Showing posts with label Bill Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Clinton. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Sidney Blumenthal Emails to Hillary Clinton at State Department

If this is the beginning of some genuine reporting at the New York Times --- genuine and hopefully sustained investigative reporting --- the Clinton campaign's in for a whole lotta hurt. Don't hold your breath, obviously. Gawker's been running reports on the Blumenthal emails for years. But should disgust at the Clinton cash corruption finally shake loose the blinders among the journalist-cadres at the Old Gray Lady, all hell could break out across the Democrat-Media-Complex.

See, "Clinton Friend’s Memos on Libya Draw Scrutiny to Politics and Business," and "What Sidney Blumenthal's Memos to Hillary Clinton Said, and How They Were Handled." There's a motherload of damaging information here, but just to pick out one nugget:
In May 2011, Mr. Blumenthal sent Mrs. Clinton a memo reporting that affiliates of Al Qaeda in Libya were plotting attacks in revenge for the United States’ killing of Osama bin Laden. Mrs. Clinton forwarded the email to Mr. Sullivan, saying that it was “disturbing, if true.” [Clinton aide] Mr. [Jake] Sullivan questioned its accuracy, but said he would share with others. (Pages 4-5)
Mindboggling, really.

It's easy to see why Hillary wanted to deep six all her private email communications. They're the smoking guns of a Watergate-scale scandal.

More at Hot Air, "NYT: Banned from State Dep’t, Clinton Foundation crony advised Hillary on Libya anyway — while pursuing business there; Update: Another e-mail lie."

And at Politico, "State Department won't release Hillary Clinton's emails until January 2016." (At Memeorandum.) The timing's not so great on that, actually. January's when the primaries kick off. And if Bernie Sanders catches some fire, he could cause bloody havoc for the Clintons --- and he'd be tickled pink doing it.

Read some of these emails at NYT, "Selected Libya-Related Messages From Hillary Clinton’s Personal Email Account."

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Leftist Baloney

From William Voegeli, at National Review, "Liberal Bullshit":
Conservative critiques of liberalism sometimes concede that liberals’ aspirations are laudable before insisting that the means liberals favor are insufficiently practical and at least potentially destructive. The way liberal compassion lends itself to liberal bullshit, however, argues for a less forgiving interpretation. Liberals’ ideals make them more culpable, not less, for the fact that government programs set up to do good don’t reliably accomplish good. Doing good is often harder than do-gooders realize, but doing good is also more about the doing and the doer than it is about the good. Too often, as a result, liberals are content to treat gestures as the functional equivalent of deeds, and intentions as adequate substitutes for achievements.
That's a snippet of Voegeli's book, The Pity Party: A Mean-Spirited Diatribe Against Liberal Compassion.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Look for Leftists to Rewrite the 1990s as Hillary Gears Up for 2016

At the Wall Street Journal, "An Affair to Remember":
As Hillary and Bill Clinton prepare for another White House ramble, the country is fated to endure more than a few 1990s flashbacks, often including attempts to whitewash the real history. The latest character to re-emerge is Monica Lewinsky, the former intern who is doffing her beret to reinvent herself as an anti-cyberbullying activist.

In a speech this week at a Forbes magazine conference that went viral on the Web, Ms. Lewinsky describes herself as a “survivor” of online abuse—she became “the creature from the media lagoon.” As the worst abusers, she cited Matt Drudge and the New York Post, which gave Ms. Lewinsky a term of tabloid endearment as “the portly pepperpot.” Another culprit was “a politically motivated independent prosecutor,” or Ken Starr.

The problem is that Ms. Lewinsky was actually the victim of the Clinton lagoon, as White House operatives tried to destroy her reputation when the scandal broke. The real bullies weren’t online but in the West Wing...
Keep reading.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Bill Clinton: Evil Republithugs 'trying to get you to check your brain at the door...'

Hillary Clinton was in Iowa yesterday for the Tom Harkin steak fry, and the only people fooled by Hillary's "I haven't decided on a run yet" lies are the slavering journalist following her around like puppies.

And of course, Bill "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" Clinton was on hand to dispense timely attacks on the Republicans. It's going to take an awful lot to convince voters that a Hillary presidency won't be a third term of Barack Obama, but with big Bill on the hustings there'll be plenty of clown show gags to provide distractions. I mean really, the GOP wants you to check your brain at the door? I'd say that's what the country's been doing for the last six years of "hope and change." But then, Bill Clinton didn't inhale either. Remember, a sucker's born every minute and the Democrats are counting on it.

At the Hill, "Bill Clinton: Republicans 'trying to get you to check your brain at the door'."

Friday, September 12, 2014


OMG this is brilliant!

At Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – What Difference Will It Make?"

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Friday, August 22, 2014

In the Mail: William Voegeli, 'The Pity Party: A Mean-Spirited Diatribe Against Liberal Compassion'

I like this book. So far I've read the introduction, but I'm not putting it down.

The publisher sent me an uncorrected proof. The book releases to the general public in November. Pre-order just in time for the holidays: The Pity Party: A Mean-Spirited Diatribe Against Liberal Compassion.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Monica Lewinsky, Hillary Clinton and the Left's #WarOnWomen

Here's the Vanity Fair story leading all day yesterday at Memeorandum, "Exclusive: Monica Lewinsky Writes About Her Affair with President Clinton."

Haven't read it, although Michelle Malkin nails it at Twitchy, "#WarOnWomen: Vanity Fair ‘clears the decks’ for Hillary; haters attack Monica Lewinsky, blame GOP."

And don't miss this awesome discussion at Laura Ingraham's talking points memo from last night. Stay through especially until Monica Crowley's comments. She nails the left's utter hypocrisy. Like I always say, for the left's disgusting political thugs, it's hypocrisy all the way down.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

President Clinton Passed Speaker Gingrich a 'Secret Note' Before 1996 #SOTU

Longtime readers will recall that I'm no fan of Newt Gingrich.

That said, this is interesting. Here's the former Speaker with an intimate look back at what appears to be a proud moment in the political limelight.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

Hillary Clinton Mini-Series

At iOWNTHEWORLD, "More Hillary Mini-Series Treatments." (More here and here.)

Background at USA Today, "NBC to air Hillary Clinton miniseries: Diane Lane will star, and the action will begin in 1998." Also at Memeorandum.

The leftist media's fluffing this woman up. CNN's been running Hillary stories all day, no doubt providing cover from the Weiner tie-in.

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Hillary Clinton Fuming Over 'Carlos Danger' Comparisons

The talk has been that Huma's like a second daughter to Hillary, but if that scuzzy bitch and her skeevy husband's troubles were to disrupt Madame Secretary's 2016 presidential plans, you'd see Democrat Party crime bosses coming down on the Weiners faster than a pack of Tiparillos on Monica Lewinsky.

At the Post, "Bill and Hillary Clinton are 'livid' at comparisons to Weiner’s sexcapades and Huma’s forgiveness." (Via Memeorandum.)

More at Althouse, "'The Clintons are upset with the comparisons that the Weiners seem to be encouraging...'"

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bill Clinton on Whatever Helps Keep Democrats in Power

On Twitter:

1996: "I have long opposed governmental recognition of same-gender marriages and this legislation is consistent with that position. The Act confirms the right of each state to determine its own policy with respect to same gender marriage and clarifies for purposes of federal law the operative meaning of the terms 'marriage' and 'spouse.' "

2013: "I know now that, even worse than providing an excuse for discrimination, the law is itself discriminatory" ...

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Looks Like Wendy Greuel's Gonna Need a Bigger Comeback Kid!

Here's yesterday's report at KABC-TV Los Angeles, "Bill Clinton joins Wendy Greuel at LA mayoral campaign event."

But as the Los Angeles Times reports today, Greuel's trailing badly in the mayor's race, "Garcetti opens 10-point lead over Greuel":

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Eric Garcetti has opened a commanding 10-point lead in the Los Angeles mayor's race over rival Wendy Greuel, whose dogged fight to win the backing of public employee unions appears to be undercutting her on her home turf in the San Fernando Valley, according to a new USC Price/Los Angeles Times poll.

A month before the May 21 runoff, likely voters favored Garcetti over Greuel by 50% to 40%.

The survey also found no sign of success for Greuel's effort to gain an edge among women by highlighting her potential to make history as the city's first female mayor. Women preferred Garcetti, 50% to 41%.

Latinos and younger voters backed Garcetti by still wider margins. The city councilman from Silver Lake has strengthened his standing in the central city and Eastside neighborhoods that he won decisively in the March primary. He has also built a solid lead on the Westside — a key target of Greuel's.

Perhaps most worrisome for Greuel, the city controller, is her failure so far to establish a base in the Valley, where the two are effectively tied. Greuel, who lives in Studio City, had hoped that audits by her office that found wasteful spending of taxpayer money would appeal to the Valley's Republicans, often a pivotal vote in L.A. elections.

Instead, Garcetti has emerged with a lopsided lead among conservatives citywide, picking up support from many of those who voted in the primary for Republican radio personality Kevin James, now a Garcetti backer.

Greuel's tepid support in the Valley, which she represented on the City Council from 2002 to 2009, poses a major challenge for her in the closing weeks of the race. Though Democrats dominate the Valley, many of the city's Republicans live on its western and northern ends.
She's through.

I doubt even the "Comeback Kid" can help her at this point.

Garcetti's a stealth Marxist, by the way. This ought to be interesting.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Why Hillary Clinton Will Run in 2016

Look, Hillary Clinton will run. She's been spinning her machinations since before her philandering presidential husband left office. At this point it's just a matter of predicting when she'll make the announcement of her candidacy.

See Dorothy Rabinowitz, "Hillary's Future":

It was impossible to miss the foreshadowings of the future as Hillary Clinton's week of public appearances wound down to its ending. This, was, of course, the arranged love fest on "60 Minutes," a program that was once the pride of CBS, an unequalled model of investigative journalism. Whatever the object of this piece of investigation was would have been hard to say—but its results, like Mrs. Clinton's appearance before the Congress earlier in the week, left us with a powerful sense of the candidacy to come in 2016. A candidacy not only very much like the one that culminated in the victory of Barack Obama—but one modeled on all its claims, its assumptions.

Mr. Obama had won office despite an astounding lack of experience and a negligible record. His indisputable political skills, his race and all symbolic values attached thereto—not to mention the promise, now apparently abandoned, of a new and unified America that transcended race—had swept him into office. No one can miss the parallel track the outgoing secretary of state is set to pursue.

What is already clear—what should stand out blazing in neon—are the extraordinary claims now being made for Mrs. Clinton's achievements as secretary of state. One of the greatest secretaries of state America has known, according to the president—and his is one of the more modest assessments. It's not the sort of view, to be sure, for which she can be held responsible, but it is an indicator of the passions that would drive her candidacy for the White House: the first woman president.

No one would dispute Mrs. Clinton's hard work, her travels across the globe, her famous capacity to show up armed with encyclopedic detail on every issue, every side of every question. She has been the most dutiful of secretaries of state, has obligingly and diligently carried forth Mr. Obama's designs for shrinking the American presence in the world. She leaves office having left behind no imprint of a vision, no evidence of concerns other than the dictates of diligent obedience.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dems Begin the Post-Obama Blame Game

Well, Romney could still lose, but still.

See Jonathan Tobin at Commentary (via Instapundit):
Some Democrats are apparently not waiting for Barack Obama to lose the presidential election before starting the inevitable recriminations about whose fault it was. Whether writing strictly on his own hook or as a result of conversations with campaign officials, New York Times political writer Matt Bai has fired the first shot in what may turn out to be a very nasty battle over who deserves the lion’s share of the blame for what may turn out to be a November disaster for the Democrats. That the Times would publish a piece on October 24 that takes as its starting point the very real possibility that the president will lose, and that blame for that loss needs to be allocated, is astonishing enough. But that their nominee for scapegoat is the man who is almost certainly the most popular living Democrat is the sort of thing that is not only shocking, but might be regarded as a foretaste of the coming battle to control the party in 2016.
More at the link.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bill Clinton: Romney's Money Advantage Could Swing Election

Maybe old Bill's trying to dampen O's momentum. You know, helping Romney helps Hillary, who might run in 2016.

Putting that aside, perhaps a Romney advertising blitz in the battleground states could tilt the scales come November. If we give credence to the conservative attacks on the polls as biased towards the Dems, then then a GOP money advantage could be decisive.

In any case, FWIW, at the Los Angeles Times, "Clinton: GOP money advantage could still swing the election":

Notice the added point about how the GOP could win if its so-called "voter suppression" efforts are successful. This later point is a big meme on the left. Elizabeth Drew draws out the full conspiracy theory at the New York Review, "Voting Wrongs" (via Memeorandum). And be sure to scroll down to the comments for a real hoot: "IT'S THE END OF DEMOCRACY, GAWD!!!"