Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Five Syrians with Stolen Passports Arrested in Honduras

Yes, because they no doubt were fleeing hardship and persecution.

At USA Today, "Report: U.S.-bound Syrians arrested in Honduras with fake passports":
Five Syrians trying to make their way to the United States using stolen Greek passports were arrested in Honduras, police there said Wednesday.

The men were arrested after they flew into the airport in the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa late Tuesday night and were questioned by immigration officials, according to La Prensa. They were trying to make their way to northern Honduras to complete their journey to the U.S. by land, crossing Guatemala and Mexico to reach the southwest border of the U.S.

Aníbal Baca, a police spokesman, said the Hondurans were already on alert following the terrorist attack in Paris and were tipped off by Greek law enforcement about the men's voyage. Baca told the newspaper that Greek diplomats visited the airport and confirmed that none of the men spoke a word of Greek.

"The passports were stolen (in Greece), those are not their real names, we are confirming their identities," Baca told La Prensa...
Keep reading.