Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Video Appears to Show U.S. Marines Pissing on Dead Taliban

Well, it's not as if support for the Afghan war was bottoming out, or anything. I'm sure the mission could use a few goofball jarheads to whip it out for the cameras and send the progressives clamoring for some kind of "war crimes" tribunal, or something.

At ABC News, "US Marines Allegedly Urinate on Taliban Corpses."

Plus, from USA Today, "Video allegedly shows Marines urinating on dead Taliban." And at London's Daily Mail, "Marine Corps probe after video emerges showing American troops 'urinating on dead Afghan bodies'."

There's a YouTube clip here. And also at LiveLeak here.


Gary Fouse said...

Not a smart move, but what's the charge?

JBW said...

Noticed you didn't embed the video, Don. Sup with that? Make some progressive heads explode, yo!

Anonymous said...

I got one thing to say to CAIR:



Coach Sal said...

I know, it's really bad form to do that, blah, blah, blah. And go ahead and assume all appropriate disclaimers. But somehow I find it hard to get too incensed over not showing appropriate multi-culti respect to barbarian terrorists who stone gays, engage in honor killings, subjugate women, etc., etc., etc. Sure, we shouldn't dehumanize our enemies--but our grandfathers and great-grandfathers were awfully disrespectful to those "Krauts" and "Huns." Some even were so terrible as to make stereotypical and racist movies with buck-toothed Japanese and Bugs Bunny.