Friday, November 8, 2013

Obama Apologizes for Insurance Cancellations

He didn't really apologize, actually. It's more like he feels sorry that people got screwed, not that he's sorry for actually screwing people. It's a few huge difference and people have noticed.

At WSJ, "President's Comments Mark Departure From 'Keep Your Plan' Pledge":

The president's comments marked a departure from his previous defense of the law and his oft-repeated vow that "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan." Before Thursday, he had stood by his words, while adding some caveats. He had argued that the small percentage of people forced to buy new coverage would find more comprehensive plans in the new marketplace.

About 15.4 million people—about 5% of the population—are covered by individual health plans. Industry experts have said many of them will see their policies terminated by the end of the year as insurers switch to plans that comply with the health law.

Mr. Obama repeated Thursday that only a small percentage of Americans were seeing their plans canceled, but he acknowledged it was "scary" for those people and conceded the law was responsible for their situation. "Obviously, we didn't do a good enough job in terms of how we crafted the law," he said. "That's something that we're going to do everything we can to get fixed."

Mr. Obama declined to spell out details but said the administration is considering a range of options. White House officials said the president was mainly referring to potential administrative fixes, rather than new legislation, to help those whose policies have been canceled and now face higher premiums.

A number of lawmakers have called for extending the open enrollment period that ends March 31 or delaying the mandate to carry coverage starting in 2014 or pay a penalty. On Thursday, Sens. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.) and Mark Kirk (R., Ill.) proposed legislation that would delay the penalty for a year.
More at the link.

PREVIOUSLY: "#ObamaIsSorry."

RELATED: At Twitchy, "Laura Ingraham: If you like your apology, Mr. President …"

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Independents Favor #GOP on the Economy by Whopping 46%-30% Margin

From Andrew Kohut, at WSJ, "The GOP Is in Better Shape Than You Think":
Tucked away in recent polls—which have documented the extraordinary anger directed at the Republican Party during the shutdown crisis—are measures of clear disappointment with the Democratic Party. The disappointment is substantial, and it raises big questions about the 2014 midterms.

The Republican Party's favorable ratings fell substantially in most every national survey that uses this yard stick, declining to 28% in the Gallup poll at one point. Yet when the GOP was matched up against the Democrats on key political measures, it did not look so bad.

A mid-October Pew Research national poll found that a plurality regard the Republicans as "better able to deal with the economy" than the Democrats (44%-37%). Independents favored the GOP on the economy by a whopping 46%-30% margin in that survey.

The Republicans took most of the blame for the shutdown, yet a growing number see the GOP as "better able to manage the government." In December 2012, the Democratic Party held a 45%-36% advantage over the GOP as the party Americans viewed as better able to manage the government. By Oct. 15—in the midst of the shutdown and debt crisis—the Democratic lead on this measure disappeared: 42% said the Republican Party is better able to manage the federal government, compared with 39% who named the Democrats.

An early read of voter preferences for the House in 2014 by the Pew Research Center in mid-October had the Democrats with a six-point edge: 49% to 43% among registered voters. In historical terms, this is a relatively modest margin. Six points is the same lead the Democrats had in 2009, a lead that steadily eroded in 2010. The GOP picked up six Senate seats and 63 House seats in that year's midterm.

One clear troubling sign for the Democrats at this early stage is independent voters, who decide most elections. They are evenly divided, according to Pew's mid-October survey: 43% say that "if the elections for Congress were being held today," they would vote for the Republican candidate in their district, 43% say they would vote for the Democratic candidate.

It is not too much of an oversimplification to say that Democrats are struggling because President Obama is struggling.
Look, the Democrats are screwed.

Things are only going to get worse now, a year out from the 2014 midterms. Obama never says he's sorry, for anything. Forget his pathetic, passive mealy-mouthed "I'm sorry people find themselves in this position..." non-apology. Obama took an angry earful from Senate Democrats in the "secret" White House meeting yesterday. They're clearly to the point of panic and will to do anything to shift the debate away from the ObamaCare debacle. Funny, but this cheesy non-apology only opens the door for the ultimate confession: that the Democrats committed massive, despicable fraud on the American people. The reckoning is coming next year, and if you're on the left, it's going to be harsh. A bitter wake up call.

More at the link.


Here's Twitchy, "Breaking news: #ObamaIsSorry about a whole lot of things."

And at National Review, "Obama: I’m Sorry for Obamacare (Sort Of)."

Also, from AceofSpadesHQ, "Obama Can't Really Say If He Has Confidence In Kathleen Sebelius."

Dramatic Footage Shows Captive Jaguar Snatching Heron in Mid-Air

Law of the jungle prevails, even in captivity.

It's at the Sao Paulo Zoo, via Telegraph UK:

Visitors viewing the jaguar were shocked when it suddenly darted up a log and leaped at the bird, dragging it through the air with its claws and down into the water.

The heron put up a struggle, pecking at its predator's head, but ultimately succumbed to the jaguar's killing skill.

Children could be heard wailing as the cat then carried off its quarry to the back of the enclosure.

Fundamental Transformation of America

Via Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon – Promises Promises":

Obama Fundamental Transformation photo Keep-Freedom-590-LI_zps09af0669.jpg

'The study theorizes that while women may love seeing their guy vacuuming or making dinner, something may shift in their subconscious. When they see men doing “feminine” chores, the primitive part of their brains might be telling them that something isn’t quite right, and they’re less turned on...'

Women like it when men do "manly" chores around the house --- and indeed, guys are less likely to get laid if they do "lady"chores like washing the dishes.

Via Instapundit, "WOMEN ARE SEXIST: Study: Only “Manly” Chores Get You Laid."

#ObamaCare Cancellations Hit Loyal California 'Cradle' Democrats

At ProPublica, "Loyal Obama Supporters, Canceled by Obamacare."

Megyn Kelly covered this story last night, mentioning that the couple, Lee Hammack and JoEllen Brothers, were still committed Democrats, but were insisting that the White House make changes to the law.

I'm about to overdose on schadenfreude. Not that I'm happy at all about people losing their plans --- employer plans may be the next to face cancellations (gulp) --- but that I'm delirious over the pure ecstasy of watching the Democrats' meltdown. Best of all, conservatives predicted it. It's the most satisfying "I told you so" ever.

Also at iOWNTHEWORLD, "“We’re not changing our views because of this situation” – Obamabot Burned By Obamacare."

'Crisis in Confidence' — Fox News' Ed Henry Reports on White House Meeting with Nervous Senate #Democrats

Henry says the meeting got "spicy" at times.

Senate Dems are pissed at the president. They're freakin' out over their diminishing reelection prospects. And there's a "crisis in confidence" in Obama's ability (and willingness) to staunch the bleeding.

Here's Senator Mark Begich's press release, "Begich to President Obama: Promises Not Enough, Need Results Now."

It's like Groundhog's Day for the Democrats. This nightmare's not going away. Bummer for 'em, the dicks.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fox News 'Special Report' Panel on White House Meeting with Nervous Senate #Democrats

Krauthammer remarks: "Democrats are going to get slaughtered."

More at Twitchy, "Obamascare: White House meets with nervous Senate Dems up for re-election next year."

New Emily Ratajkowski Photos from New York Filmmaker Jonathan Leder

Very nice.

At Egotastic!, "More Emily Ratajkowski Photos by Jonathan Leder."

The dude's blog is here.

Senate Democrats Press Obama on #ACA Monstrosity

At Roll Call, "Democrats Up in 2014 Vent Their Obamacare Anger in White House Meeting (Updated)":
President Barack Obama heard an earful at the White House Wednesday from Senate Democrats running for re-election next year who are fuming about the Affordable Care Act’s rocky rollout.

During a two-hour meeting that was not on the president’s public schedule, the president met with 15 Senate Democrats facing the voters next year, as well as Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairman Michael Bennet, D-Colo.

Sen. Mark Begich of Alaska issued a release after the meeting torching the administration.

“It is simply unacceptable for Alaskans to bear the brunt of the Administration’s mismanagement of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and that is the message U.S. Senator Mark Begich delivered to President Obama today,” his office said in a statement blasted to reporters.

The release went on to say that Begich complained about “an unworkable website, technical glitches and inaccurate information about peoples’ individual situations. Begich demanded the administration fix the problems immediately so Alaskans, including the 55,000 eligible for subsidies to lower monthly premiums, can realize the many benefits due to them as a result of the health reform law.

“Alaskans should be appreciating the critical benefits of the Affordable Care Act but there is an understandable crisis in confidence because the administration has yet to get it off the ground,” Begich said.
Listen to that liar. The f-ker parroted the White House talking points himself, "Five Senate Dems pushing for Obamacare enrollment delay said existing plans could be kept":
“If you got a doctor now, you got a medical professional you want, you get to keep that. If you have an insurance program or a health care policy you want of ideas, make sure you keep it. That you can keep who you want. That we keep that patient-doctor relationship very strong,” Begich said in a July 27, 2009 statewide iTownhall with Alaskans.

Uncle Obama's Bait-and-Switch

At the San Diego Union-Tribune, "President Obama’s obnoxious bait-and-switch":

Bait and Switch photo HEALTH_O_RAMA_obama_zpsc35e45bb.jpg
The last time we had a Democratic president who wanted to overhaul the entire U.S. health care system, his measure never even got out of a single congressional committee.

Why? Because Bill Clinton had no compelling response to an insurance-industry ad campaign in which “Harry and Louise” talked about the president’s proposal and the likelihood it would force them to lose their current health coverage and choose from a handful of government-approved options.

The ad campaign was so potent because it understood that most Americans are satisfied with their health coverage — and thus fear change.

The blowback Democrats faced because of the Clinton health initiative led to a Republican takeover of the House in November 1994 for the first time in nearly a half-century.

Barack Obama knew this history. So when he became president in January 2009 and began his push for a similarly ambitious overhaul of U.S. health care, he told people over and over that if they liked their health plan, they could keep it. There were no caveats. No strings attached. If you liked your doctor, you could keep your doctor.

It’s quite possible that the president said this so many times that he came to believe it. But it is a matter of fact that three months after the Affordable Care Act was signed into law in 2010, the Obama administration issued rules that will force the cancellation of vast numbers of policies. This is from the administration’s own words in the Federal Register: “The Departments’ midrange estimate is that 66 percent of small employer plans and 45 percent of large employer plans will relinquish their grandfather status by the end of 2013.”

So three years and four months ago, the Obama administration anticipated that some 90 million Americans would be forced to change their coverage. Yet as recently as last month, the president once again said, “If you like your plan, you can keep it.”

This is White House dishonesty on an epic scale...
It is.

An epic swindle.

People won't buy the product, so you've got to cheat 'em.

That's the Democrat-Socialist way.

IMAGE CREDIT: The People's Cube, "Come on down to Uncle Obama's Health-O-Rama at your local STALIN STOREHOUSE and check out these DEALS!"

New York City Takes Hard-Left Turn

At WSJ, "Election of Bill de Blasio as Mayor Could Be Test of Revival of Liberalism in American Political Life":

For the past 12 years, the nation's largest city has been run by one of the country's wealthiest corporate titans, a self-declared iconoclast untethered to either party.

On Tuesday, New York overwhelmingly elected an unabashed liberal activist and political strategist who is sympathetic to the Occupy Wall Street movement and once spent time in Nicaragua supporting the Sandinistas.

Political analysts say the election of Democrat Bill de Blasio —who ran on a platform of raising taxes on the wealthy to fund education programs, cracking down on aggressive police tactics known as stop-and-frisk and creating a more inclusive, collaborative government—could become the biggest test yet of a recent revival of liberalism in American political life that is occurring in urban areas.

The test will have many pundits keeping a close eye on the new mayor's many challenges, including the delicate task of appeasing business leaders used to dealing with one of their own, and of resolving the city's biggest showdown with unions in a half century. "Bill [will be] the most liberal big-city mayor in America today and a lot of people are going to be watching it: Can he pull it off?" said Harold Ickes, a mentor to Mr. de Blasio and former White House deputy chief of staff for Bill Clinton.

In 2000, Republicans led five of the nation's largest dozen cities. By the end of 2012, they no longer led any. In Tuesday's election, the candidate favored in opinion polls to be Seattle's new mayor, Ed Murray, appealed to voters partly by citing his role in passing the largest tax increase in Washington state's history to fund transportation improvements. In Boston, State Rep. Martin Walsh was elected after squaring off against another progressive Democrat to succeed Thomas Menino, a Democrat who built strong relationships with the city's business community.

Liberals are emboldened, said Stuart Rothenberg, editor of the nonpartisan Rothenberg Political Report. He said that after decades of feeling that Democrats had to move to the center to be elected, "we're seeing more and more in the Democratic Party a sense of confidence and outspokenness among progressives."

But observers say that with momentum can come some obvious risks, including overstepping mandates and stepping out of the mainstream. "They could go too far left, because there's a tolerance for moderation, not necessarily for liberalism," said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics. "If they show themselves to be incompetent then they'll pay a price." Mr. de Blasio has said he has made, and will make, an effort to reach out to all sides.

The shift hardly means liberals are taking over. Conservatives hold safe seats in the House of Representatives, and the rise of liberalism in some places reflects increased partisanship on both ends of the political spectrum. In 1982, 344 members of the House were considered to have some ideological overlap with the opposing party. In 2012, there were 13 such members, according to an analysis of voting data by National Journal.

In New York, Mr. de Blasio, 52 years old, will be the first Democrat to be mayor in 20 years. "Make no mistake," Mr. de Blasio said in his acceptance speech Tuesday night. "The people of this city have chosen a progressive path."

The victory could "make other Democrats think of this 'tale of two cities' theme as a possible driver of their campaigns in 2014," said Jeffrey M. Berry, a political-science professor at Tufts University.

The question for critics is whether Mr. de Blasio has enough experience running a large city, and can run it in an effective manner. As the city's public advocate, a government watchdog, Mr. de Blasio managed a staff of 40 people with an annual budget of $2.3 million. New York City employs around 300,000 people with an annual operating budget of $69.9 billion.

"I have no trouble praising de Blasio's political skills," said Fred Siegel, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a conservative think tank that focuses on economic choice. "It's his governing that worries me."

In response, Mr. de Blasio has said that he has learned under some of the most skilled leaders in the Democratic Party, including Mr. Ickes and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. They taught him "to always to check reality against your presumptions," he said in a recent interview with The Wall Street Journal.

New Yorkers rejected several of Mr. de Blasio's positions in a poll last month, despite their overwhelming support of his candidacy. A majority of voters said they wanted to retain Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly. (Mr. de Blasio promised to remove him, which the city's mayor can do.) They wanted more charter schools. (Mr. de Blasio has expressed skepticism.) And nearly half of voters support the stop-and-frisk tactic used by police officers. (Mr. de Blasio's criticism of the practice is one of his central platforms.)
More, "De Blasio Elected Next New York City Mayor in Landslide: First Democrat to Win City Hall Since David Dinkins in 1989."

California Insurance Commissioner Defends #ObamaCare After Browbeating Blue Shield Into 113,000 Policy Extensions

Yes, because it's an excellent law. Most excellent!

Democrats have to destroy the private market in order to "save it" with government-run healthcare.

And it's working so well!

Wait! Don't make those Blue Shield customers suffer. Give 'em an extension! That'll do it! Appease those mofos until the "glitches" are all gone!

At LAT, "State insurance chief faults health exchange for cancellations":

Stepping into the national backlash over health policy cancellations, California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones faulted the state's health exchange for requiring insurers to terminate coverage Dec. 31, but acknowledged that he has little power to stop it.

Jones reiterated his support for President Obama's healthcare law Tuesday, but he said these cancellation notices and the resulting avalanche of consumer complaints were an unnecessary blunder.

"There are areas where implementation could be done better, and this is an example of that," Jones said. "Individuals could have been allowed to stay in their plan for another year. Don't force people out arbitrarily Dec. 31."

With that in mind, Jones said he pressured Blue Shield of California to offer an extension until March 31 to about 113,000 customers. Their policies were being canceled Dec. 31 because their coverage doesn't meet all the requirements of the Affordable Care Act.

Overall, an estimated 1 million Californians with individual health insurance have received termination letters in recent weeks. They are among several million people affected nationwide.

Covered California, the state insurance exchange, estimates that nearly 600,000 of those customers getting cancellation notices may see higher rates next year while also benefiting from more comprehensive coverage.

Jones said Blue Shield failed to give the affected customers adequate notice of the change. State regulators will scrutinize cancellation notices from other companies, Jones said, but he downplayed the idea that other insurers will be forced to make similar moves.

"If I see legal violations I will enforce the law, but I'm doubtful much else will change," he said.

Jimi Hendrix on 'American Masters'

I watched it last night. Fascinating, "Jimi Hendrix: Hear My Train A Comin’."

Also at NYT, "A Talent Whose Light Was Bright but Brief: Revisiting Jimi Hendrix on PBS’s ‘American Masters’." And LAT, "Review: Jimi Hendrix seen through a gentle purple haze."

"He didn't like being flattered [as the best guitar player in the world]. He fended it off..."

Such a humble, beautiful man.

'The Education of Ezra Klein continues, at great expense to the nation. We might as well enjoy the spectacle...'


Mickey Kaus is diggin' the groovy serotonin rush with "the current Obamacalypse," at Instapundit.

For the GOP: New Jersey vs. Virginia, Pragmatism vs. Purity

The mainstream analysis from Dan Balz, at the Washington Post, "Virginia, New Jersey results highlight Republican Party’s divisions, problems":

Tuesday’s elections, which produced a resounding Republican victory in New Jersey and a dispiriting loss for the GOP in Virginia, highlighted the challenges ahead for a badly divided party — and will probably intensify an internal debate about how to win back the White House in 2016.

At a time when the party’s image has sunk to record lows nationally, the results of the gubernatorial elections will reverberate far beyond the borders of Virginia and New Jersey. Off-year elections are hardly foolproof in predicting the future, but as GOP leaders digest what happened Tuesday, the lessons they take away from the races after their autumn of discontent will shape the coming rounds.

In New Jersey, Gov. Chris Christie (R) rolled to reelection by a margin that will make him a leading contender for his party’s presidential nomination in 2016, should he decide to run. His victory in a solidly blue state will be touted as a model for a party that needs to expand its coalition in national campaigns. But will the formula Christie employed in New Jersey work in Republican primaries and caucuses or in a national election for president?

In Virginia, Republican Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II, a tea party favorite, came closer than many expected but fell short in his race against Democratic businessman and party fundraiser Terry McAuliffe. What Republicans will debate was whether Cuccinelli was personally too conservative — and his party too toxic after the recent government shutdown — for what is now a classic swing state.

The outcomes set up a battle for power between competing wings of the Republican Party. Call it the establishment vs. the tea party, or the gubernatorial wing against the congressional wing. This competition is less about ideology or policy — there is no disunity, for example, when it comes to the party’s dislike of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act — than about purity vs. pragmatism, tactics and strategy. Or, as Christie has put it, it is about winning an argument vs. winning elections.
I'm not reading that much into Virginia. As Instapundit says, "IF THE ELECTION HAD BEEN NEXT WEEK, I THINK MCAULIFFE WOULD HAVE LOST VIRGINIA BY 5," referencing Gallup's new polling numbers with Obama tanking at 39 percent.

And the way the media's playing it, Christie's gearing up for the McCain/Romney political death dance in 2016.

The GOP will lose again if they nominate a kiss-ass Republican like Christie. But FWIW, see NBC News, "Analysis: NJ Gov. Chris Christie's big re-election victory offers GOP a roadmap to resurgence in 2016."

Mika Brzezinski Not Pleased With Obama's 'You Can Keep Your Plan' Lies

At Twitchy, "Schadenfreudelicious! Obama’s ‘keep your plan’ lies nutshelled by Mika Brzezinski’s face [pic]":
Heh. What is an Obama cheerleader to do when exposed to a montage of all his “you can keep your plan” lies on loop? Well, on Monday Mika hit herself in the face.

No, for serious.

Anthem Blue Cross Sued Over Policy Cancellations

Oh, it's just "churn" in the market.

At LAT, "Anthem Blue Cross is sued over policy cancellations":
In a new line of attack on canceled health policies, two California residents are suing insurance giant Anthem Blue Cross, alleging they were misled into giving up their previous coverage.

About 900,000 Californians and many more nationwide have received cancellation notices on their individual health insurance policies, triggering a public uproar against the rollout of President Obama's healthcare law.

Some consumers have complained about hefty rate hikes from the forced upgrades because their current plans don't meet all the requirements of the Affordable Care Act.

Much of the consumer anger has been directed at Obama's repeated pledge that Americans could keep their existing health insurance if they liked it despite the massive overhaul.

In separate lawsuits filed Monday, Paul Simon, 39, of Sherman Oaks and Catherine Coker, 63, of Glendale sought to pin some of the blame on Anthem Blue Cross, a unit of WellPoint Inc.

The two plaintiffs are asking the courts to block any policy cancellations unless Anthem customers are allowed to switch back to their previous grandfathered health plans.
Just a "glitch," I'm sure.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Obama Now Lying to Cover His Lies

At AoSHQ, "Obama's Covering Up His Gigantic Lie With, Get This, a New Gigantic Lie":

The new lie is added to this supercut of the 36 times (and counting) Obama said "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Period."

Note that he could repeat his lie without the aid of notes -- but now when he offers his new lie -- claiming that "What we said was that... you could keep your plain if your plan didn't change [at all]" -- he needs some Lawyer's Notes to guide him.

On Megyn Kelly last night, Judge Napolitano pointed out the power of adding Period to the end of most of these vows. When one says "Period," one means there is no fine print. There are no caveats, conditions, or qualifications. "Period" means that the vow you just heard is self-contained; there is no extraenous material elsewhere you have to check to determine what the promise means.

But that's exactly what he's saying "Period" doesn't mean now. Now he's claiming "Period" meant-- actually, he's claiming "we" said this, which is a lie -- "unless there have been any changes [whatsoever] to your policy."

Such as $5 increase in your copay to keep pace with rising medical costs. Yes, a $5 change in your copay ungrandfathers your policy. The HHS deliberately wrote these rules to terminate as many policies as possible.

Actually, the lie is deeper than that. Because if you thought "If you like your plan, you could keep your plan" meant that you would be held harmless by the changes wrought by Obamacare, then you were misled -- even grandfathered policies, for example, must have their premiums jacked up in order to pay for the sick and uninsurable.

Another part of Obamacare says that insurers can't discriminate based on health status, which means the sick pay less... and the healthy, necessarily, pay more. A lot more.

And the guarantee of "If you like your policy, you can keep your policy" was never intended to mean you wouldn't be shellacked by higher rates. Or, at least, it was intended to be understood as meaning that; Obama always knew that wasn't the way he was setting it up to work.

In other words: You were never going to keep your old policy. Even as regards grandfathered policies, you were always going to have something new: Steeply increased premiums, which represent a hidden tax to redistribute wealth to Obama's constituents.

So the only people allowed to change your policy were... Obama's HHS officials, by jacking up your premiums.

He flat out lied. And lied and lied and lied. And now he's lying some more.
More at that top link.

VIDEO CREDIT: Free Beacon, "36 Times Obama Said You Can Keep Your Health Plan."

Running Scared: Mary Landrieu Introduces 'Keeping the Affordable Care Act Promise Act'


They're eating their own.

And you know, I guess even Democrats don't buy the stupid regressive spin that it's all the insurance companies' fault. You know, that they just dumped consumers off their plans, totally unrelated to ObamaCare, or something.

Landrieu's smart enough to know that voters aren't that stupid.

At the Weekly Standard, "Landrieu Introduces Bill to 'Keep Promise' of Obamacare":

Senator Mary Landrieu, the Democrat from Louisiana, has introduced a bill called the "Keeping the Affordable Care Act Promise Act." The bill recognizes that Americans are losing their individual health plans because they don't conform to the new regulations under the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare. During the debate over health care reform in 2009 and 2010, Democrats who supported the law like Barack Obama and Landrieu herself promised that if Americans liked their health care plans they could keep it under Obamacare.

"When we passed the Affordable Care Act, we did so with the intention that if you liked your health plan, you could keep it. A promise was made and this legislation will ensure that this promise is kept. For many consumers, plans in the Marketplaces may offer superior coverage at a good value that saves them money. But people should be able to keep their plans if they want to," Landrieu said in a statement. "I have said repeatedly that the Affordable Care Act isn't perfect, and I am willing to work with anyone who wants to improve it and implement it correctly. Middle class families and businesses need and deserve access to quality, affordable health insurance, and I hope that leaders from around the country and from both parties will join me in this effort."

Landrieu, who is up for reelection in 2014, isn't exactly running away from the law she voted to pass in 2010. But her acknowledgement of the law's problematic implementation is significant.


From Americans for Prosperity, a fantastic ad:

Dependency Nation — Millions of Americans to Score Free Healthcare Under #ObamaCare

From yesterday's New York Times, "Under Health Care Act, Millions Eligible for Free Policies":
The analysis [by McKinsey and Co.] found that five million to six million people who are uninsured will qualify for subsidies that will be greater than the cost of the cheapest bronze or silver plan. A million more people with individual insurance could also be eligible, according to McKinsey, although estimates of the size of the market for private individual insurance vary widely. None of the people in the analysis qualify for Medicaid.

The availability of zero-premium plans may make the deal especially enticing to the healthy young people the marketplace needs to succeed, said Mark V. Pauly, a professor of health care management at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. “This is such a good deal that you’d have to believe you were immortal not to really pick it up,” he said.
Yeah, so taxpayers will be picking up the health insurance tabs of people like the "Elisabeth and Mark Horst, artists in Albuquerque who earn $24,000 a year between them, qualified for a zero-premium plan." These are Ph.D. holding "artistes" living the sweet life in the American Southwest.

William Jacobson has that, "Congrats America, you are subsidizing health insurance for Ivy League Ph.D’s who choose to paint":

Free ObamaCare photo NYT-Artists-free-Obamacare-1_zpscb51d516.jpg
I have nothing against the Horsts. Living and painting in Albuquerque is a dream for many people.

But why should the taxpayers have to subsidize what clearly is a lifestyle choice? The Horsts are not exactly uneducated or without choices in their lives.

Here’s a part of Mark Horst’s bio at his art website:
Mark Horst grew up in small town Minnesota. He studied pottery and printmaking in high school and college, but his encounter with Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker led to years of very different work. After earning a Ph.D. in theology from Yale University, he spent time teaching and working toward neighborhood renewal in south Minneapolis. He pursued the craft of painting and drawing at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design and the New York Studio School. He lives in Albuquerque.

If paint were a means of freezing time and protecting us from the dangerous life of the spirit, I would put down my brushes. But, for me, painting is a way of breaking time’s grip and setting loose something wild and strong.
Elizabeth also is highly educated and closed her psychology practice to paint:
I studied philosophy at Yale, psychology at the University of Minnesota, and in addition have trained in Reiki, yoga instruction, and shiatsu. As for art… I taught myself to knit at the age of seven, designed and made my own clothes in high school, stitched a quilt while writing my senior essay in college. Fiber art has always been what I do when I am not required to be doing something else (and sometimes when I am). I began to sell my handwoven scarves at art fairs and farmers markets in 2002, and in 2003 closed my psychology practice to make art full time.
More power to the Horsts. But don’t ask me to subsidize their lifestyle choice.
And don't forget, these provisions of the law are a huge incentive for people not to work. That way, they'll lower their annual income and qualify for subsidies.

From the San Francisco Chronicle last month, "Lower 2014 income can net huge health care subsidy."

Behold "dependency nation" expanding exponentially before your very eyes --- just what Democrats have planned all along, to create a nation of welfare queen zombies sucking the vitality from the American economy.

Yep, congratulations Americans, you're digging your own graves.

Loop of Death

Seriously. A death loop.

Damn, what a video.

A couple of these dudes were skating back in the day, Steve Caballero, Mike McGill, Tony Magnusson.

And I don't know the mofo who took a hospital-worthy slam. He hits as hard as anyone I've ever seen. Broke his shoulder for sure. Maybe his collarbone as well.

'So if you're tired of the same old story...'

From yesterday's drive-time, at The Sound L.A.

I hadn't heard REO in quite some time, especially "Roll With the Changes."

Roll With the Changes - REO Speedwagon 10:05 AM

Changes - David Bowie 10:01 AM

Strange Magic - Electric Light Orchestra 09:56 AM

White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane 09:47 AM

Train In Vain - The Clash 09:44 AM

Jet - Paul McCartney & Wings 09:40 AM

Hells Bells - AC/DC 09:35 AM

Stumbling, Bumbling Lame-Duck Obama Seeks to Shift Momentum

And what better way for the lame-duck loser to shift the debate from ObamaCare momentum than talking about immigration reform? Doh!

At WSJ, "Obama Shifts Focus in Bid for Momentum: Organizes Flurry of Events on the Economy and Immigration":
Problems with the government's health-care website are forcing President Barack Obama to redraw his plans for the rest of the year as he looks for ways to regain political momentum.

Scrapping a planned push to drive people to the balky website, the White House is organizing a flurry of events on the economy and immigration, as well as health care, a senior administration official said.

Several executive actions are in the works related to workplace skills and other matters, this person said, as the president moves to sidestep a polarized Congress to advance his agenda.

The president will headline a health-care event Monday with Obama re-election campaign supporters and another on Wednesday in Texas with volunteers who are helping consumers learn about and enroll" in the health-care program, according to the White House. On Tuesday, he will hold an event on immigration, followed by an economic event Friday at a port in New Orleans. The schedule will make Mr. Obama more visible than in recent weeks, which he has spent largely behind the scenes.

The White House is also preparing to announce several executive actions in December, including private-sector partnerships, aimed at jobs and economic growth, a senior administration official said. The actions, which are still being crafted, will focus on infrastructure and increasing workforce skills—a priority of business leaders Mr. Obama has been meeting with in recent weeks, the official said.

A push to raise the minimum wage is also under discussion in the West Wing, people familiar with the issue said. Mr. Obama urged Congress during his State of the Union address early this year to increase the federal minimum wage to $9 an hour, from $7.25 now, and index it to inflation. The proposal didn't gain momentum.

Now, Mr. Obama plans to spend more time on a minimum-wage increase, the senior administration official said, although White House officials said they don't expect Congress to act on it by the end of the year.
No, they won't act on it --- but boy, that oughta work wonders to change the subject from the healthcare debacle. That, and homosexual rights!

At Twitchy, "Here we go: President readying for another pivot — far away from Obamacare."

Rainbows and unicorns --- and S&M bullwhips!


Four Legal Arguments Why #ObamaCare is Bad Law and Ought to Be Overturned

From Kelly O'Connell, at Canada Free Press.

Pew Research Center: Twitter News Consumers — Young, Mobile and Educated

An interesting survey, from the Pew Research Journalism Project:
Nearly one-in-ten U.S. adults (8%) get news through Twitter, according to a new report by the Pew Research Center, in collaboration with the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. Compared with the 30% of Americans who get news on Facebook, Twitter news consumers stand out as younger, more mobile and more educated.

In addition, a separate Pew Research analysis of conversations on Twitter around major news events reveals three common characteristics: much of what gets posted centers on passing along breaking news; sentiments shift considerably over time; and however passionate, the conversations do not necessarily track with public opinion.

This two-part report is based first on a survey of more than 5,000 U.S. adults (including 736 Twitter users and 3,268 Facebook users) and, second, on an analysis of Twitter conversations surrounding major news events which spanned nearly three years. Twitter posts were analyzed for the information shared, sentiments expressed and ebb and flow of interest.

According to the survey, 16% of U.S. adults use Twitter. Among those, roughly half (52%) “ever” get news there — with news defined as “information about events and issues that involve more than just your friends or family.”

Mobile devices are a key point of access for these Twitter news consumers. The vast majority, 85%, get news (of any kind) at least sometimes on mobile devices. That outpaces Facebook news consumers by 20 percentage points; 64% of Facebook news consumers use mobile devices for news. The same is true of 40% of all U.S. adults overall, according to the survey.

Twitter news consumers stand out for being younger and more educated than both the population overall and Facebook news consumers.

Beautiful Kate Hudson on the Cover of Shape

I saw the magazine at CVS yesterday while picking up my meds.

She's fabulous.

At London's Daily Mail, "It's no wonder she has abs of steel! Mother-of-two Kate Hudson displays her rock hard stomach on the cover of Shape magazine after doing Pilates for 15 YEARS."

And at Shape, "Kate Hudson on How She Stays Fit and Beautiful."

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Monday, November 4, 2013

Obama’s Catastrophic Victory

From Peggy Noonan, at the Wall Street Journal:
They said if you liked your insurance you could keep your insurance—but that’s not true. It was never true! They said if you liked your doctor you could keep your doctor—but that’s not true. It was never true! They said they would cover everyone who needed it, and instead people who had coverage are losing it—millions of them! They said they would make insurance less expensive—but it’s more expensive! Premium shock, deductible shock. They said don’t worry, your health information will be secure, but instead the whole setup looks like a hacker’s holiday. Bad guys are apparently already going for your private information.

Look at the simple, factual eloquence of Edie Littlefield Sundby, from Monday’s Journal. It is a story that tells you everything you need to know about ObamaCare. It is the single most persuasive and informative piece written since the whole program began.

And now there are reports the insurance companies are taking advantage of the chaos of the program, and its many dislocations, to hike premiums. Meaning the law was written in such a way that insurance companies profit on it.

And—I am limiting things to just today’s news – the New York Times reports that while millions may qualify for enough federal subsidies to pay the entire monthly cost of some health-insurance plans, the zero premiums come with some “serious trade-offs.” What serious trade-offs? Most of these plans, called the bronze policies, “require people to pay the most in out-of-pocket costs, for doctor visit and other benefits like hospital stays.” Huh? I thought the purpose of the law was to help with the cost of doctor visits and hospital stays!
Yesterday Fox News was on ObamaCare all night. This catastrophe ain't dyin' down any time soon.

More at that top link.

Information Surge! — #MyHealthPlanDied

At Michelle Malkin's, "#MyHealthPlanDied – A national social media information surge":

Health Plan Died photo BYPmypICEAAIMJ5_zpsd9ad9efa.png
Over the weekend, I asked AFP activists in Illinois to join me in a national day of mourning and protest today along with millions of other Americans whose insurance plans have been canceled thanks to Obamacare’s top-down tyranny. The do-gooders continue to lie, mock, and smear those who are being forced onto the exchanges and who face massive sticker shock despite Pinocchiobama’s promise that they could keep their plans if they liked them and keep their doctors if they liked them.

Here’s what you can do to raise your voices:
1) Tweet a phot of your cancellation to @WhiteHouse and @MyCancellation 
2) Use #MyHealthPlanDied hashtag for all related tweets; and
3) Contact local media with your story.
My story: Obama lied, my health plan died.

In the WSJ today:
Everyone now is clamoring about Affordable Care Act winners and losers. I am one of the losers. My grievance is not political; all my energies are directed to enjoying life and staying alive, and I have no time for politics. For almost seven years I have fought and survived stage-4 gallbladder cancer, with a five-year survival rate of less than 2% after diagnosis. I am a determined fighter and extremely lucky. But this luck may have just run out: My affordable, lifesaving medical insurance policy has been canceled effective Dec. 31.

My choice is to get coverage through the government health exchange and lose access to my cancer doctors, or pay much more for insurance outside the exchange (the quotes average 40% to 50% more) for the privilege of starting over with an unfamiliar insurance company and impaired benefits. Countless hours searching for non-exchange plans have uncovered nothing that compares well with my existing coverage. But the greatest source of frustration is Covered California, the state’s Affordable Care Act health-insurance exchange and, by some reports, one of the best such exchanges in the country. After four weeks of researching plans on the website, talking directly to government exchange counselors, insurance companies and medical providers, my insurance broker and I are as confused as ever. Time is running out and we still don’t have a clue how to best proceed.
After years of phony Obamacare fables, which the MSM swallowed whole, it’s time the media started reported the true horror stories of progressive wreckage.

The information surge is just beginning.
That's Hadley Heath at the photo. Here's her story, at the Washington Examiner, "For some, losing so-called bad apple health insurance plans will mean paying more for less."

Jay Carney Paper Process Enrollment Meltdown – #MyHealthPlanDied

Jonathan Karl reported today that paper and phone ObamaCare enrollment takes just as long as logging on to "We're all stuck in the same queue." See, "Obamacare Paper, Phone, Web Apps ‘Stuck in the Same Queue,’ Memos Note."

Here's the exchange, "Carney gets animated as reporter pressures him on Obamacare (Video)."

And also from Mandy Nagy, at Legal Insurrection, "Jay Carney nears meltdown over questions about Obamacare application process."

Leftists Smear Stage-4 Cancer Survivor Whose Insurance Plan Was Curb-Stomped Under #ObamaCare

It was inevitable.

Leftists will stop and nothing to destroy grassroots resistance to the ObamaCare monstrosity. Still, even this latest smear is lower than the lowest of the leftist-regressive low.

At Twitchy, "Despicable: WH smears cancer survivor who lost her insurance plan due to Obamacare." Plus, "Dana Perino slams WH with advice to shameful cancer victim-blaming Dan Pfeiffer."

Yep, this goes right to the top. See James Taranto, at WSJ, "How Low Can They Go? The White House Attacks a Cancer Patient":
Shame on You photo BYPlxHSCEAAwArUjpg-large_zps383916a5.jpeg
It's been just over a month since ObamaCare's disastrous launch, and it's just over three years until the scheduled election of Barack Obama's successor. It's going to be a long three years. The exposure of Obama's signature "achievement" as both incompetent and fraudulent (with its economic inviability yet to be realized) is also showing the administration's true face. It is an ugly one, and we can expect to see a lot more of it while Obama remains in office.

This morning the White House went on the attack against a cancer patient who is also a victim of ObamaCare. Edie Littlefield Sundby of San Diego explains in today's Wall Street Journal that she's been managing a case of stage 4 gallbladder cancer, an affliction whose five-year survival rate is just 2%. Having survived the diagnosis by seven years so far, she beat very long odds--and she did so with the help of an excellent insurance plan that covered care at three hospitals, two in California and one in Texas.

In touting ObamaCare, Obama asserted at least two dozen times (in slightly varying language) that if you like your health plan, you can keep it. As Sundby explains, she is a victim of Obama's fraudulent sales pitch:
Since March 2007 United Healthcare has paid $1.2 million to help keep me alive, and it has never once questioned any treatment or procedure recommended by my medical team. The company pays a fair price to the doctors and hospitals, on time, and is responsive to the emergency treatment requirements of late-stage cancer. Its caring people in the claims office have been readily available to talk to me and my providers.

But in January, United Healthcare sent me a letter announcing that they were pulling out of the individual California market. The company suggested I look to Covered California starting in October.
Covered California is the state ObamaCare exchange, one of those that, unlike the administration-built federal one, has some degree of technical functionality. Thus Sundby was able to log in and check out her options, which--contrary to Obama's "new and improved" sales pitch, that people whose policies are canceled will get better insurance--were unsatisfactory. No plan available to her would cover both her primary-care doctor at the University of California, San Diego, and her oncologist at Stanford. Sundby asks: "What happened to the president's promise, 'You can keep your health plan'? Or to the promise that 'You can keep your doctor'? Thanks to the law, I have been forced to give up a world-class health plan. The exchange would force me to give up a world-class physician." This morning Dan Pfeiffer the fast-talking flack tweeted out a piece from, a leftist propaganda outfit. Titled "The Real Reason That the Cancer Patient Writing in Today's Wall Street Journal Lost Her Insurance," the piece, by one Igor Volsky, claims that "Sundby shouldn't blame reform." Volsky instead blames United Healthcare, which, he writes, "dropped her coverage because they've struggled to compete in California's individual health care market for years and didn't want to pay for sicker patients like Sundby":
"The company's plans reflect its concern that the first wave of newly insured customers under the law may be the costliest," UHC Chief Executive Officer Stephen Helmsley told investors last October. "UnitedHealth will watch and see how the exchanges evolve and expects the first enrollees will have 'a pent-up appetite' for medical care. We are approaching them with some degree of caution because of that."

Get that? The company packed its bags and dumped its beneficiaries because it wants its competitors to swallow the first wave of sicker enrollees only to re-enter the market later and profit from the healthy people who still haven't signed up for coverage.

Sundby is losing her coverage and her doctors because of a business decision her insurer made within the competitive dynamics of California's health care market.
All this may be true, but it begs the question. The addition of a phrase to that last sentence shows why: Sundby is losing her coverage and her doctors because of a business decision her insurer made within the competitive dynamics of California's health care market under the regulatory structure established by Obama's comprehensive "reform." Obama did not qualify his pitch by stating that if you like your health plan, you can keep it unless your insurer makes a business decision to the contrary within the competitive dynamics of your state's health care market. To the contrary, he represented ObamaCare as protecting consumers from precisely that sort of cruel business decision, and he has not backed away from that fraudulent promise: At a speech last Wednesday, he asserted that the only policies being canceled were "substandard" ones offered by former "bad-apple insurers" whose practices ObamaCare reformed.
There's more at the link.

The lame Volsky piece is pure propaganda. Despicable propaganda at that.

Noel Sheppard offers another takedown at NewsBusters, "Obama Advisor Tweets Far-Left Website's Rebuttal to Cancer Survivor Losing Doctors Due to ObamaCare":
... that a senior White House advisor would disseminate such detritus to rebut the claim of a cancer survivor is deplorable.

Sadly, there is no floor to the depths this administration will sink to defend itself or advance its agenda.
Staggering Democrat douchebaggery.

Lucy Pinder Epic Hotness for #Rule5 Monday

Hey, too good to wait for the weekend!

At Egotastic!, "Lucy Pinder in 'Time for Bed' Photoshoot."

#LAX Shooting: It's Jared Loughner and Zeitgeist All Over Again

As is to be expected, when news broke of the shooting at Los Angeles International Airport, the usual suspects were out in force attempting to smear conservatives and gun rights supporters as complicit in the mayhem.

What I noticed was the Southern Poverty Law Center pushing hard on the anti-government, right-wing militia meme.

Despicable people. Especially so since there's little evidence that the suspect, Paul Ciancia, had any coherent ideological program. See Robert Stacy McCain on that, "LAX Shooter: Some Kind of Kook":
There’s this weird little game going on between the Justice Department and the media where bits and pieces of LAX gunman Paul Ciancia’s one-page manifesto keep getting leaked out, and yet it seems no one has the entire note. So the shooter supposedly ranted about the “New World Order” and “fiat currency,” which is being interpreted by some as evidence of a right-wing motive — except, no it’s not: It’s Jared Loughner and Zeitgeist all over again.

Perhaps you’ve forgotten how Loughner, the 2011 Tucson shooter, was a big fan of the pseudo-”documentary” Zeitgeist, which wraps up 9/11 Truther stuff in a lot of conspiracy theory crap about bankers, “fiat currency,” and other such paranoid kook stuff.
Clear enough. And RTWT.

Still, the leftist press is all over the Mark Potok "hate-watch" theory of the right-wing "patriot" anti-goverment types. At yesterday's Los Angeles Times, for example, "LAX shooting comes amid mounting aversion to the TSA":
WASHINGTON — The killing of a TSA screener in Los Angeles is symptomatic of a growing antipathy toward government workers and TSA personnel in particular, experts said Saturday.

Specialists on hate crimes and union officials decried what they said was a general atmosphere of mockery and derision toward TSA agents that they said is amplified by late-night talk show hosts, politicians and news media.

"When people or institutions are vilified on national television and in the public square, you often see people latch on to them as enemies to be destroyed," Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center, said in an interview.

Potok has tracked radical groups for more than two decades. He said alleged shooter Paul Anthony Ciancia appeared to have subscribed to anti-government theories about a conspiracy to take away American freedoms and create a single global government.

The violent outburst Friday has put airport screeners around the country on edge, just weeks before terminals will see a rush of passengers during the stressful holiday season.

As Ciancia allegedly blasted his way through the checkpoint, the 23-year-old was looking for transportation security officers to shoot, officials said, and cursing the Transportation Security Administration.

A note found with Ciancia contained a rant against the government and the words "kill TSA," said a federal law enforcement official briefed on the investigation. "I would love to see people stop making villains out of government workers — they are good people" said J. David Cox, the president of the American Federation of Government Employees, the union that represents 45,000 TSA employees. TSA officers are verbally abused by passengers every day, Cox said.

"They may go through your luggage, they may question your name on your ticket, but all that is for your protection. It is not to harass you," he said.
Despicable smears. "Tea party" pops into people's minds when they see these "anti-government" memes. And Mark Potok is the f-king last person to trust commenting on this. You might say (cough, cough), he has an agenda.

Nearly 290,000 to Be Dropped from Insurance Plans in Washington State

And remember, this is by design.

At the Seattle Times, "Canceled health insurance plans add to angst of change" (via Weasel Zippers):
Bill Fullner has reached his breaking point.

It started with the letter from his health-insurance company informing him it was canceling his plan and offering him a new one that’s nearly twice as expensive. Then the 60-year-old retiree from Mount Vernon heard about more people like himself with canceled plans and soaring premiums. Finally, he spent hours on the phone and computer trying — and failing — to find a new option that he likes.

“This whole experience has converted a lifelong Democrat into a foot soldier for the Republican Party,” Fullner said.

He’s not alone in his frustration.

In Washington, most of the 290,000 people covered by insurance plans they purchased on the individual market received letters this fall telling them that their plans are going away.

That’s because under the Affordable Care Act, insurance plans must meet new requirements, including limits on how much money patients spend in out-of-pocket medical expenses, and they must cover 10 so-called essential benefits such as preventive care, prescription drugs and maternity care.

So all 90,181 people with insurance coverage from Regence BlueShield have learned their plans will be canceled, as did all 60,000 people covered by Group Health Cooperative. Some 77,000 people with LifeWise Health Plan, a subsidiary of Premera Blue Cross, also learned their plans were being scrapped.

An additional 24,000 people with LifeWise are covered under “grandfathered” plans that predate the act and will not be canceled, though members will be getting letters in November informing them they can move to another plan if they would like to.
Some folks will qualify for subsidies or they'll be sent to Medicaid, a failing Great Society-era program.

But you just gotta love how this dude Fulner now calls himself "a foot soldier for the Republican Party."

That reminds me of my earlier post, "Dem Party is F****d'." They may well be. They just very well may be.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sunday Cartoons

At Flopping Aces, "Sunday Funnies."

William Warren photo You_Have_to_Keep_It-Warren_zpsfedac453.jpg

Also at Randy's Roundtable, "Friday Nite Funnies," and Reaganite Republican, "Reaganite's SUNDAY FUNNIES."

More at Legal Insurrection, "Branco Cartoon –"

CARTOON CREDIT: William Warren.

'Dem Party is F****d'

From Ron Fournier, at National Journal, "Obama Takes Friendly Fire" (via Clarice Feldman, "The Silence of the Left").

'Pretty Woman'

I love this song, but this video is a trip. Halfway through it zooms on some woman apparently in the audience and she makes not a move. Indeed, her eyes are cold as ice, almost as if death rays are about to spout forth, lol.

It's all good, in any case. No one could sing Pretty Woman like Roy Orbison.

Lovely Sunday #Rule5

Well, it's been a couple of weeks since my last roundup.

So let's get rockin'!

At the Other McCain, "Rule 5 Sunday: Maximum Acceleration."

And from Soylent Refuge, "Morning Coffee Creamer," and "Marianne."

Theo's Totty photo BTO21_zps30699d18.jpg

More at Pirate's Cove, "Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup," and "If All You See……is an evil rising ocean that can only be stopped by the paternal hand of Government, you might just be a Warmist."

And from Bob Belvedere, "Rule 5 Saturday: Sophie Mei."

Also Daley Gator, "DaleyGator DaleyBabes Saturday Beauty."

More at Knuckledraggin', "Your Good Morning Girl," and "And who doesn’t miss the micro mini skirt?"

And In a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World has the "Friday Pinups."

At EBL, "Shocking Study: People tend to focus on a woman's breasts..."

Now from Wine, Women, and Politics as well, "Weekend Sweeties."

At Animal Magnetism, "Solo Ginger Saturday."

From Blackmailers Don't Shoot, "Pretty Girls on a Thursday, Halloween Hotties Edition."

Proof Positive, "Bye Week for San Francisco 49er's," and "The Best of the Web* Linkaround."

See also, the Hostages, "Big Boob Friday."

Plus, from Drunken Stepfather, "Steplinks of the Day."

And at a View From the Beach, "Rule 5 Saturday - Covert Coyote - Piper Perabo."

Good Stuff's has "Amanda Kerr."

First Street Journal has, "Rule 5 Blogging: Wooden Shoes Edition."

At Odie's, "Coffee ? ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style."

And at Randy’s Roundtable, "Thursday Nite Tart - Kathy Eusse."

Postal Dogs, "Bree Olson."

And at Egotastic!, "Happy 18th Birthday Kendall Jenner (You Have Arrived)," and "Adriana Lima’s Sexy Lingerie and Other Fine Things to Ogle."

Still more at Subject to Change, "Humpday."

Plus, at 90 Miles From Tyranny, "Girls With Guns," and "Morning Mistress."

Drop your links in the comments of I've missed your Rule 5.

Until then...

Maybe Ted Cruz Won That Shutdown Fight After All

He totally won the shutdown fight.

And House Republicans did themselves right by standing firm as long as they could. Remember, Republicans fully funded the budget except for ObamaCare. The White House knew the system was screwed all along. It should have taken the deal and punted healthcare past the 2014 elections. Now everything's FUBAR with no rescue in sight.

Lonely Con has it, with a pithy response on Twitter:

Whoa — Associated Press Gets Real on #ObamaCare!

Man, how times change!

What's amazing to me with the ObamaCare debacle is how the normally boot-licking Democrat press has been consistently tearing into the administration. Associated Press was savaged during the Bush years as a hopeless shill for the anti-American left. But these days you'd think AP was an in-house organ at Fox News.

See, "Health policy cancellations are new blow for administration" (via Laura Ingraham).

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Now is when Americans start figuring out that President Barack Obama's health care law goes beyond political talk, and really does affect them and people they know.

With a cranky federal website complicating access to new coverage and some consumers being notified their existing plans are going away, the potential for winners and losers is creating anxiety and confusion....

The Obama administration insists nobody will lose coverage as a result of cancellation notices going out to millions of people. At least 3.5 million Americans have been issued cancellations, but the exact number is unclear. Associated Press checks find that data is unavailable in a half the states.

Mainly they are people who buy directly from an insurer, instead of having workplace coverage. Officials say these consumers aren't getting "canceled" but "transitioned" or "migrated" to better plans because their current coverage doesn't meet minimum standards. They won't have to go uninsured, and some could save a lot if they qualify for the law's tax credits.

Speaking in Boston's historic Faneuil Hall this past week, Obama said the problem is limited to fewer than 5 percent of Americans "who've got cut-rate plans that don't offer real financial protection in the event of a serious illness or an accident."

But in a nation of more than 300 million, 5 percent is a big number - about 15 million people. Among them are Ian and Sara Hodge of Lancaster, Pa., in their early 60s and paying $1,041 a month for a policy.

After insurer Highmark, Inc., sent the Hodges a cancellation notice, the cheapest rate they say they've been able to find is $1,400 for a comparable plan. Ian is worried they may not qualify for tax credits, and doesn't trust that the federal website is secure enough to enter personal financial information in order to find out.

"We feel like we're being punished for doing the right thing," he said.

Their policy may not have met the government's standards, "but it certainly met our minimum standards," Hodge added.

"The main thing that upsets us is the president ... said over and over and over again: If you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan, guaranteed."

There's a chance the number of people getting unwanted terminations may grow. In 2015, the law's requirement that larger companies provide health insurance will take effect. It's expected that a small share of firms will drop coverage, deciding that it's cheaper to pay fines imposed under the law.
The piece notes that some people have seen improved coverage under the law, but attitudes are overall negative and more change --- adverse change --- is coming down the pipeline, especially once the employer mandate kicks in after 2015:
Up to now, the changes for employer plans have been incremental. They tend to expand benefits, not take things away.

For example, young adults can stay on a parent's coverage until they turn 26. Employers cover women's birth control as a preventive service, free of charge. Screening tests such as colonoscopies are also free.

But cost control provisions, mainly a tax on expensive insurance plans that starts in 2018, are converging with the long-standing push by employers to tame health costs. Some companies have raised deductibles and copayments for employees, saying they need to scale back to avoid tangling with the coming tax. Others are giving employees a fixed amount of money to shop in private health insurance markets that resemble those created by the law.

Expect cutbacks to be blamed on the law. Sorting out whether that's warranted may be difficult.

"What the Affordable Care Act did was give companies a very convenient excuse to say `Oh, gosh, we really have to get serious about insurance costs,'" said Paul Keckley, an independent health benefits consultant. "I think there's a bit of a bob and weave. The ACA was a convenient excuse for doing what (corporate) human resources departments have been calculating to do for years."

New York Times Propaganda: Obama 'Misspoke' About Keeping Your Plan

This is really a bit much.

The editors at the New York Times richly deserve the mockery now pummeling them.

Here's the editorial, "Insurance Policies Not Worth Keeping":
Congressional Republicans have stoked consumer fears and confusion with charges that the health care reform law is causing insurers to cancel existing policies and will force many people to pay substantially higher premiums next year for coverage they don’t want. That, they say, violates President Obama’s pledge that if you like the insurance you have, you can keep it.

Mr. Obama clearly misspoke when he said that. By law, insurers cannot continue to sell policies that don’t provide the minimum benefits and consumer protections required as of next year. So they’ve sent cancellation notices to hundreds of thousands of people who hold these substandard policies.
Once again, the editors, as cutout ideological leftists, just don't get it: People liked their plans, or they wouldn't have purchased them. They like the affordability and flexibility, and especially the power to choose their doctors and hospitals. Listen to Natalie Willis, who was featured in the blockbuster CBS report a couple of weeks back, now making appearances on Fox News:

Ms. Willis says "I did a lot of research before I picked the plan that I had in the first place, and if I had wanted more coverage I would have just gotten another plan. So I really like the plan ... you know, I don't want more. That's why I didn't have more in the first place."

In other words, she bought the insurance policy that was right for her.

But now under ObamaCare she can't have what she researched, purchased, and liked. She's got to have much more coverage, and so far she's been unable to purchase a new plan because the healthcare website she's using in California is kinky, confusing, and difficuly to use.

Democrats can't spin this epic consumer dissatisfaction away. It's despicable for the New York Times to blame Republicans for stoking "consumer fears." Republicans didn't go searching for disgruntled Americans. The mainstream media outlets have been bursting at the seams with story after story of unhappy customers. Nearly a month ago, the San Jose Mercury News published the devastating piece detailing the "winners and losers" in California's shift to ObamaCare. It's been an avalanche of bad news for the left since then. Just last week, the the Los Angeles Times came out with the devastating piece outlining massive frustration with skyrocketing premiums in the state.

So the left, once again, is back to lying. And by now it's gotten so transparent it'd be funny if the stakes weren't so high.

Here's more at Twitchy, "Boot-licking fail: You won’t believe NYT’s excuse for Obama’s ‘you can keep your plan’ lie."

More at Viking Pundit, "The New York Times beclowns itself again." And Patterico, "The New York Times is beyond parody" (via Memeorandum).

Added: The Other McCain has more, "Obama and the New York Times Decide Which Health Plans Are Worth Keeping."

Pissed-Off 'ObamaCare Losers' Could Pack Political Punch

Oh boy, people are gonna be fired up next November.

At Politico, "Obamacare losers could pack political punch":
Meet the new Soccer Mom: Obamacare losers.

Millions of married, older, white, college-educated, GOP-leaning Americans have quickly seen their political profile rise after their health insurance companies sent them cancellation letters with the launch of the giant new health care law.

It’s not a huge segment of the population — estimates show between 10 million to 19 million people bought health insurance from what Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius dubbed the “Wild West” individual marketplace.

But the ones who are making the most anti-Obamacare noise are part of this group (think of the self-employed, small business owners, freelance writers, musicians and taxi cab drivers) that share one politically pertinent common denominator. Their complaints — amplified in recent weeks by Republicans and reporters — demonstrate one of the first tangible stumbles of the Affordable Care Act.

“It’s not theoretical anymore,” said Virginia-based health industry consultant Robert Laszewski. “You can spin in the White House press room, but these are people who will be sitting down with their friends and families at Thanksgiving sharing stories about their cancellation letters. That’s going to be the only thing that counts.”

Horror stories already abound of people who can’t get insurance through their employer and are now finding that their old plans don’t measure up to Obamacare’s standards. There may indeed be better policies around the corner, giving people more protections when they actually do get sick and requiring guaranteed coverage for things like prescription drugs, emergency hospital visits, maternity and mental health and not being black listed due to a preexisting condition.

Still, it’s the shock of the change — especially after President Barack Obama repeatedly promised that anyone could keep the plan that they had — that is very real and threatens to resonate through the 2014 midterm campaign...
More at the link. (Via Memeorandum.)

RELATED: "Obama Lied — White House Aides Debated President's Pledge to Americans: 'You Can Keep Your Plan'."

Saturday, November 2, 2013

GOP Gives Health Law Stumbling Room

Republicans need to let this play out for awhile.

The law's not working and Democrat lies are finally getting the sunshine they so richly deserve.

At the Wall Street Journal, "Republicans Give Health Law Room to Stumble: New Tack Is a Departure From More Confrontational Approach Still Favored by Some in Party":
WASHINGTON—Many House Republicans are replacing their push to delay or defund the 2010 federal health law with a new strategy: Hang back and see if problems with the rollout continue or get worse.

It is an abrupt reversal of the activist approach of just weeks ago, when Republicans demanded changes to the law in exchange for funding the government or raising the nation's borrowing limit. Now, they say putting the spotlight on technical flaws of the law's health-insurance exchange may be more effective than a direct attack.

"It's its own worst enemy, and to some degree it is collapsing under its own weight," said Rep. Michael Burgess (R., Texas), who sits on the committee that pressed Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on Wednesday to explain what is going wrong.
Give 'em enough rope.

More at the link.

KMET Mighty Met Mighty Weekend on The Sound 100.3 FM

If you're an L.A. native, and a baby-boomer, then this weekend's rollback to the 1970s KMET radio at The Sound L.A. is right up your alley.

I'm listening right now.

The Ballad of John and Yoko - The Beatles 2:36 PM

Lunatic Fringe - Red Rider 2:31 PM

Peace of Mind - Boston 2:26 PM

Take Me To The Pilot - Elton John 2:22 PM

King of Pain - The Police 2:10 PM

Spirit In the Night - Bruce Springsteen 2:05 PM

Lovin', Touchin' Squeezin' - Journey 2:00 PM

Who Are You - WHO 1:54 PM

Dancin' Fool - Frank Zappa 1:50 PM

In the Mood - Robert Plant 1:36 PM


Bungle In the Jungle - Jethro Tull 1:27 PM

Unchained -  Van Halen 1:23 PM

Midnight Rambler - The Rolling Stones 1:08 PM

Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac 1:04 PM

Back In Black - AC/DC 1 PM

Jim Ladd's on tonight at 5:00pm. I used to love that guy!