Sunday, January 15, 2012

Andrew 'Milky Loads' Sullivan Smears Obama Critics as 'Dumb' in Newsweek Cover Story

Newsweek should post the full story to the homepage, but it's not up yet.

Folks will remember Newsweek's Obama worship from 2008. With "Milky Loads" now over at Daily Beast/Newsweek, get ready for an especially long year of attacks from the formerly august newsweekly. (See: "Andrew Sullivan Moving to Daily Beast.")

Added: Linked at Blazing Cat Fur and Weasel Zippers. Thanks!

Okay, Rawmuscleglutes' piece is up: "How Obama's Long Game Will Outsmart His Critics." I'll have commentary on it later...



Minicapt said...

Andy's chosen nickname was "Rawmusclglutes".


JBW said...

Hey, Don. I'm curious as to your take on Sullivan's article, and by "curious" I mean I'm looking forward to being suitably entertained by something hopefully more substantive than your unparalleled ability to call people names when you disagree with them.

Flex that PhD, chief. Love the blog. Cheers and whatnot.

AmPowerBlog said...

You idiot, JBW. Always good for some ridicule, you. It's published. Read it and weep. Sullivan sucks balls, literally, and this president does as well.

Unknown said...

I linked to this story at The Political Commentator here (

Mike Haltman
The Political Commentator

Sembawang Bolo said...

I don't recall any similar assertions being made in this fashion during the Bush years about his critics. Maybe because it would be redundant to opine on what's already self-evident.