Tuesday, November 3, 2009

McDonnell Leads in Virginia: Democrats Prepare Al Franken Election Theft Operation

CBS News reports, "Republican McDonnell Leading in Virginia":

As the polls close in Virginia, CBS News estimates based on early exit poll results that Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell is leading Democratic candidate Creigh Deeds.
Yet, from Red State, "To the Christie Campaign: Remember Norm Coleman and Defend Your Victory":

The race is neck and neck between Republican Chris Christie and the incumbent Jon Corzine in New Jersey. Whether or not this is because of “Independent” Chris Daggett, the man being sponsored by the Democratic Party and the deep pockets of Jon Corzine to split the anti-incumbent vote and thereby ensure Corzine gets to continue his misadministration in Trenton for the next four years, is not the issue.

The SIEU (i.e. ACORN) and the Democrats, as expected, have filed suit to ensure that at least 3000 of their manufactured voters be allowed to cast absentee ballots. These voters are known to be fake because their signatures are wildly different from that on file. As John Fund informs;

Democratic Party lawyer Paul Josephson wrote New Jersey’s secretary of state asking her “to instruct County Clerks not to deny applications on the basis of signature comparison alone.” Mr. Josephson maintained that county clerks “may be overworked and are likely not trained in handwriting analysis” and insisted that voters with suspect applications should be allowed to cast provisional ballots. Those ballots, of course, would then provide a pool of votes that would be subject to litigation in any recount, with the occupant of New Jersey’s highest office determined by Florida 2000-style scrutiny of ballot applications.

What the Democrats are hoping for is a replay of Minnesota - where a bunch of Scuzzies to provide “bipartisan” cover, a partisan Secretary of State and liberal Democrats would blatantly steal the election for their candidate while the Republican is too terrified of offending liberal journalists to do a thing about it.

The question is whether or not Chris Christie is prepared (unlike Norm Coleman) to defend his victory in the post-Election battles that have become far too common in American politics since Al Gore called Bush to withdraw his concession in 2000. The instant the polls close tonight, the Christie Campaign should be on war footing, with advertising dollars ready to blanket the airwaves and loudly trumpet every act of theft and fraud by whatever body is put in charge of overseeing any recount, no matter how many times it is emphasized that the body “Bipartisan” and therefore holy and above reproach.

Christie should not make the mistake of aping Norm Coleman’s strategy of grinning and bearing it in a bid to appear “moderate” and “above the fray”. There will be shrieks from liberal columnists on print and broadcast warning Christie not to fight it and even to concede even if he is in the lead. The Democrats will certainly accuse him of voter suppression, “hate” and “death threats”. But this is standard operating procedure - he would be accused of it no matter how politely and quietly his campaign objects to votes found next week in Jon Corzine’s home in New York being added to the tally. Or even if he says nothing at all.

Read the whole thing.

But check Fox News as well, "
Democrats, Republicans Prepare for Possible Legal Battle in New Jersey Race":

Before the polls even close in New Jersey, Democrats and Republicans there are already bracing for a possible post-election court fight in the airtight race.

Democratic Party officials say they are fully prepared for any legal possibility should the race be unresolved in the next few days and end up in a recount or other messy scenario ...

Election Day Referendum on Democratic Big Government

From Howard Fineman, "One Year Later, Big Test for Big Government":

President Barack Obama believes in the saving grace of the federal government.

But do the American people?

In a time of economic uncertainty and fear, that is the core question implicit — and sometimes explicit — on Election Day 2009.

After a year of sweeping, even breathtaking governmental action to revive the economy — bailouts, stimulus packages, new regulations and trillions of newly printed dollars and debt — is the country really better off and on the road to recovery?

The answer that Obama and the Democrats will hear tonight is likely to be a loud “we’re not sure.” Not that the Republicans should gloat; voters distrust their party as much, if not more.

Whatever the final tallies, it’s clear that our politics are back to square one: to the economy and what government can best do (or not do) to salvage and sustain it. The culture wars of past decades will never end, but we no longer have the luxury to dwell obsessively on matters of behavior and lifestyle.

Economic insecurity is what put candidate Obama over the top in 2008; voters put aside their cultural concerns about him. But now that same economic fear — and doubts about the wisdom of Obama’s solutions — is boosting Republican chances.

Actually, there's more to it -- it's about the scope and size of government, and about restoring dignity and honesty to government.

In any case, the video, with Mark Ambinder of the Atlantic, and Dana Milbank of the Washington Post, is an especially good example of the Beltway cocooning effect -- i.e., extremely well-connected commentators who still don't fully get what's happening on the ground.

More tonight ...

Jodie Evans Calls for Kidnapping of George and Laura Bush!

More from our terrorist-backing friends at Code Pink. Via Big Government, "Obama Funder Jodie Evans Calls for Kidnapping of George and Laura Bush":
One of President Barack Obama’s top funders, Code Pink’s Jodie Evans, is encouraging the kidnapping of former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura, according to new statements issued this week by Jodie Evans and Code Pink.

While it might be tempting to look at this latest effort by Code Pink as an innocuous publicity campaign, Code Pink’s history of working with state sponsors of terrorism and supporting violent protest against President Bush–and their near successful arrest of then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales–is cause for concern.

Two weeks after meeting Obama at a high dollar fundraiser in San Francisco, Jodie Evans and Code Pink issued a call to action urging vigilantism against President Bush:

When Jodie Evans delivered the voices of Afghan women to President Obama, she was also delivering a demand for accountability. The women of Afghanistan are calling for accountability from the US as well as from the corrupt Afghan leaders that our government supports. How can we have true peace or justice if our leadership doesn’t own up to the devastation they have wrought?

…You can also use our website to track where the war criminals will be and how to do a citizen’s arrest action! Let Bush’s “motivational speaking tour” motivate you to arrest the war criminal!

…With your $10 donation you will receive a gift of our newest War Criminals playing cards–we hope the cards educate you and inspire you to grab a set of pink handcuffs and go make a citizen’s arrest, yourself. Our “how-to-arrest-a-war-criminal” guide is included!

Thank you for helping to hold these war criminals accountable!

Slapping the cuffs on for peace,

Dana, Emily, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Janet, Jodie, Marina, Medea, Nancy, Paris, Rae, Suzanne, and Whitney

The actions being urged and guided by Jodie Evans and Code Pink could result in federal kidnapping charges against someone who takes up their call for vigilantism–or their death as the Bushes still have Secret Service protection.

The second link goes "Code Pink Alerts: October 29."

See the rest of Big Government's exposé,

Doug Hoffman: 'Voters Ready to Stop the Nancy Pelosi Agenda'

From Robert Stacy McCain, "NY23: Hoffman is Asked to React to Limbaugh's Dede 'Bestiality' Comment":
Jude Seymour of the Watertown (N.Y.) Daily Times is a nice guy, who let me use his office computer two weeks ago when I first came up to cover this campaign. Exactly why he chose this occasion to spring a "gotcha" question on Doug Hoffman, I don't know. Watch the video, and make your own judgment.

I didn't quote that part in the title of this post.

See also, "
Hoffman Ahead as Wacky Race in New York 23 Reaches Finish Line," via Memeorandum.

Message to GOP Bosses: Conservatives Got Game in New York and Nationwide!

From the Los Angeles Times, "Conservatives Emboldened by Moves in New York Election":

The upstate rebellion that drove a moderate Republican off the ballot in a special House election is sending a message likely to resonate in upcoming races: Don't ignore the grass roots of the right.

The triumph of conservative forces over the Republican Party establishment in upstate New York has emboldened like-minded activists around the country, and it could drive the GOP sharply to the right as it lines up candidates for the 2010 midterm congressional elections.

The rebellion that drove a moderate Republican off the ballot in a special House election today is sending a clear message to the party leadership and its candidates: Ignore the conservative grass roots at your peril.

That message is likely to resonate in the coming months in several congressional primaries and in races where third-party challenges are springing up and threatening to divide the Republican vote.

In Columbus, Ohio, a conservative has decided to run for the House because he does not see enough difference between Democratic Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy and her leading Republican opponent.

In southern Virginia, where Democratic Rep. Tom Perriello has been expected to face a tough fight for a second term, a conservative is campaigning against a Republican he considers a RINO -- Republican in Name Only.

The most prominent battlefield on which the conservative wildfire is spreading is Florida, where Gov. Charlie Crist, the GOP front-runner for the Senate nomination in 2010, faces a spirited challenge from a conservative former state House speaker, Marco Rubio.

That's why all eyes in the party will be turned toward the northern reaches of New York in today's off-year elections. In the state's 23rd Congressional District, voters face a choice between Democratic lawyer Bill Owens and businessman Doug Hoffman, who is running on the Conservative Party ticket.

Hoffman's persistent charges that the Republican Party's hand-picked candidate, state Assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava, was too liberal -- an assertion echoed by conservative activists nationwide -- resulted in her dropping out of the race Saturday.

"If Hoffman wins this, it will be like dropping a bomb into the center of the Republican caucus," said David Keene, head of the American Conservative Union. "Conservative leaders are standing up and saying, 'On to Florida.' " Even if Hoffman doesn't win, experts say waves will rock the GOP.
See also, Matt Lewis, "NY-23: How Sarah Palin Stands to Win (and Charlie Crist Stands to Lose)." (Via Memeorandum.)

Photo Credit:
Doug Hoffman for Congress, "Doug attends the St. Lawrence County Fair in Gouverneur on Aug. 7 where he met numerous supporters and well-wishers."

November 3rd's Tea Party Moment

From The Rhetorican, "Their Worst Nightmare ":
Do Politico writers read The Rhetorican?

Probably not, otherwise
these two wouldn’t be noting now what I noted months ago: that the Tea Party movement is not a Republican movement.

Thus, it doesn’t matter how down on its luck or irrelevant the GOP is. The Tea Party crowd doesn’t derive its momentum from the GOP. And its goals are broader than replacing one party with another: it aims to undermine the ever-increasing power – not of Democrats per se – but of our Political Class.
More at the link (a little more).

Also, from Big Government, "
The Long, Dark Tea-Time of the GOP’s Soul."

Big thanks to
The Rhetorican.

See also, the New York Times, "3 Contests on Election Day Could Signal Political Winds." Plus, all the action at Memeorandum.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Corzine Campaign Denies Link to Busted Assistant Deputy Jason Shih: Dude Found With 19 Ecstasy Tabs, 100s of Drug-Dealer Baggies, and Party Paychecks

Look, the guy claims he's assistant deputy director to Democrat Jon Corzine's re-election campaign. But with that much incriminating evidence in the car, shoot, I'd play stupid too. (And, of course, with Republican Chris Christie edging ahead in the polls, Corzine's clinging on for dear life; for Christ's sake he can't deal with a totally fubar campaign drug bust at the same time). From the Leader (East Rutherford, New Jersey) "ERPD: Man Busted for Drugs Claimed He Was Corzine Campaign Staffer":

A Paramus man who claimed to be the assistant deputy director of Gov. Jon S. Corzine’s re-election campaign was arrested by East Rutherford police Friday, Oct. 30 for possession of Ecstasy.

Jason Shih, 25, was arrested and charged at 11:28 p.m. with possession of Ecstasy, possession of drugs with intent to distribute within 1,000 feet of a school, possession of drugs with the intent to distribute, talking on a cell phone while driving and possession of drugs in a car.

East Rutherford Police Officer Mark Mehegan, who was on patrol, stopped Shih after observing him talking on his cell phone while driving on Route 17 South near Riggin Memorial Field. Mehegan described Shih as extremely nervous and reported his hands were trembling as he reached into the glove box for his information.

During the motor vehicle stop, Mehegan said he observed 19 Ecstasy pills in the center console cup and $661 in cash folded up in the ashtray. Police also reported locating several hundred clear plastic bags commonly used to package drugs.
More at the link.

It turns out Assistant Director Shih had reams of paychecks from the Middlesex County Democratic Committee. But hey, folks don't want to jump to any conclusions!

Big Hat Tip:
Robert Stacy McCain, who's drafting off of the classic investigative blogging of the Libertarian Republican. Check also Moe Lane at Red State while you're at it, "Jason Shih, Jon Corzine, Ecstasy, and Middlesex County Democratic Committee Paychecks."

P.S. Picture published with express permission of the Leader, out of New Jersey, via the Libertarian Republican. Bloggers should credit the newspaper when posting Shih's photo.

Added: From Doug Ross, check this cached link for the "New Jersey Democratic State Cmte Expenditure Detail."

Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning's End...

It's definitely closing time in NY-23, and besides, Semisonic boasts some wicked guitar jam toward the end of their 1998 chart-topper, one of my favorite power pop hits from the 1990s. Both live and studio versions for you. I wish these guys weren't one of those one-hit wonder bands. (Kind of bland stage-presence thingy, I guess. But still...)

And don't miss another outstanding selections from Tony at PA Pundits, "Sunday Music – A Whiter Shade of Pale."

Obviously Still Smarting From V.P Debate, Joe Biden Attacks Sarah Palin

Here's the video, "Biden Attacks Palin":

This is almost a cathartic release of some long-suppressed anger and frustration for Joseph Biden. Palin's not on the ballot anywhere tomorrow. Sure, she's a player, but it's inescapable that this man is harboring a lot of pain from last year's whoopin' in the V.P. debate -- indeed, it's clear Biden's been nursing a grudge.

What's especially interesting is whether Biden actually sees Palin as a potential general election opponent in 2016. He's never ruled out a run for the White House (unlike Dick Cheney back in the day). Palin will be a contender in a least the next couple of presidential cycles, for example, if she fails to win the GOP nomination in 2012, she'll be a top-tier candidate again in the case of an Obama reelection that year. Thus, it could be Joe Biden running to replace Barack Obama, even if Biden would be 74 years-old. It's a stretch, but John McCain pushed the longevity boundaries in 2008, and Biden's by no means had the same physical wear-and-tear on his body as "The Maverick." (And some of the fascination of Dick Cheney's recent media attention is due to the "what if" factor - what if he'd never ruled out a presidential bid?)

Anyway, President Reagan was elected to a second term when he was almost 74 -- so who knows? Biden's a slick-sneaky f***. For more on that, see "Biden v. Palin — The Re-Match" (via Memeorandum).

Sarah Palin Responds

She's responding to a lot of folks, actually. Not only is Palin in the news for launching conservative "robo-calls" in the Virginia governor's race (See, "Palin Jumps into N.J., Virginia Races"), but especially for her response to Vice President Joseph Biden's attack today. See, "Palin Responds to Criticism From Biden":

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) on Monday responded to Vice President Joe Biden's comments about her support for Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman in a hotly contested special election.

Biden appeared at a Monday rally for Democratic candidate Bill Owens, during which he attacked conservative leaders such as Palin, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R), Dick Armey and Fred Thompson for supporting Hoffman in the upstate New York special election that has attracted widespread national attention.

"The fact of the matter is, Sarah Palin thinks the answer to energy is 'drill, baby, drill,' " said Biden. "It's a lot more complicated, Sarah!"

Biden's debate opponent during the 2008 presidential campaign fired back.
"There’s one way to tell Vice President Biden that we’re tired of folks in Washington distorting our message and hampering our nation’s progress: Hoffman, Baby, Hoffman!" she wrote on her
Facebook page.

More at the link (via Memeorandum).

See also, Allahpundit, "
It's On: Palin vs. Biden on Energy," and Robert Stacy McCain, "NY-23 Press Corps Motto: 'When We Grow Up, We Want to Be Like John McCormack'."

Video Hat Tip:
PoliGazette. Also, Conservatives for Sarah Palin, "Quit Making Things Up, DNC."

Planned Parenthood in Meltdown Mode: Director Quits, Jumps to Pro-Life Side, 'I Don't Have This Burden on Me Anymore'

The vanguard of the left's infanticide industry is in total disarray this morning!

Jill Stanek has the video, "
Planned Parenthood Director Sees Abortion Ultrasound and Quits; PP Files Restraining Order":

But check the report at KBTX News 3, "Planned Parenthood Director Leaves, Has Change of Heart" (via Memeorandum):
Planned Parenthood has been a part of Abby Johnson's life for the past eight years; that is until last month, when Abby resigned. Johnson said she realized she wanted to leave, after watching an ultrasound of an abortion procedure.

"I just thought I can't do this anymore, and it was just like a flash that hit me and I thought that's it," said Jonhson.

She handed in her resignation October 6. Johnson worked as the Bryan Planned Parenthood Director for two years.

According to Johnson, the non-profit was struggling under the weight of a tough economy, and changing it's business model from one that pushed prevention, to one that focused on abortion.

"It seemed like maybe that's not what a lot of people were believing any more because that's not where the money was. The money wasn't in family planning, the money wasn't in prevention, the money was in abortion and so I had a problem with that," said Johnson.

Johnson said she was told to bring in more women who wanted abortions, something the Episcopalian church goer recently became convicted about.

"I feel so pure in heart (since leaving). I don't have this guilt, I don't have this burden on me anymore that's how I know this conversion was a spiritual conversion."

Johnson now supports the Coalition For Life, the pro-life group with a building down the street from Planned Parenthood. Coalition volunteers can regularly be seen praying on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood. Johnson has been meeting with the coalition's executive director, Shawn Carney, and has prayed with volunteers outside Planned Parenthood.

On Friday both Johnson and the Coalition For Life were issued temporary restraining orders filed by Planned Parenthood.

Rochelle Tafolla, a Planned Parenthood spokesperson issued the following statement: "We regret being forced to turn to the courts to protect the safety and confidentiality of our clients and staff, however, in this instance it is absolutely.
Hmmm... Folks got something to hide.

Also, Gateway Pundit, "
Planned Parenthood Leader Resigns After Watching Abortion Ultrasound (Video)."

Man, conservatives are already preparing for a victory romp tomorrow. The news of Planned Parenthood's meltdown is like running up the scoreboard!

See, "
Conservatives Ready to Claim Election Day Victory."


UPDATE!! I missed Mark Steyn's earlier piece laying out the DIABLO acronym. See, "Enough," at NRO.

A special thanks to Smitty at The Other McCain for the correction and citation. (Reminds me of graduate school!)


Pamela Geller's the first to come up with that pithy (and withering) acronym, "DIABLOs."

That stands for "Democrats In All But Label Only." I actually saw it last night at Atlas Shrugs,"
The Death of the RINO: Dede Republican Rat Droppings -- Backs Democrat Owens." But Pamela's got a new piece up today at American Thinker, "Bye-Bye, RINO" (via Memeorandum):

New York's 23rd Congressional District has become the site of a showdown between RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) and conservatives. The conservatives are winning -- but the RINOs are not being gracious in defeat. Now the RINOs are showing how much party unity means to them. They have no loyalty to conservatives, so why should conservatives have any loyalty to them?

The latest showdown came when ultra-liberal State Assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava became the Republican candidate in NY-23. ACORN's racketeering arm, also known as the Working Families Party, backed her. Yet the Republican old guard also backed this useful idiot. Newt Gingrich backed this tool. The name "Republican" was all that mattered to them. Not principle.

But Sarah Palin, a true conservative, instead endorsed Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman. And so did other conservatives. Governor of Texas Rick Perry said, "Electing Doug Hoffman will send a clear message that cannot be denied: conservatives must stand on principle." Oklahoma gubernatorial candidate Mary Fallin said that Hoffman had "reminded Americans everywhere that principles come before party affiliation." Kansas senatorial candidate Todd Tiahrt explained the choice: "The Republican Party is either going to return to the party of fiscal responsibility and consistent conservative principles as it was under Ronald Reagan, or it will continue down the path of 'sporadic moderation.'"

And Saturday, the Arctic Fox had the last laugh: Scozzafava dropped out of the race, saying, "In recent days, polls have indicated that my chances of winning this election are not as strong as we would like them to be." Palin responded generously, writing, "I want to personally thank Republican Dede Scozzafava for acting so selflessly today in the NY District 23 race. Now it's time to cross the finish line with Doug Hoffman so that he can get to work for District 23 and the rest of America."

Palin explained what was at stake: "With Congress poised to overhaul one-sixth of our economy with so-called health care 'reform' (which is really a government takeover of health care) and with plans to enact a cap-and-tax bill just as our economy struggles to recover, Doug Hoffman will be a voice for fiscal responsibility and common sense in Washington.

We need candidates like Doug now more than ever."

Scozzafava was not as generous. On Sunday, she showed her true colors: this enemy in our ranks announced that she was backing Democratic candidate Bill Owens, not the conservative Hoffman.

This shows just how bad things have become. The Republican Party has been hijacked. Conservatives have been driven underground by the RINOs and the DIABLOs (Democrats In All But Label Only). This leftish creep was insidious until we got clubbed over the head when the ultra-liberal media picked our presidential candidate -- the Gang of 14 tool John McCain.

We all sucked it up. We went along. We embraced the ticket in the spirit of AROO (Any Republican Over Obama), and we held our noses until Sarah Palin came along. Ah, just a spoonful of Sarah helped the medicine go down.

But now it's time to clean house. Newt and his ilk will be relegated to the dustbin of history, and deservedly so. Enough with the old, in with the true!
More at the link.

Joe Biden, Struggling to Stay Relevant, Heads to NY-23 to Mix it Up... -- UPDATED! Biden Slams Limbaugh ... 'Teach Activists a Lesson!'

From Ed Henry's report, "Biden a Key Part of Obama's Inner Circle" (via):

While Biden was largely added to the ticket because of his national security experience as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he has influence on the domestic side as a key ambassador to Capitol Hill on health care and is the president's point person on implementing the stimulus package.

But his largest influence arguably can be seen in the major internal debate going on now over Afghanistan. Biden was pretty much standing alone back in March when he privately expressed deep skepticism about the president's decision to send 21,000 more U.S. troops to the war, but he did not undermine the administration publicly, instead keeping his powder dry until the current debate over whether to accept Gen. Stanley McChrystal's request for 40,000 more U.S. troops.

Officials familiar with the deliberations said Biden has been suggesting a smaller increase, which seems to be the direction Obama is leaning toward though a final decision has not been made.

Still, Biden admitted that his transition from the Senate has not always been easy "The one adjustment that I needed to make -- I've been my own man for 36 years as a United States senator," said the former Delaware lawmaker. "I've never had a boss."
It turns out the "boss" has sent the VP to NY-23. Robert Stacy McCain has a report, "NY23: Biden Brings Joe-Mentum to Watertown; Media Flock to See Him":

Just left the Bidenmania rally eight blocks from my hotel. The star of the show, really, was N.Y. Democratic Party State Chairwoman June O’Neill, a diminuitive fireball of liberal demagoguery.

O'Neill warned of "right-wing extremists who have brought their hate-mongering tactics to this district." (Unless I was mistaken, this must have been a reference to
John McCormack of the Weekly Standard, who was at the event and being closely watched by local police, lest he start asking Biden questions.)

"We have to stop the madness," O'Neill told a crowd of about 200 Democrats who turned out for an event covered by about 30 reporters, including seven TV crews. "We cannot afford to let the right-wing extremists make a point in this district. . . . The right wing is not right."
See, I told you Biden was struggling ... the guy's totally upstaged by a local Democratic Party hack!

More at
the link, and Memeorandum.

See also, "Democrats Facing Terrible Tuesday, Polls Say. So Biden Heads to NY23 in Last-Minute Rescue Mission."


AMAZING UPDATE: The administration's going after the conservative base, not Doug Hoffman, the right's actual candidate in NY-23! See David Weigel, "NY-23: Biden Backs Owens, Slams Limbaugh."
Rallying support for Democratic congressional candidate Bill Owens before Tuesday’s special election in NY-23, Vice President Joe Biden today told a mostly full room at the North Side Improvement League to “teach a lesson” to right-wing activists. Ideological activists, said Biden, forced Republican candidate Dede Scozzafava out of the race because they couldn’t brook “dissent with their neoconservative views.”

“Take Bill’s opponent,” said Biden, referring to Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman. “I’m sure he’s a nice guy, but imagine him being able, if he won this election, to take issue with any position that Rush Limbaugh has.” Biden said that the idea of letting “Rush Limbaugh hand-pick” the successor to John McHugh, the Republican congressman who became the Obama administration’s secretary of the army, was unbelievable.
God that is pathetic. And that excoriation of "neoconservative views" is just too much. I told you Biden was out of the loop! Man, the dude's unhinged!

Obama Disses Hamid Karzai!

The White House is basically trying to piss everyone off on Afghanistan. Here's Karzai joining McChrystal under the bus:

With the White House’s reluctant embrace on Sunday of Hamid Karzai as the winner of Afghanistan’s suddenly moot presidential runoff, President Obama now faces a new complication: enabling a badly tarnished partner to regain enough legitimacy to help the United States find the way out of an eight-year-old war.
See also, the New York Times, "With Karzai, U.S. Faces Weak Partner in Time of War."

Hat Tip:
Villainous Company. And Memeorandum.

Remember the Maine! Voters to Decide Gay Marriage in Pine Tree State

It's been overshadowed by the big conservative surge in Upstate New York, but don't forget the national significance of Maine's vote tomorrow on marriage traditionalism. See, "Maine to Vote on Gay Marriage":

Maine residents will decide Tuesday whether to repeal a law allowing same-sex marriage, an effort that has succeeded in every state where it has been put before voters.

Public opinion surveys in Maine show a dead heat on Question 1, which would cancel the marriage statute that passed the legislature in May and was signed by Gov. John E. Baldacci (D).

In the five other states where gay men and lesbians are allowed to marry their partners, permission was granted by courts or legislatures. Baldacci expressed guarded optimism Sunday about the effort to defeat the Maine proposition.

"I believe it's something in the water or the air in this state that recognizes individual rights and anti-discrimination attitudes," the governor said by phone from Augusta, the capital. "It's more of a libertarian-type state than it is Republican or Democrat. We have two Republican senators, two Democratic representatives, and there have been two independent governors."

The campaign against same-sex marriage in Maine draws heavily from the effort that a year ago overturned a California Supreme Court ruling allowing same-sex marriage. TV commercials produced by Schubert Flint Public Affairs, a Sacramento consulting firm, feature parents lamenting that their young children are being taught in school that marriage between two women or two men is normal. Nearly identical ads were highly effective in California.

"I refer to it as sustainable advertising, where you have the same themes," said Scott Fish, communications director for Stand for Marriage Maine. "It's the same issue, and many of the concerns were the same."
The race is a tossup. From Nate Silver, "2009 Elections Preview: Maine Question 1 (Gay Marriage)." So, voter mobilization is in high gear. From the Bangor Daily News, "Get-Out-The-Vote Effort in High Gear: Gay Marriage, TABOR, Excise Taxes Likely to Draw Crowds to Polls."

Also, for nationwide ballot contests, see "
State Ballots Tackle Controversial Issues Tuesday."

Conservative Base is Riled Up! GOP Party Bosses Got Nothin'

The video's from Bob McCarty, "ObamaCare Supporter Punches Man, 67, Over Sign He Carried at Anti-Socialism Rally Near St. Louis."

But the bigger story's from the Politico, "
Conservatives Take Aim at Leaders, Charlie Crist, Other Races":

The conservative coup in upstate New York did much more than lay bare the power of conservative activists: It exposed how little control GOP officials hold over this surging and formidable political movement.

In the wake of conservatives’ role in forcing liberal Republican Dede Scozzafava out of Tuesday’s special election in New York’s 23rd District, GOP officials are trying to make it seem as if they are helping to stoke the passion — and can harness it to upend President Barack Obama and Democrats. They didn’t — and they can’t.

Many of the activists who helped knock out Scozzafava told POLITICO that the passion is building despite — and sometimes to spite — Republican leaders in Washington.

“I don’t give a crap about party,” said Jennifer Bernstone, a tea party organizer for Central New York 912, which helped to lead the anti-Scozzafava charge. “Grass-roots activists don’t care about party.”

Says Everett Wilkinson, a tea party organizer in Florida: “We are not going to allow our [movement] to be stolen by the GOP or by any political party.”
More at the link.

Also, see Robert Stacy McCain, "How Hoffmania Beat Dede-Ism." Check Memeorandum as well.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Okay, this post is a special treat and thank you for American Power readers.

I periodically get requests to see family photos; but considering how much hate mail I get (or hate e-mails and comments at the blog), including occasional death threats, I've been careful with how much family information I post online. But yesterday my wife and I took our boys over to the local pumpkin patch, AND, my wife said it'd be okay to share some family pictures, so enjoy this: It might be a one time shot, or at least a once-in-blue-moon Douglas family photo-album.

Okay, that's yours truly below. We visit the
Johnson Brothers Pumpkin Patch, which is an area tradition. After Halloween, the location goes up as a Christmas tree lot in mid-November. Lots of good stuff, including farm animals and pony rides:

I'm 5'10", so their "How Tall This Fall" sign is accurate. No measurement on the waist, but I'm a 36" in work khakis, although I'm totally saggin' in my Urban Pipeline shorts here [UPDATE: 8:00pm and doing a bit of laundry ... turns out I'm a 38" in the waist, as per my Nordstrom slacks for work tomorrow!]:

This is my youngest boy, 8, in one of the bounce houses. Ain't he a darlin'?

Here's the big turkey. The farm animals are out next to the pony rides:

She came out of their little barn for a drink of water. It's been hot in Orange County - Santa Ana wind-weather, in the mid-80s:

It felt good to be out and about:

Okay, here's the moment you've all been waiting for: The full family portrait! My oldest boy is 13. He's shy and didn't really want to take pictures. And that's my wife of 15 years. You've already met my youngest son at the bounce-house above:

Here's a couple of the headstones lining the side of the Haunted House area:

My oldest again, checking out some additional "grave markers." He's never without the iTunes headset:

Okay, back at home a bit later, my youngest is getting ready for Trick-or-Treating. He's "Optimus Prime," from Transformers 2:

My boys made these artsy-pumpkins a couple of weeks ago. We placed them on the front porch. Lots of parents took their very small children Trick-or-Treating. I love that (we had some big kids too, but the babies are so fun - they'll walk right in your front door and grab a whole bunch of candy from the bowl):

Remember when you were little?

No comment needed here - only a reminder to keep both your faith and your children close:

Holiday season's almost here, notwithstanding the hot temperatures. Here's wishing folks the best this season, with love from my home to yours.

Charles Johnson Attacks Doug Hoffman as 'Glenn Beck Candidate'

It's long been established by now that Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs has completed his Andrew Sullivan transmogrification, but this tidbit today is too much to resist. Johnson's been attacking Michelle Malkin all week - taking issue with Malkin's (accurate) description of Dede Scozzfava as "radical" - but now he's going after candidate Hoffman directly. Here's the screencap to his post, "Doug Hoffman: The Glenn Beck Candidate."

For Johnson, Hoffman's endorsement of the 9/12 Project's "9 Principles, 12 Values" apparently makes him and extremist (yep, it's pretty extreme to say, "I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results").

In any case, although he's modest about it, John Hawkins has the best post on Charles Johnson's self-immolation. See, "
The Descent of Little Green Footballs."

Also worth a look is Rick Moran's contrarian take on conservative influence in NY-23. See, "

And, of course, the big news today is Dede Scozzafava's endorsement of Democrat Bill Owens in Tuesday's special election, "
NY-23: Scozzafava Endorses Owens" (via Memeorandum).


UPDATE: See also, Jawa Report, "Does Charles Johnson Hate America?", and Stop the ACLU, "Excitable Chucky Now Has a Problem With 'America is Good'."

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fright Night Political Post-Mortems From NY-23

It's been a big day, so I'm leaving the paranoid Frank Rich until tomorrow.

Check this cool post from GOP12, "Halloween Post-Mortems on NY-23":

Here are some quickie reactions around the web.

Matt Lewis.

Winners: Sarah Palin, Club for Growth, Erick Erickson & Red State, Concerned Women for America, David Keene, John McCormack, conservative bloggers, conservative talk show hosts, T-Paw, Armey and others who endorsed Hoffman.

Losers: The Establishment, Newt, Boehner, NRCC, Romney and Huckabee.
Check the whole thing.

And don't miss this one, via Allahpundit, "In Key New York Race, Barracuda Chews Up Mitt":

Sarah Palin, using her unique sense of timing, one week ago became the biggest name of in-prime party leaders to endorse Hoffman. Had she stayed on the sidelines, this contest could have played out in predictable fashion: Republicans stayed split and Democrat Bill Owens would have cruised to victory. Instead, by all appearances, the conservative revolt has succeeded. Even the national GOP -- which had endorsed Scozzafava and was slamming outsider Hoffman as much as Democrat Owens -- is now recognizing that district voters seem to flocking to Hoffman.

Outside observers who want to dismiss Palin do so at their peril. But, there appears to be a reason that her basketball-playing nickname was "Barracuda." Recall she was the one who coined (or at least made viral) the phrase "death panel" during the health care fight during the summer -- forcing Democrats and the White House onto the defensive. Whether Palin is doing all this for PR purposes (her book comes out in three weeks) or being reckless in her political rhetoric, the fact is she is having an impact on the broader debate -- and continuing to resonate with her party's base.

And in a similar fashion, see my earlier post as well, "Coming Up Aces: Palin on 'Hoffman in NY-23 - 'A Time to Unite'

Final GOTV Push in NY-23: Doug Hoffman Needs Volunteer Canvassers!

Just got this in my in-box from folks working with the Doug Hoffman campaign:

Hoffman's biggest need now is volunteers. (1) Nothing is written in stone yet, (2) the margin of victory will determine how hard the losing side fights next year, and (3) in a special election, turnout is everything. They just need people to show up at their campaign offices. It would be terrific if you'd help spread the word.
The link to the campaign locations page is here:

And as always, every contribution helps, so check Hoffman's campaign page if you're out of state.

And for the most up-to-date coverage on the race, check
Robert Stacy McCain.

Halloween Hotties!

This young sweetie is at Webshots:

What a hottie - Rach - i lova you

But check out Maxim's, "Halloween Hotties, Vol. 1 Photos," and "Halloween Hotties, Vol. 2."

Coming Up Aces: Palin on 'Hoffman in NY-23 - 'A Time to Unite'

Back in July, shortly after Sarah Palin left the Alaska Governorship, I published my thoughts on her political future, "Can Palin Win the 2012 GOP Nomination?"

Since, then Palin's been Coming up Aces.

From death panels to energy policy, Palin is hot! And just last week she again got out in front of the conservative movement to endorse Doug Hoffman in NY-23. Killer acumen, you think?

Here's Palin's statement upon Dede Scozzafava's withdrawal, "A Time to Unite":
I want to personally thank Republican Dede Scozzafava for acting so selflessly today in the NY District 23 race. Now it's time to cross the finish line with Doug Hoffman so that he can get to work for District 23 and the rest of America.

With Congress poised to overhaul one-sixth of our economy with so-called health care “reform” (which is really a government takeover of health care) and with plans to enact a cap-and-tax bill just as our economy struggles to recover, Doug Hoffman will be a voice for fiscal responsibility and common sense in Washington.

We need candidates like Doug now more than ever. In these final days of the campaign, it's vital that Doug continue to receive the enthusiastic support of those who want to bring common sense to Washington. Let’s help make it happen! You can help Doug by visiting his official website today and offering your support:
Hat Tip: Conservatives for Sarah Palin.

More at
Memeorandum. (Especially, "REPUBLICANS CATCH A BIG BREAK IN NEW YORK 23.")

Shake, Rattle and Roll: 'Gingrich Endorses Hoffman', Plus, 'Conservatives Send Message to GOP'

The GOP establishment's definitely getting a shake-up! This calls for some be-bopping:

Okay, from CNN, "Gingrich Endorses Hoffman":

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who came under fire from some conservatives for endorsing Dede Scozzafava in next week's special Congressional election in New York, is now backing Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman.

Gingrich made the announcement via Twitter shortly after the Republican Party nominee Scozzafava announced she was releasing supporters from their commitment to back her.

"Scozzafava dropping out leaves hoffman as only anti-tax anti-pelosi vote in ny 23 Every voter opposed to tax increases support doug hoffman," Gingrich wrote on Twitter.
Also, Dana Loesch has a major essay, "Scozzafava Quits Race; Conservatives Send Message to GOP":

This race was the bellwether race, a civil war between conservatives and the Democrat-lite within the Republican party. I've been following the announcement and fallout all morning over at Dump Dede, the website I created as a catalog of news on the race - and also as a way to encourage the GOP to serve country over self. I think it was a gracious move for Scozzafava, though it is telling that she didn't endorse Hoffman on her way out.

A couple of weeks ago
Neil Cavuto asked me about the contention between tea partiers and the GOP due to some of my earlier sentiments. My response was that the GOP had developed a habit of not offering a clear choice in many elections, and that's what elections are all about, right? Choice? I pointed to the contentious race in New York's 23rd district where the GOP were actually campaigning against conservative candidate Doug Hoffman, who had been rejected by the GOP elite in New York. Days later I held a press conference with Bill Hennessy on behalf of various tea parties across the country to tell the GOP to "put up or shut up" and endorse conservatism. We took some serious heat from the GOP for it, too. Several Missouri candidates did so and as conservatives across the country revolted, more and more conservatives within the GOP stood to be counted.
More at the link.

Plus, check all the commentary at
Memeorandum; see, especially, Jimmy at The Other McCain, "NY-23: Gingrich Endorses Hoffman," and Allahpundit, "Gingrich Endorses Hoffman."

Added: William Jacobson, "Doug Hoffman Is Scaaary!":

Expect a full-out media blitz by the Democrats in the last three days of the campaign to portray Hoffman as the reincarnation of Timothy McVeigh.

'Dede as a Democrat' Hammers Scozzafava in NY-23!

Did you see the "Dede as a Democrat" campaign, "Progressives for Dede Scozzafava"?

It turns out that the advertisment below had a significant effect on the race. See, "
New Poll Shows a Dead Heat in N.Y.'s 23rd District Between Democrat, Conservative" (via):

The percentage of voters with an unfavorable impression of Scozzafava, a member of the state assembly, spiked from 29 percent two weeks ago to 51 percent this week.

There were indications that Scozzafava suffered from TV spots that appeared to have been placed by her supporters but were financed by a conservative group slyly calling attention to her support for gay marriage and unions. Of those who reported seeing Scozzafava commercials, 45 percent said they were less likely to support her and only 9 percent more likely to support her. No other candidate saw a lopsided effect.

Man that's hardball!

Politico ran a piece on this last week, but all's fair in love and war. See Jonn Lilyea, "Dirty Trick? Hardly.

Michele Bachmann's Statement on Dede Scozzafava in NY-23: GOP House Leaders Endorse Doug Hoffman!

From Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, "It's All Up to Hoffman Now":

"First I want to thank Dede Scozzafava for her hard-fought campaign in this special election. And, I'd especially like to thank her for dropping out of this race for the good of the Party. I'm certain that it was not an easy decision for her to make, but it was the right one.

"I'd also like to urge anyone who can help Doug Hoffman, the Conservative Party candidate in that race, to mobilize all their energy and resources to ensure Hoffman's victory next Tuesday.

"The polls all show that Hoffman's message of fiscal responsibility and conservatism are resonating strongly with the voters in that district. I am very hopeful that they will send him across the finish line in first place Tuesday night."
Plus, "Joint Statement from House Republican Leadership Regarding NY-23 Special Election":

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) today released the following joint statement from House Republican Leader John Boehner, House Republican Whip Eric Cantor, and NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions regarding the the special election in New York’s 23rd Congressional District:

“As the House stands on the cusp of the forthcoming vote on a trillion-dollar healthcare reform measure, it is vital that we unify behind a candidate that will support reining in massive government spending and work with Republicans in Congress to restore fiscal sanity and propose thoughtful measures to get our nation’s economy on the right track.

“With Assemblywoman Scozzafava suspending her campaign, we urge voters to support Doug Hoffman’s candidacy in New York’s 23rd Congressional District.

“He is the only active candidate in the race who supports lower taxes, fiscal responsibility and opposes Nancy Pelosi’s agenda of government-run healthcare, more government and less jobs.

“We look forward to welcoming Doug Hoffman into the House Republican Conference as we work together for the good of our nation.”
NRCC Hat Tip: Dump Dede.


UPDATE: Getting lots of linkage today! Thanks to
Ace of Spades, Atlas Shrugs, and Astute Bloggers - the Triple AAA threat!. Plus, Fausta as well. Gateway Pundit too, who is sending me a tertiary Instalanche! Oh, and don't forget Dana Loesch!

Scozzafava's Exit Speech (VIDEO)

From the Minority Report, "Dede's Farewell Speech":

Dear Friends and Supporters:

Throughout the course of my campaign for Congress, I have made the people of the 23rd District and the issues that affect them the focal point of my campaign. As a life long resident of this District, I care deeply and passionately about its people and our way of life. Whether as a candidate for Congress, a State Assemblywoman or a small town Mayor, I have always sought to act with the best interest of our District and its residents in mind—and today I again seek to act for the good of our community.

The opportunity to run as the Republican and Independence Party candidate to represent the 23rd District has been and remains one of the greatest honors of my life. During the past several months, as I’ve traveled the district, meeting and talking with voters about the issues that matter most to them, I’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of support I’ve received as I sought to serve as their voice in Washington. However, as Winston Churchill once said, Democracy can be a fickle employer, and the road to public office is not always a smooth one.

In recent days, polls have indicated that my chances of winning this election are not as strong as we would like them to be. The reality that I’ve come to accept is that in today’s political arena, you must be able to back up your message with money—and as I’ve been outspent on both sides, I’ve been unable to effectively address many of the charges that have been made about my record. But as I’ve said from the start of this campaign, this election is not about me, it’s about the people of this District. And, as always, today I will do what I believe serves their interests best.

It is increasingly clear that pressure is mounting on many of my supporters to shift their support. Consequently, I hereby release those individuals who have endorsed and supported my campaign to transfer their support as they see fit to do so. I am and have always been a proud Republican. It is my hope that with my actions today, my Party will emerge stronger and our District and our nation can take an important step towards restoring the enduring strength and economic prosperity that has defined us for generations.

On Election Day my name will appear on the ballot, but victory is unlikely. To those who support me – and to those who choose not to – I offer my sincerest thanks.

Also at Pat Dollard, "Communist-Posing-as-Republican Drops Out of New York Congressional Race."

Video Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit, "
RINO Season Officially Opens – SCOZZAFAVA SUSPENDS CAMPAIGN! (Video)."


UPDATE: Getting lots of linkage today! Thanks to Ace of Spades, Atlas Shrugs, and Astute Bloggers - the Triple AAA threat!. Plus, Fausta as well. Gateway Pundit too, who is sending me a tertiary Instalanche! Oh, and don't forget Dana Loesch!