Showing posts with label Censorship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Censorship. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Los Angeles Times Made the Right Call to Publish Two Letters to the Editor on Japanese Internment in the Newspaper's Travel Section

This is the exact kind of leftist concern trolling we'll be seeing for the next four years, at least.

Leftists will decide what's acceptable discourse, and what's not. The goal will be to suppress views deemed unacceptable before they see the light of day, lest such opinions become "normalized," and thus legitimizing the representative "acts of terrorism" inherent the election of Donald Trump.

Seriously, talk about some special snowflakes at the Los Angeles Times. The paper's editor-in-chief and publisher, Davan Maharaj, said the letters did not meet the newspaper’s standards for "civil, fact-based discourse" and shouldn't have been published:
“Letters in The Times are the opinions of the writers, and editors strive to include a range of voices. But the goal is to present readers with civil, intelligent, fact-based opinions that enlarge their understanding of the world,” Maharaj said. “These letters did not meet that standard.”
And get this, "The Travel section plans to print letters of response in the Dec. 18 edition."

And that's a bad thing?

No, that's a good thing.

Someone expresses an idea and people respond. If you don't like an idea, say so. That's how speech works. That's how debate works. It doesn't work by deeming a particular idea offensive "uncivil" discourse and banishing that view from the pages of the newspaper. It doesn't work by consigning a disagreeable idea as beyond the realm of controversy and engagement. The reaction to the letters is totalitarian, but then, leftists are totalitarian.

Read the letters here, "Were the stories about Japanese internment during World War II unbalanced? Two letter writers think so."

I don't think they're offensive, frankly. Americans thought Japanese citizens were a threat to national security, and they did something about it. The country survived, and a good thing too.

RELATED: See Erik "Homosexual Lumberjack" Loomis, at Lawyers, Guns, and Money, "What on Earth Was the Los Angeles Times Thinking?"

Special snowflakes over there at LGM as well, with an emphasis on "special."


And here's Michelle's book, at Amazon, In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in World War II and the War on Terror.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Twitter Suspends Alt-Right Voices, Including Richard Spencer and Pax Dickinson

I think most of these alt-right people are idiots, but the best way to handle them is with ridicule.

Seriously, these people are like a bizarre time warp. Mock them. Ignore them. But don't delete them. That's authoritarian. But then, leftists control the social media space. You can't let leftists control social media, because they'll control the information battlespace.

Every time something like this happens, it reminds why Trump was so right to win, regardless of what I think of the alt-right bigot retreads.

In any case, at the Daily Caller, "Twitter Initiates Mass Purge of Prominent Alt-Right Accounts Following Trump Victory":
Several Twitter users noted that the mass bans could be a result of new reporting features the company added to prevent “hate against a race, religion, gender, or orientation,” as part of a policy change....
Our hateful conduct policy prohibits specific conduct that targets people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or disease. Today we’re giving you a more direct way to report this type of conduct for yourself, or for others, whenever you see it happening. This will improve our ability to process these reports, which helps reduce the burden on the person experiencing the abuse, and helps to strengthen a culture of collective support on Twitter.
This is clearly political warfare.

If you read the whole thing the piece notes that Trump and his followers have been particularly powerful through social media, so deleting the alt-right is specifically aimed to weaken the movement.

See USA Today as well, "Twitter suspends alt-right accounts."

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Jack Dorsey is Losing Control of Twitter

He's apparently not very "managerial" in his management. More "Socratic" in fact.

And he's losing control over Twitter's board of directors. The social media giant is losing money and about to be sold.

At Bloomberg.

Personally, I don't care.

Check out Instapundit's pinned tweet from September 29th and you can see why.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Dear Mark Zuckerberg

At Norway's Aftenposten, "Dear Mark":
I am writing this to inform you that I shall not comply with your requirement to remove this picture.

Also at USA Today, "Facebook reinstates iconic photo of 'napalm girl'."

I hate Zuckerberg. And I don't "hate" very often. But that's the emotion that comes to me right now. I just hate that dude.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Facebook's Got Your Political Ideology Algorithms All Figured Out

Another reason to hate Facebook.

The Zuck zombies just store too much information on each and every user.

You can guess how the "Social Network" has me pegged, all the better for malicious targeting and censorship.

At the New York Times, "Which Way Do You Vote? Facebook Has an Idea."

Saturday, March 28, 2015

'Girl Crush'

Hmm... This is interesting.

From Randall Roberts, at LAT, "Big Town's 'Girl Crush' rankles puritanical country radio."

The lyrics video is here.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Bwahaha! Hate-Addled Stalker Walter James Casper Cheers Blogger's Automated Anti-Splogger Take-Down of American Power!

After almost seven years of uninterrupted blogging, American Power was taken offline due to an erroneous flagging by Blogger's automated anti-splogger software system. Indeed, there was some major Google glitch last night while I was watching the Angels game. I had to go through extra security just to log onto my Chromebook (the login function asked for a phone number to text me an additional password). And it turns out that the blog was affected too. American Power was taken down.

Bob Belvedere tweeted:

No big deal, actually. I didn't feel much like blogging anyway after the Eric Hosmer crushed that 11th inning home run. I hit the sack.

So, I was out cold at 5:33 this morning when Blogger sent this email:
Hello, We have received your appeal regarding your blog Upon further review we have determined that your blog was mistakenly marked as a TOS violator by our automated system and, as such, we have reinstated your blog. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused in the meantime and thank you for your patience as we completed our review process. Thank you for understanding. Sincerely, The Blogger Team.
I got up and checked my iPhone and American Power was already loaded in the phone's browser. I got some coffee at 7/11 and got back to my normal blogging routine --- to the bitter consternation of my obsessed hate-addled stalking troll Walter James Casper III, who tweeted:

The sick f-ker Repsac checks my blog multiple times per day, while denying his sick obsessive program of stalking and harassment.

Reppy's been consumed by ideological hatred --- and a deep psychotic personal animus against yours truly --- since 2008, when the dirtbag loser first started stalking me, in the comments at Biobrain's blog.

Oh well, perhaps Reppy will someday, at long last, seek out the psychiatric help he so badly needs.

Meanwhile, his decidedly odd cheering of Blogger's automated splog-flagging system reveals just how far Reppy's descended into the nihilist pit of deranged, demonological hatred.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Wikipedia Is Now Trying to Eliminate The Federalist's Online Entry

Heh, so typical.

Read it all, at the Federalist.

Can't resist adding this part:
You don’t burn books because they’re irrelevant. You burn books because you’re terrified that they’re not. You don’t muzzle people who have no audience. You muzzle people only when their voices are amplified far beyond your liking. As the famous baseball player Reggie Jackson said, “Fans don’t boo nobodies.”
Heh, I guess I'm not not a "nobody" in the eyes of the tyrannical left, lol.

S.C. High School Apologizes for Forcing Students to Remove American Flags on 9/11


And it South Carolina too, of all places.

At the Daily Signal.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bwahaha! Darleen Click Slams Walter James Casper's 'IslamoNazi Entitlement Syndrome'

Remember, for stalking hate-troll Walter James Casper III, to actually stand up against Islamic jihad --- you know, the people who are killing us --- is racism.

Darleen Click hammered terror-enabler Repsac3 on Twitter last week. Really, she just nails the "IslamoNazi" R-E-P-S-A-C.

And ICYMI, "Texas Hot Momma Blocks Stalking Hate-Troll Walter James Casper III."

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Texas Hot Momma Blocks Stalking Hate-Troll Walter James Casper III

That's the way to do it.

Disgusting Repsac's beaten down, again resorting to his pathetic cries of "racism."

Flashback: "Obsessed Hate-Troll Walter James Casper Attacks Mad Jewess with Despicable 'Racist' Smear."

And, "Bwahaha! Walter James Casper III Shouts 'Bigotry' and 'Racism' to Silence the Opposition and Claim Victory!"

Here's Texas Hot Mama:

She's got small children. Good on her for blocking the trolling stalker asshat, no doubt she's keeping 'em safe from Walter James "Sweety Man" Casper.

PREVIOUSLY: "Ban, Block and Report Walter James Casper III in 2013," and "Enough! Stand Up to Harassment and Stalking — Block and Report Walter James Casper in 2014."

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Bwahaha! Walter James Casper III Shouts 'Bigotry' and 'Racism' to Silence the Opposition and Claim Victory!

Poor Repsac3.

Proved wrong from the get go, all he can do is cry bigotry like a typical leftist loser who's lost the debate. As I indicated yesterday, "When all you've got are lies and allegations of "racism," naturally all you can do is respond desperately with more lies and pathetic allegations."

And drum roll please!!!! Ta-da, Repsac's allegation of bigotry: "Making an accusation just because the murderer (& his victim) are Muslim & the victim is a member of his family is bigotry."

Are you losing the debate? Check! Call your opponent a "bigot," like Repsac3! Bwahahahaa!!

More, "According to Repsac3, Accusing Any Muslim of Honor Killing, No Matter the Circumstances, Makes You Guilty of 'Bigotry'."

Pathetic fascist stalker hate-troll Walter James Casper III, universally repudiated across the 'sphere, lol!


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

According to Repsac3, Accusing Any Muslim of Honor Killing, No Matter the Circumstances, Makes You Guilty of 'Bigotry'

Honor killings are by definition murders committed by Muslim fathers or husbands against their daughters or their wives. So, if a Muslim man beheads --- beheads! --- his wife after alleging that the wife had disrespected and dishonored him, as in the case of Mo Hassan, who murdered his wife Aasiya, then that person has committed a classic honor killing.

It's not hard. Or, it's not hard as long as you don't have an Islamo-enabling agenda in which you attack people as racist for identifying the obvious.

That is ideological hatred, and it's lies and dishonesty, which perfectly explains Walter James Casper when he tweets such malignantly stupid leftist codswallop:

Repsac's not only a liar, he's literally mentally deranged. By his logic no one could ever call out a Muslim murderer for honor killing without being attacked as a bigot and a racist. And so, poof!, by Repsac's logic, the crime of honor killing would simply disappear! Of course, that's why fanatical terror-enablers like Repsac (and CAIR) cry "bigotry!" until the end of days. Note that following the logic further makes Repsac an accomplice to Islamic murder, which certainly fits, because progressive ideology is all about coercion, violence and death.

"Bigot" (like "racism") is a term that has been drained of all meaning. It's simply a bludgeon used by leftists --- who've already lost the debate --- to silence their political enemies.

In 2009 Walter James Casper was wrong from the start. Those who he attacked as racist then --- and who he continues to falsely attack today for "bigotry" --- were right all along.

This pattern of progressive deception and lies is why Repsac was banned from this blog. He's an evil man, a genuine and proven racist and bigot himself, ideologically deranged, and burning with cancerous hatred.

A sad spectacle all around.

#ISIS Beheadings: Real Reason Behind the 'Don't Watch, Don't Share' Movement is the Protection of Obama

Readers will recall that I reject the self-censorship movement as cowardly appeasement.

But Dawn Perlmutter says it's even more, at FrontPage Magazine, "The Politics of Islamic Beheading":

After the Foley murder several news headlines announced that beheadings are back. Beheadings never went away. There are hundreds of both cartel and jihadist beheading videos easily accessible on the internet that are far worse than the Foley video. Many display torture, crucifixion, castration, flaying and dismemberment. Most of them involve threats to commit further violence if their requests are not met. One depicts jihadists playing soccer with human heads. Several display multiple beheadings with as many as 17 victims at a time.

One of the significant differences in the Foley and Sotloff beheading videos are that they openly and blatantly denigrate President Obama. The first portion of the Foley video displays news clips of the President authorizing military operations against the Islamic State. Jihad John, the executioner, directly calls out President Obama. “..any attempt by you, Obama, to deny the Muslims their rights of living in safety under the Islamic Caliphate will result in the bloodshed of your people.” “The life of this American citizen, [hostage Steven Joel Sotloff ] Obama, depends on your next decision.”

The 4 minute 40 second Foley beheading video only shows ten seconds of violent imagery at the end, 04:20 – 04:30, that depicts a knife to the neck, fades to black and then the decapitated body as proof of kill. Similarly, there is only a few seconds of violent imagery at the end of the Sotloff video. The few seconds of violence could easily be edited out of both films, however the message that clearly disrespects President Obama is the real reason the media has collectively decided to censor the video.
Disgusting, morally bankrupt left-wing political hackery.

More here.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Science is Settled and You're Racist

Andrew Klavan is hilarious.