's a review from July, at LAT, "Billie Eilish, music’s biggest anti-pop star, returns home a hero."

Jennifer Delacruz's Holiday Forecast

It's going to be hot, hot, hot!

And here's the hot Ms. Jennifer, for ABC News 10 San Diego:

Pete Buttigieg Was Rising. Then Came South Bend's Policing Crisis

Identity politics. You can never win.

At McClatchy, via Memeorandum, "plans to beef up campaign staff."

And NYT:

Beto F%!#*ing O'Rourke!

Beto's rebooting his campaign --- by exploiting Midland's shooting victims.


Sunday, September 1, 2019

Peter Caddick-Adams, Sand and Steel


At Amazon, Peter Caddick-Adams, Sand and Steel: A New History of D-Day.

Fresno's Racist Past

Stupid North Fresno cheerleader posts "nigger" Snapchat video. She's reported by a black student, who then receives death threats. The school freaks out and digs up Fresno's racist past. A local board member gets involved with un-PC behavior. And it's a big news story, I guess.