Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Day Rule 5 Extra

Well, give it up for William Teach and his smokin' Happy New Year's post, "If All You See…is another year of mankind polluting the world with CO2, destroying the Mother Gaia, you might just be a Warmist."

And more great blogging at Astute Bloggers, "2012'S FIRST GUARANTEED NOT HALAL: ASDIS RAN." And at Eye of Polyphemus, "Top 5 of 2011 #1 - Kaley Cuoco."

Earlier from Rio Norte Line, "Rule 5 – My Favorite Bond Girls – Denise Richards." And El Opinador Compulsivo, "Proof of God's Existence: Selma Hayek."

Plus some holiday leftovers from Teresamerica, "Midweek Rule 5 - Santa Babes and more..." Yum! Also at Bob Belvedere's "Rule 5 Christmas Countdown: 23 December 2011 A.D."

Plus, at Guns and Bikinis, "Russian Babe," and at Theo's, "Bedtime Totty..."

BONUS: At Randy's Roundtable, "Rule 5 Top 5." And from Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, "Friday Night Pinup."